

Troland Empire, Newtide City.

Newtide City is one of the biggest and most powerful cities in the Troland Empire.

In fact, it was so powerful that it could guard the entire eastern border of the Troland Empire on its own!

It was rumoured that 20 years ago, during the Great War, the 3 mighty Clans in the Newtide City annihlated an entire army led by a King-Level Expert!

So, in Newtide City and even in the entire Troland Empire, no one dares to provoke these three clans!

Their status is only second to the Royal Family of the Troland Empire!

And these clans are...

The Lin Clan, The Wang Clan and The Feng Clan!

Today, in one of the three clans, the Wang Clan, a joyous atmosphere prevailed the entire clan.

Today is the day that the son of the Family Head is born!


In a large hall in the Wang Clan.

The Clan Head, Wang Han, a handsome man with golden hair, was pacing back and forth outside a closed room. His expression was anxious and filled with worry.

Inside the hall, two people were also waiting outside but sitting on chairs. They looked at Wang Han with amusement in their eyes.

"Hahaha. Big brother, if some stranger sees you right now, they'll never guess that you are the mighty Clan Head of the Wang Clan."

The speaker was a golden haired young man wearing a blue robe.

This young man was the younger brother of the Clan Head, Wang Jin.

"Shut the hell up! Speak another word and I'll throw you out!"

Wang Han was already anxious to begin with, and his brother's words tapped his nerves.

"Hehe. Easy there, brother. I won't talk anymore." Wang Jin obviously didn't take his words seriously at all.

Seeing them like that, the other person chuckled and didn't say anything.

This person was a middle aged man. His appearance had some resemblance with Wang Han and Wang Jin. He was their father, Wang Xuan.

While looking at the anxious appearance of his son, he suddenly remembered himself when he was in the same position many years ago, waiting for his son to be born.

"I was likely even more anxious than him." Wang Xuan sighed lightly.

Suddenly they heared the voice of a crying baby coming from the closed room. A maid opened the door hurriedly ans smiled.

"Congratulations, Family Head! It's a boy!"


At this time, in a very far away palce from the Newtide City.

A white robed young man was sitting in a restaurant enjoying his food and drinks.

Suddenly, the man stopped eating and looked at a certain direction.

His gaze penetrated the space itself and landed at a newly born baby. The baby was surrounded by a mysterious and invisible aura.

Sensing this aura, the young man couldn't help but sigh.

"Sigh...Another one, huh. Let's see how it goes this time." Then he retracted his gaze and continued eating happily.