
Mysterious realm

In the surge of steam and machinery, who can grasp the extraordinary? Amidst the fog of history and darkness, who whispers in the ear? I awaken from the enigma, opening my eyes to behold this world: Firearms, cannons, colossal ships, airships, differential engines; alchemy, divination, curses, hanging men, sealed objects... Light still shines, mystery never far away, this is a tale of "The Fool."

jojokria · Fantasy
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55 Chs

055 Enlightenment

Anna hesitated for about ten seconds before saying, "You can choose any method you think is most effective. You're the diviner, not me. Of course, except for playing cards, including tarot. I've tried studying them at home, but it always felt more like toys, more like a game."

Klein pondered briefly, resting his elbows on the edge of the table, his palms clasped near his mouth and nose, his gaze calm and his tone solemn as he said, "Then we'll use a star chart divination."

He pointed to the fountain pen and stack of paper on the table, saying, "Write down your fiancé's name, physical features, address, date of birth, and if you remember the exact time, even better."

From her attire, appearance, and demeanor, he believed she wasn't illiterate.

Anna didn't respond immediately. She reached for a piece of paper, picked up the fountain pen, dipped it in ink, and began writing, pausing occasionally to think.

After two minutes, she pushed the paper across the table.

Klein reached out, turned it over, and absorbed the information written on the paper, saying, "Joyce Mayer, September 15th, 1323, 2 o'clock in the afternoon, 8 Stephen Street, East District, Tinggen City. Golden short hair, a nose like an eagle's beak..."

With just a glance, Klein quickly calculated the person's birth essence number: "1 plus 5 equals 6."

In the mystical field of numerology, the single-digit number obtained by adding up the digits of a birthdate is called the birth essence number, which influences a person's life before the age of 27. The birth month essence number (the sum of the digits of the birth month) influences ages 27 to 54, while the birth year essence number (the sum of the digits of the birth year) influences ages after 54.

Today was July 1349, and Joyce hadn't turned 27 yet, so Klein directly calculated the birth essence number.

The number 6 represented a balanced and harmonious life, with a period of compassionate and relatively good marriage or pre-marriage.

Next, he calculated the person's yearly essence number. The yearly essence number is obtained by replacing the birth year with the current year and adding it to the birth essence number and birth month essence number to approximate the year's overall fortune.

"1 plus 3 plus 4 plus 9 equals 17, 1 plus 7 equals 8; 8 plus birth month essence number 9 plus birth essence number 6 equals 23, 2 plus 3 equals 5; the yearly essence number is 5, indicating changes and surprises, requiring some risk..." Klein silently made a judgment based on the actual situation, confirming that Anna's provided information was quite accurate.

He withdrew his gaze from the paper and looked at Anna, asking, "Did Mr. Mayer depart on June 3rd?"

"If he didn't lie, then yes," Anna said, lightly biting her lip.

"Alright," Klein took the fountain pen and casually noted this down.

With his deep brown eyes, he looked at Anna and gently said, "I'm going to start drawing the corresponding star chart. This will take some time and absolute quiet. Could you wait outside for a while? Angelica will bring you a cup of coffee or tea."

"Okay." Anna, aware that some diviners had quirks, rose without surprise, took her hat adorned with a powder blue ribbon, and left the Citrine Room.

Klein locked the door behind her, returned to the table, and based on the date, time, and other factors, drew the event star chart, including elements such as constellations, planets, and houses (divisions of the sky).

During this process, he hardly consulted any "astrological manuals," completing everything purely from memory.

—During this period of mystical studies, Klein discovered that once he learned anything related to divination, he could easily grasp it and quickly turn it into instinct.

Perhaps this is what it means to be a "diviner"... After completing the star chart, Klein felt a sense of satisfaction, feeling lighter in body, mind, and spirit.

Looking at the results, based on the constellations, the positions of the planets in the houses, and other symbolic factors, he roughly judged that Joyce Mayer would encounter difficulties but ultimately be able to overcome them.

At this point, the divination was actually complete. However, Klein attached great importance to his first "business" and hoped to accumulate a good reputation for future endeavors. So, he picked up the fountain pen again and wrote a line in the Hermes language on the paper Anna had written on:

"Current situation of Joyce Mayer."

He silently repeated this sentence, memorizing the information such as the birthdate written on the paper, over and over again.

After seven repetitions, Klein grabbed the paper and leaned back in his chair.

He visualized a glowing sphere in his mind, his eyes turning deep black, and he quickly entered a state of meditation.

Suddenly, the surroundings became ethereal, with invisible things and illusory mist extending above. Klein went over all the contents written on the paper again, then let himself go and fell into a deep sleep in this state.

He was using the "dream divination method"!

