
CHAPTER 2 : Grata Region

After Jimmy thought about what he would do in the future, he started to stand up and walk around the area. This region is the territory of the Grata. Jimmy with his cardis opened the Map and saw the Grata area on the map, Jimmy looked for the nearest library from him, according to the map the closest library from where he was standing was about 2km with an estimated 20 minutes on foot. However, because Jimmy didn't want to waste his energy he decided to ride a Taxnet, which is a Taxi as usual but doesn't use wheels but uses a magnetic force to float with it Taxnet has no frictional force. 5 minutes later, Jimmy came down from Taxnet and Jimmy stood for a moment while looking at the white library building with green lines which has a height of 5 floors. After seeing Jimmy walking into the library, how shocked he was when he entered the library building while saying

"Wow!!!!! Guess how far human technology has advanced"

With a surprised face, Jimmy then went to the librarian's place and asked the librarian

"Where is the place to access information?"

The librarian answered

"It's over there, go down that hall to the end then stay straight and there's a room, that's the place"

Jimmy then said

"Thank you very much"

while going in the direction the librarian had told him to

Jimmy walked while looking at the high bookshelves on his left and right, Jimmy had reached the front of the room then Jimmy stopped while looking at the outside while saying

"Hm, the room is quite big, if you take a look around it seems that it's quiet inside"

then Jimmy entered the room. Then Jimmy sat in front of a computer, even though the shape was different from computers on earth due to technological advances over a period of 3,000 years, Jimmy tried to tinker with it and began to understand how it worked. Then Jimmy finds out about the officials and staff at the NPS and the history that has occurred for 3,000 years.

After 2 hours and 15 minutes of surfing the internet and finding out, Jimmy made a conclusion about what had happened so far. Jimmy concludes that there are areas where the people live hard and full of misery, important people live in luxury and are equipped with luxury facilities, and staff and officials live comfortably at the highest level of the NPS and control the entire NPS, not only that Jimmy also found facts that in the NPS there is an AI named Marximus which is programmed to control the NPS while all humans hibernate using the Metabolic Box for 2,800 years, and it is estimated that human technology has increased by 1.000%

After concluding, Jimmy left the library and went to find an inn. Jimmy also got on Taxnet and went to the inn he had ordered. Upon arrival, Jimmy immediately lay down on the bed because he was too tired. After lying down Jimmy got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Because, night has come Jimmy decided to sleep. In the morning Jimmy went to the cafe to buy breakfast in the morning, after breakfast a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Jimmy then went back to the inn. There Jimmy started thinking and saying in his mind

"It seems the university in this region isn't that good, so I'll move to a region with better education"

At noon, at 13.35 pm, Jimmy had walked out of his inn, after that Jimmy boarded Taxnet to go to Antromeda station. After arriving, without lingering Jimmy immediately ordered trainnet tickets and got on it. Jimmy ordered a trainnet ticket with a route to the Neomariak area because that area is known for the best education and architecture compared to the other 5 regions, but compared to the 6 areas belonging to important people and NPS staff, the Neomariak area is nothing.

After 27 minutes of the Trainnet trip that Jimmy took, he arrived at the Neomariak area, then Jimmy immediately got off the trainnet and left the station while walking. Jimmy opened his Cardis and saw the inn that was close to the university in this area. to the inn which took about 8 minutes, after arriving Jimmy immediately booked a room at the inn for 1 month.

It was 16.45 pm, Jimmy walked out of the inn to go to university to register himself. After all the paperwork and administration fees had been paid, it was 17.00 pm, because at night Jimmy returned to the inn and went straight to sleep. The next day, Jimmy's first day at Blaska university but he is late. Jimmy woke up at 7.45 am while his lessons started at 7.00 am, in a hurry Jimmy got ready as fast as possible, after that Jimmy ran with all his might 7 minutes later Jimmy hit a girl with golden yellow blonde hair, they both fell together the girl said in an angry tone

"Ouch!!! If you walk with your eyes, don't you have any eyes?!!!"

Jimmy then replied

"Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I was in a hurry"

Jimmy said as he stood back up and left the girl. After arriving at the front of the room, Jimmy then opened the door and entered the room Jimmy then walked slowly while hiding, not long after that the lecturer who was explaining the material shouted loudly

"Jimmy Carter, a student who just registered yesterday and entered late on his first day !!"

while getting angry looking at Jimmy who was sitting then everyone also stared at Jimmy then the lecturer said again

"All right, everyone please pay attention here, I will continue my explanation so, please listen carefully!"

after the lecturer explained for 1 hour, he left the room.

After that, Jimmy started to get acquainted with the man beside him, Jimmy said

"Hello I'm Jimny, let's be friends"

while swinging his hand forward, the man then replied and said

"Hello, sure why not. My name is Farez"

while shaking hands with Jimmy and swinging him. After a while they talked Jimmy invited Farez to come to his inn.