
Mysteries Of The System: The Ranking System

Abandoned by his family at a young age due to his ill fate, strived alone with the mindset of achieving revenge. That was the main goal till a fortunate event occurred and eased his pain, more like making him null to it but that wasn't the last of his family as he got sold out as a slave without consent or anything. Now, the child faces two paths of life right in front of him, the path of revenge or the path to redeem himself and to find the one who aided him to change his fate. Now, on which path will he tread upon or will he be able to achieve both? AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry guys, the first three chapters might be confusing, totally confusing but please, do read further to chapter 4 and give me a chance to cook ^⁠_⁠^

Crazy_X · Action
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25 Chs

Just A Spar — Part 2.

The three subconsciously had their guard up, the ice esper had icicle blades as arms for attacking and tanking as well while the gravity esper had his legs throbbing and the young girl's palms and eyes were glowing with a white light.

A smirk was made on Zyl's face despite him trying to keep his composure and hide his excitement.

He leaned a little bit over and in a flash he was no longer seen in his position by the spectators but in front of the ice esper and before the esper could put up a guard, Zyl had already hit his two arms, thereby, breaking both the icicles and his arms as well.

Screaming in pain, the esper slumped to the ground and rolled all around the floor.

Seeing what happened, the young girl then made the floor not just muddy but as well, solidify it as Zyl's leg was ankles-deep in the ground.

Using that chance, the gravity user rushed at Zyl and tried delivering a roundhouse kick, only for his leg to be caught in mid air and with ease, Zyl got off from the young girl's bondage.

With his left shin, targeting the temple of the gravity user who is now stuck and in an upside down position as Zyl was still holding onto his leg.

Using the sole of his shoe, he stomped, once, at the gravity guy's temple, thereby, knocking him out completely.

Now turning to the young girl who suddenly fell on her butt while shivering out of fear and as Zyl positions himself to go after her, shouts of disapproval and voices that pleaded him that it was enough rang all over the training ground even efforts were made to go after Zyl, including Darwin who have been standing from a distance while witnessing the supposed "spar".

Unfortunately for any of them, none was able to catch up to him even Darwin himself could only catch up to Zyl when he has already gotten to where the young girl is but fortunately as well, Zyl meant no harm as he knelt on one of his knees and patted the girl's hair saying, "you did great for a spar. To be fair, you won this round."

The girl who was still shivering suddenly stopped as she was surprised on what Zyl did instead.

Once again, hearing his comment suddenly brought the girl to tears as she starts to cry uncontrollably, thereby, bringing Zyl into an awkward situation.

While trying to calm the girl down, Zyl felt his right foot become cold and just as he turned, to his surprise, he found out that it was the ice esper who in turn said to him, "damn you." Before totally freezing Zyl completely.

Seeing him get completely frozen somehow got everyone relieved only for their relief to be shattered as to the same way the ice shattered too.

"What? I know am an asshole for taunting and disrespecting my seniors but I am no monster to hurt a cute kid, okay? Damn, even most clinically same villains know when it's off the grid!"

With this announcement Zyl made out of annoyance of how people were trying to see him as, everyone once again felt their relieved.

Zyl stood up and went to the middle of the training ground and made a straight ninety degrees bow, announcing,

"In front of you all, I apologize once again. Do understand that I have been living my everyday life with hard fists, so, my body was kind of wearing out with the absence of a taste of some battle.

Once again, I apologize, I did have fun and wished that we spar everyday. So come at me with killing intent and I'll try to always set my goal to neutralising my enemies instead. Do forgive me, I plead."

There was a huge silence before small murmurs such as,

"Wait, he wasn't going all out."

"Thinking about it, did he just use the word 'try' as he said what his goal was?"

"Living everyday knowing that you will have to go through this hellish fun? Now that's crazy."

"Yeah, more like how I have to battle my way out whenever I go to the toilet with my phone."

"Don't worry, every male go through that, unless those guys are too hard to get pleased."

"Hahaha, yeah that's true."

"Hey, aren't we deviating from the real reason we started murmuring?"

"He said he will 'try' to keep it under control right, what's there to fear?"

"Now, that's a death flag!!"

"Julius Devonte Zyl, you did pick up a sword but it seems you just don't know anything about techniques in any weapon rather, you just used your raw strength to the extent your wooden sword had to evaporate mid match and you even forgot that you picked up a weapon.

