
Mysterious Hero

Before the man named S.R. PRACHAYA appeared in his life. Krist's existence is almost pathetic. But after he found the bloody and amnesiac man inside his clinic, his life was starting to change And he looks like an angel to this man for being his life's survival. But maybe he needs to be careful if he does not want to be in love with a guy he does not know if he can trust. Because what if at the back of his heroic face and form, a criminal was hidden?

Lola_Sha · Action
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14 Chs

The Date

He did not know where Singto planned to take him, so he stood in front of the cabinet for an hour to choose what to wear. Does he need to wear a semi-formal or a formal attire?

But in the end, he choose to wear his favorite polo and a black pants.

He looks at Kong chewing a chew toy.

"What do you think about Singto's plan?"

Hearing the name of the man, Kong raised his head before standing and wagging his tail and run out of his room. Then he heard the sound of the doorbell.

"He's here," Krist whispered to himself. So he hurried to open the door

Singto smiled at him. He is also wearing a polo and jeans and rubber shoes. They are all new, he bought them by using his first salary which he got from Krist. He looks very handsome and his scent is pleasant.

"Hi," Krist said shyly

"Hello," replied by Singto. "Ready?"

Krist nodded and stepped out of the house.

"Kong won't go with us?" Singto asked when he noticed Krist bid goodbye to his pet before he closed the door.

Krist looked at Singto. "Who do you want to date, me or Kongpob?" His face became red, after he realized what he asked to the man.

Singto laughed. "Of course, its you," he replied. "But Kong is your bodyguard right?"

Krist gave him a shoulder-bump. "I have a trust on you." he replied.

Singto smiled at him and so they walked out of the gate.

There are plenty of beautiful places to visit in Patong. So Krist became curious when they stopped in front of the clinic.

"What are we doing here?" Krist asked

Singto only smiled at him and then opened the door. They entered inside and then he escorted him up to the rooftop of the clinic.

Krist was surprised at what he saw.

At the middle of the roof-deck there is a large blue-colored blanket and pillows which he knows they're come from the reception area of the clinic. In the center of the blanket there are a large pizza, a plate full of fried chicken, a plate of french fries, a large bottle of soft drinks, tableware and paper napkins lying on it. Beside of those there were tiny candles inside the glass lanterns which illuminated the place. Which he did not know how Singto find them in his clinic's warehouse.

"I'm sorry," Singto said as he put a hand on his shoulder and brought him to their picnic spot.

"I'm sorry, this is the only thing I can handle. I'm still not sure if I'm safe going out to the clinic."

He apologizes to him? For a romantic date he prepared for him? He definitely swept him off his feet and now he dared to apologize to him?.

"This is the best date I've ever been on." Krist said while smiling.

The other guy smiled but Krist noticed that he's blushing.

"I just wanted to do something special for you." Singto stated

They sat on the pillows.

Singto put the juice on two glasses, while Krist placed food on 2 plates before reaching one for him.

"How did you prepared all of these?" Krist asked before biting the fries he's holding

"I ordered pizza which they delivered awhile ago, and I roasted the chicken and fries by myself." Singto answered

Krist watched him while eating. They sat beside each other so they're now both facing the sea. only few of the lights are on between the roof-deck of the clinic and the sea, the sky is dark but the moon's light is reflecting itself on the water. They also hear waves on the shore.

My God, thought of Krist. I think I'm falling in love on him. But why not? He is wise, smart, kind, polite, and handsome... what else can I look for?

Uhm… I do not know if he is a criminal or a police? Is he a soldier or a member of a terrorist group? I do not know anything about him yet! What if he has a girlfriend or boyfriend in Bangkok? My God, what if he is married and have a dozen of children?

"What are you thinking?" Singto asked, bringing Krist back to reality. The other guy noticed that he was staring intently at him.

Krist turned to sea before he answered the question. "I just thought, what if there is someone who's waiting for you in Bangkok."

Singto did not respond immediately and he also looked away. Perhaps he is also thinking the answer for that question.

"Nothing… maybe," he replied.

"How can you tell?" Krist asked.

He gave out a sigh of breath before he looked up at him. "If I have, I will not feel this way for you."

It was as if lightning struck Krist when he heard what Singto said. He feels like he wants to stand up and run around the roof deck and shout, "He likes me! He likes me!" but he stopped himself.

"Im sorry," Singto said and he looks at the eyes of the man beside him. "I didn't mean to blurt out. Do not worry. I'm not a bad guy nor a pervert. If you do not like me, I will not force myself into you. I just wanted to tell you."

Krist did not answer. He could not speak because of the joy he felt during that time.

When they finished eating, they set aside the dishes, before they seat comfortably again and watched the stars.

Candlelit dinner near the sea, and star gazing with full moon rays, they are the scene in a romantic movie.

Full moon and then first kiss. Krist bit his bottom lips because of the last thought.

Few seconds later, they were lying on the blanket beside each other while looking at the sky.

"I know only Polaris and Little Dipper," Krist said while watching the stars. "Do you know the names of each constellations?"

Singto raised his arm and pointed to a constellation near the Little Dipper. "Draco", he said before pointing out another "Ursa Major." And he pointed out again "Orion"

"Wait! Wait!" Krist exclaimed. "Just one by one. Where is the Orion?"

Singto re-directs the constellation that Krist asked. "Do you see that star line?"

Krist rolled his eyes. "Everything that is in the sky can be connected or lined with three stars."

Singto laughed then approached him. As their shoulders touch to each other, Singto bent his head to be near him.

"That three," he pointed a curved line of three bright stars. "That's the Orion's Belt." And so he draw a line in the air to connect the stars to show Krist the Orion's body, head, arms, legs and arrows.

Krist's eyes glistened while imagining the picture which Singto showed in connecting the stars. "I can see it! I can actually see it." he was happy.

Singto also laughed. Krist pulled the sleeve of Singto's t-shirt when he saw a shooting star. "Did you see that?" he turned his gaze at the other guy.

He just looked at him as if he wanted to memorize his face. Krist forgot about the shooting star when Singto approached him and kissed him.

And there's nothing else for Krist to do but to kiss him back. After they ended the kiss, Singto looked at his eyes lovingly.

"I may not know who I am nor I remember my past. But I'm sure that I love you. And I think this is the perfect time to tell you how I feel."

Krist did not respond immediately, he wiped his tears that had fallen suddenly from his eyes. He touched both of Singto's cheeks while the other guy encircled his arms around his waist.

"I love you, too." Krist answered happily.

After a few seconds, he was taken to Singto's arms while he also tightly clinging to him.

After awhile Singto lifted his face then he put their forehead together before he nuzzled his nose. He didn't talked, but he held him tightly. Krist leaned his head over his chest before he looked at the sky again and watched the stars.