
The Tour Bus 1

Y/n's POV

We have been travelling for about an hour and a half now. Everyone has descended into a comfortable silence. A stark contrast from the start of the journey when everyone had been quite lively. Tae-hee had put on a song unexpectedly, suddenly jumping to his feet and rapping every line over excitedly. I had joined him too, slipping up on the Korean words and not being able to rap properly anyway. It was undeniably fun though and soon enough the excitement was contagious as the rap line stood up and rapped along, spitting straight fire.

At Namgi's verse, I was in awe. My fangirl self had made a reappearance as I stood still, my mouth wide open, admiring the stutters and the calmness of his composure. When he saw my stunned face, he smiled confidently and winked smoothly, as though he was on stage and I was another fan in the crowd that he made go wild. I giggled girlishly, feeling completely flustered by his sudden action.