Repeating the question, firmly remembering it, and then letting his astral body roam the spiritual realm in his dreams to gain insight!

For ordinary people, they might occasionally have similar experiences, but the symbols in their dreams are often complex and vague and difficult to remember. However, diviners don't have this problem; they can see some images directly.

Everything began to blur, and Klein felt half awake and half dazed.

In the distorted and illusory world, he saw a young man with a hawk-like nose and golden hair swimming frantically in a sea of blood, almost being swallowed several times but ultimately managing to escape to the shore.

The scene shifted, and Klein saw a gray-blue house with a toy windmill at the door. The young man with the hawk-like nose was walking slowly inside, looking joyful.

At that moment, the scene changed again, and Klein found himself inside a magnificent palace.

The walls were crumbling and dilapidated, with moss and weeds growing in some places. Through the holes around, he could see the peaks outside and the white clouds almost touching this place.

At the top of the palace, there was a huge stone throne embedded with dim gems and gold, seemingly not intended for humans.

The giant throne was empty and weathered, as if it had experienced the ravages of time.

Klein looked around in confusion, not understanding why he would dream of such a scene.

His daze began to fade, and he subconsciously walked outside the palace to confirm where he was.

Suddenly, he felt the gaze of eyes behind him!

Klein whirled around and looked at the giant stone throne, where countless transparent maggots seemed to be huddled together, wriggling slowly and growing wantonly.


He abruptly opened his eyes, awakening from the dream.

The crystal ball, tarot cards, and the paper with the star chart came into view, and reality quickly overcame illusion.

"The initial dream was the result of divination, but what about the rest? It seemed to be aimed at me?" Klein put down the paper, rubbed his temples, and frowned in thought.

He could confirm that this was not a manifestation of hidden fears because he was doing divination.

"A non-human palace on a mountaintop... silent stares at me... twisted and strange worm imagery..." Klein recalled the previous events silently guessing, "Was it the communicator from the 'transference ritual' or something from the Antigonus family's notes... Right, the Night Kingdom mentioned in that notebook from the Hornaces Mountains! The palace in the dream just now was on top of a mountain!"

He interpreted it briefly and felt fortunate for choosing to be a "diviner." According to Old Neil, even "snoopers" could do "dream divination," but they certainly weren't as good as him. 

Sigh, lingering shadows... He could only hope to catch Ryle Bieber soon... Klein restrained his emotions, picked up the paper with the star chart, and walked slowly to the door.

He opened the door and entered the reception hall, where he saw Anna staring out the window, completely ignoring the tea in front of her.

"Ah, Mr. Moretti, have you divined the outcome?" Anna's eyes caught sight of Klein in the corner, and she hastily stood up.

Klein didn't directly answer but instead asked based on the insights gained from the dream:

"At your home, or Mr. Mayer's home, is there a toy windmill at the door?"

Anna's eyes widened suddenly, and she was speechless for a while.

After a while, she murmured, "That's a gift he gave me, right at the door of my house. How did you know..."

Could this also be divined? Klein smiled gently and said:

"Congratulations, Miss Anna. Mr. Joyce Mayer is visiting your home. If you hurry back, you should be able to meet him. He has experienced a disaster, an unimaginable ordeal. What he needs is not questions but comfort, warmth."

"Really?" Anna asked in disbelief.

The diviners she knew never spoke with such certainty or gave such definite conclusions.

"You'll know as soon as you get home," Klein said softly with a smile.

"Oh, Lord of Steam, is this true? Is my poor Joyce coming back? Are you really sure? No, I can't believe it..." Anna was stunned for a moment, almost incoherently.

She took out a 1-soule note from her bag, didn't wait for Klein to give her change, and left the divination club almost running, hastily taking a carriage back home.

"Does this include a tip?" Klein held the bill and shook his head with a smile.


The two-wheeled carriage swiftly passed through the streets and entered the East District.

Anna looked anxiously, expectantly, and fearfully at the streets flying by outside the window. Not long after, the toy windmill came into her view.

She got off the carriage, barely paying attention to her appearance, and almost stumbled to the door, ringing the doorbell.

The door creaked open, and Anna saw a golden-haired young man in black formal attire. He looked pale but had a joyful expression and a hawk-like nose.

"I thought we'd miss each other today," Joyce said with a smile.

"...By the Steam, you're really back!" Anna rubbed her eyes and exclaimed, shocked and delighted.

The diviner's words were true!

No, he was a real diviner!

It's simply amazing!

Thoughts surged and boiled within her. Anna held back her tears, rushed forward, and gave her fiancé a warm hug.

Outside the gray-blue house, the two stood embracing quietly, the toy windmill slowly turning, and all the hardships seemed to have gone far away.