
Mysterious Legacy: Her Secret World!

Lily was one of the most influential business mogul in the whole of New York City despite her young age. Buried deep in sorrow by the death of her father, Lily tried to stay sane until she met Richard who seemed to be the right one for her, little did she know that she had unknowingly entered the lion's den. There was a deep secret in her family that she had lived in without knowing and when she finally found out, it almost took her to the point of no return. Would she find out the truth about her blood? What could possibly save her from this? What would Richard's reaction be when he discovered Lily's deep secret? Would he turn to hurt her?

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Chapter 2: Iron-Willed

Chapter 2: Iron-Willed

From the moment William was able to look into Lily's eyes, he could tell that something was going bad in her life. She needed a good company. Could she just be acting strong? He had heard a sad news that occurred in her family recently, but he still wasn't sure if he should believe it.

In actual fact, he had come to this gathering when he got the information that Lily would be attending it. Since she was no longer there, he had no reason to remain there.

Drinking up the rest of the wine in his glass, he stood up and tagged along. He had to speak with her else coming here would be considered useless.

Entering the other elevator, the door closed, taking him down the building.

Jane could not easily recover from the shock she was going through. What had just happened?

Fear gripped her. Nothing must happen to Lily else she would have a lot of personalities to face.

"Boss...boss!" She called out anxiously. Bending down, she hugged Lily so tight as she waited for the elevator to stop.

Taking a deep breath, she rushed out with Lily immediately the elevator door opened. She needed to do something about this before a paparazzi would get a glimpse of the situation.

William landed successfully. Rushing out, he thought Lily had left but when he turned, he froze.

"Lily, Lily, look at me Lily." He grabbed Lily with anxiety all over his face.

Seeing as she didn't respond, he quickly carried her and headed towards to garage hastily.

Jane followed behind. She went straight to Lily's car and opened the doors immediately.

"Get in, I will drive." William said in an urgent tone.

There was no time to argue about it. Jane quickly got into the car, hugging Lily so tight.

"Boss please be alright. Nothing will happen to you, I believe. Please drive faster."

"I'm trying. Relax, nothing will happen to your boss." William replied, trying to comfort her.

"I just hope there would be no traffic on the way. Oh my God! Please come to our rescue." She lamented. Picking up her phone, she dialed Lily's grandfather'phone number.

"Grandfather, we are heading to the City's hospital. Lily fell unconscious." She said, hanging up the phone.

Grandfather on the other end froze.

Luckily for them, there was no traffic, they got to the hospital smoothly.

Alarming the doctors and nurses, Lily got admitted.

The next morning, Lily woke up under the watch of everyone as the beautiful early morning sun bathed her skin through the window.

Opening her eyes, she could feel people watching her. When she raised her head, her eyes locked with William. Lily froze.

What was he doing by her side early this morning? She thought as she tried to recalled everything that occurred the night before. She could only remember getting off the phone with grandfather, nothing else. Looking at her environment, she was shocked to find out that she was in a hospital.

Holding her head, she tried to stand up.

"Boss no!"

"Dear don't."

"Be careful Lily."

Concerned poured in, automatically keeping her calm.

Looking into each of their eyes, "how did I get here?"

"Boss, you had lost consciousness in the elevator yesterday. We got here on time, all thanks to Mr William." Jane explained, expressing gratitude to William.

Coming to a realization of what her assistant meant, her creased eyebrows cleared. "Thanks a lot Mr William! I really appreciate this help. I'll be sure to return this in the best possible way." She softly said.

"You don't have to Lily. It could happen to anyone. I'm sure if it was me, you would have done the same." William didn't think the thanks was necessary.

Grandfather felt satisfied. At least his daughter was alright. Thank goodness it was not something so serious.

"I just hope no one saw us last night. We never can trust that the hotel was free of paparazzi." Jane expressed her concerns.

"You are right Jane." Lily said. She had actually forgotten this little details that could bring down her reputation.

Grandfather picked the point. That was one of his concerns as well. Picking up his phone, he called his assistant.

"Head over now and ensure no one spreads stupid news about my granddaughter."

"Yes sir." Billy said, hanging up to get to work as instructed.

"You are protected dear." Lily's grandfather said in a heavy voice. He could not make it up to his son, do he would make it up to his granddaughter.

"Jane, get me discharged. I need to leave now." Lily said, sitting up.

"But boss..."

"There is no buts. Get me ready."

"Yes boss." Jane responded as she left to get it done.

"But Lily, are you really sure you want to do this? I don't think you are strong enough." Lily's grandfather said, expressing his unwillingness to led her get discharged.

"Grandfather, I need to get to the company. There are things I need to figure out today in regards to the project with Zale corporation. This deal must not fail grandfather." Lily said, sipping the glass of lemon water that was served.

"Alright dear, you know you have my full support."

"I know grandfather. I love you grandfather." Lily said.

William only watched by the side, impressed by the connections between Lily and her grandfather.

Soon, Lily was discharged from the hospital. They all walked out of the hospital feeling relieved. At least, Lily was okay.

"Thank you so much William for everything. You are the least person I expected any form of help from." Lily said. She was still surprised that she got a help from a stranger.

"I need to head go.e now grandfather." Turning to Jane, "You should go prepare, I'll see you at the office."

"Alright boss"

"Be careful Lily." Grandfather then said, as he watched her get into the vehicle and left.

"William boy, thank you so much for being by my granddaughter's side."