Now, knowing that, if you can't take care of your weapon, how do you think you can protect your partners and innocent hostages? You might be powerful but you need to be rational even in the midst of a battle, especially, if your opponent is more of brains than brawls.

So, from tomorrow henceforth, you are to have weapon lessons with me before the spar." Darwin commented but more surprisingly, he had a warm smile while doing it.

"Thank you for your future guidance, sir." Zyl being touched replied with a bow to show him how much gratitude he felt for that comment.

Just as everyone was enjoying the mood and slowly picking up their training equipment to continue their trainings, Darwin slowly walked off and went back to the terrace and had a seat on one of the chairs present.

He took out his phone and dialled a number which rang and got picked up.

"Sir Darwin, it's quite nice that you called and according to my speculations, this must be about Zyl, right?" said Hector at the other end of the phone.

"We called in a monster this time around. He is not the kind of specie, yes, specie to be surveyed on." Darwin gives his remarks.

"Well, that's not surprising, more like it was expected. He had no trouble in being sold off and even gave off a confident vibe as if he could even take care of the family head if he wanted to. Why don't you try to measure up his abilities?"

"He already had a spar with some of our men and women, exactly thirteen of our people lost to him while holding back without showing off any of his skill. With his previous statement, maybe he grew up in the midst of a battlefield, although, his records says of no such story."

"What are we to do then?"

"Just have hope he isn't hostile."

Dropping his last statement, Darwin suddenly cut the call, drops the phone on the table and lays back on the chair he was on as his eyes faced up on the terrace's roof.

At that moment, a maid came in and drops a tray with a bottle of water and another of a juice with two glasses placed beside, on the table, bows and takes her leave.

Time passed and it was finally a new day.

In summary of whatever that happened on the remaining hours before the current scenario of Zyl and Darwin standing toe to toe against each other with their swords drawn out;

Firstly, Zyl got to chat with most trainees there and got few tips about their own techniques while Zyl shares with them about some of the training he had to go through to achieve his current feats, although, no one seemed to believe some of the facts he gave to them.

Then, a room was provided to Zyl in one of the share houses with private bathrooms, built in the residential areas of the estate.

Surprisingly, he gets to share with the young girl Ellie (later told Zyl her name as the two were making up with each other), the teleporta, the lightning esper, the gravity user, the ice esper (luckily he wasn't around but rather in the estate's clinic).

Then, the guy named Mark? He's always not around so not much details.

Despite the spar that felt more like a real battle, they all were able to get along ...… in their own ways.

Of course, the flame girl remained indoors, the ice esper refused getting discharged, the gravity user spent his evening hours at the estate's general gym having another leg day, the lightning esper concentrated on munching on his cereals.

The teleporta is always at the share house's general living room, stuck on watching the shows airing at the moment while Ellie and Zyl seems to be the ones engaging in a conversation as they enjoyed their meals and the rest of the nights were spent that way.

Morning came, everyone ignored each other except all of them responding to Ellie alone and through her, Zyl was able to know his way around the house.

Of course, the lady who Zyl was to serve did not call for his attention and things went on smoothly till it was training period.

Back to the current scenario, Zyl arrived with Ellie at the ground and Darwin was already standing at the middle of the training ground with two swords at hand. He tosses one to Zyl and said to him,

"Get into position, boy."



Name: Julius Devonte Zyl.

Age: 379 years (?? Realm age), 17 years (earth realm age).

Str: 1110, End: 1180, Agi: 1060, Dex: 1034, Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 10,998.

Stats Rank: Legendary Rank.

Main Ability: Extreme adaptability (god rank).

Unique Ability: Weapon Mastery (god rank), Resistance (demi-god rank), Personal Force (demi-god rank), Invincibility (demi-god rank), Ability Control/Mastery (god rank).

Other ability: Poison resistance (peak), Venom resistance (peak), Pain resistance (peak), Mental resistance (peak), Cold resistance (peak), Heat resistance (peak), Burn resistance (peak), Freeze resistance (peak), Gravitational resistance (peak), Electric shock resistance (peak), Pressure resistance (peak), Sword mastery (peak), Halberd mastery (peak), Bow and arrow mastery (peak), Knuckles/Fist mastery (peak), Unwavering body (peak).
