
Mysteries Of The System: The Ranking System

Abandoned by his family at a young age due to his ill fate, strived alone with the mindset of achieving revenge. That was the main goal till a fortunate event occurred and eased his pain, more like making him null to it but that wasn't the last of his family as he got sold out as a slave without consent or anything. Now, the child faces two paths of life right in front of him, the path of revenge or the path to redeem himself and to find the one who aided him to change his fate. Now, on which path will he tread upon or will he be able to achieve both? AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry guys, the first three chapters might be confusing, totally confusing but please, do read further to chapter 4 and give me a chance to cook ^⁠_⁠^

Crazy_X · Action
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25 Chs

A Sibling's Encounter

Dressed in tux and groomed well by a special someone, he was truly eye catching both to the males and females while representing a definition of a masculine model.

Eyes were peeking out of the windows and all attention was drawn to the two till they got to the main building.

Claire suddenly makes a stop while Zyl did so a second late before locking eyes to what seemed to be the obstacle.

Before them stood Duke, eyes cold as he stood with his friends, staring direct at his half sister's new guard, Zyl.

Not a fan of all the special attention Zyl's been receiving, he sets out on the shaming,

"Slave, you must be honoured to step foot on places that is normally off limits to you, especially, this well established facility."

"It is as you said, young master." Zyl replied while standing upright which brought forth undeniable murmurs but not according to how Duke expected it.

"He was bought? That means I can own him with the right price?"

"That's one lucky girl."

"What a way to show off, Claire."

Bringing himself this uncomfortable situation, Duke decided to break the image built in everyone's head.

"Fine but anyways, I'm not here for you but my beloved sister."

He then turns to Claire with a wide smile that was absolutely creepy.

"Dear sister, my friend here has been aching to have a go at our esteemed family unfortunately, he holds me in a high position due to our friendship, so, according to our father's order, I hope you can entertain him a bit with your guard, just like he did last night."

"Of course, so, Duke's friend, since you were the one to challenge, as the approached party, I will set the time and rules.

Being a student of those great academy, it is due for me to pay utmost respect to the academy's schedule and therefore, I would never dream of disturbing the institute's activities.

Time will be the lunch period and as far as the rules, go all out, of course, the slave has no right to kill one of a noble blood but you can have the pleasure of killing him, if that is even possible, since he was quite blessed with the face and you aren't. Now, if you would excuse me."

She stated as she heads into the building before her with Zyl while leaving Duke in smiles and his friend of his, boiling in anger.

"Now she really has done it, I'm not just going to beat the slave, I'm going to kill him.

It's not his fault, I guess he was just caught in the crossfire but at least, he's not the only one I will be killi…"

Just before he could finish his sentence, Duke grabs him by the neck and warned with glaring eyes,

"Your job is the slave, dare touch my sister, you will be gone but your family's life will be taken first and I will make you watch. Do you understand me?"

In fear, his friend nods his head in agreement while shivering, which in response, Duke drops him to the floor and heads into the building.

Following behind Claire's lead, they got to one of the halls and everyone made way as the two walked towards one of the doors.

Claire stood in front of it, breathed in and out heavily, which upped Zyl's interest in wanting to know why the aggressive girl is being cautious about entering her classroom.

After a moment, she nods and Zyl stepped forward and slid the class' door open, attracting all attention towards him.

The people in class were all definitions of high class seeds; Well groomed and with proper looks.

Before Claire could enter, a shout was made,

"Big brother!!"

From where the shout came from, Zyl was able to locate the voice's owner and it happens to be a girl, with braided blonde hair, average in height, beautiful but unlike the rest of the students there, she had on a long blazer instead and as a lapel pin, there was a spiral but was enclosed in a glowing circle and also, just like Claire, she wore gloves but they were white.

The blonde stepped forward and surprisingly, she had exact eyes like her proclaimed brother, Zyl and as she came closer to him, everyone was quite surprised, even Claire but for Zyl, he heaved a huge sigh with tired eyes and in response, he replied with a tired tone,

"Hey Julien." His response threw everyone off.

"Looking at you closely right now, we do have the same eyes.

How are u doing, dear Julius or should I call you Za-y-el now?" she asked as she places her palm on his left cheek.

"I guess your real father picked you up once he took note of your talents, no wonder I was sold without my concept."

"Oh, don't get your hopes up, dad isn't planning to look for you either but I must say, wow, a slave? I knew you were talentless and an F rank but a slave? I guess you just have to deal with those looks though."

"Thanks for the compliment tho..." before he could finish his statement, Julien interrupted him by placing her right index finger on his lips as she speaks,

"Oh shush shush shush, I have to talk to your owner first, where are my manners."

She then turned towards Claire. "

Hey Claire, I see you got a new toy, can I play with him?"

"Do whatever you want, I don't care about what you do to him as long as you don't get him killed." Claire replied as she gives no care on what is going to happen and headed into the class.

"Awwn, that's disappointing but anyways…"

She turns back to Zyl.

"Devonte, I'll call your middle name instead, since it sounds wrong to have a similar name to a slave nor am I calling you your fabricated name, Zyl."

"Not so sure if I should be proud to have my twin sister become so obsessed about me, to the extent she knows fully well about my past and current condition while I, being the older twin have already forgotten about her for over four years now."

"Haha, you wished, it all just happened to be a coincidence after your encounter with the Arthurs' public stuntman, Herrick, in a cafe did I get reminded of your existence and God knows what you've been handling with for you to appear all of a sudden in a cafe, butt naked."

"If that is all, can u let me go now, I do have places to be at."

"Scoundrel, your unbothersome nature irritates me, I think you're in need of some humiliation just like the old days."

"Yeah, yeah, anything you say, miss talented."

Zyl replied as he turns to make his exit but Julien has other plans for him as she released her pressure in other to intimidate Zyl while suffocating the whole class.

He puts a stop to his movement, turns back to face Julien as he is unbothered by her pressure and speaks up, "Miss Julien Vanessa Redgrave or should I call you Lady Julien Vanessa Armin?

I'll give you a warning, don't cross the line!" with his last sentence, Zyl countered back by releasing a bit of his pressure, thereby, worsening the suffocation everyone was facing in the class.

As he noticed the atmosphere, he noticed two students were actually fine, as if nothing was happening around them.

He ignores them and headed out after he seized in his pressure.

Zyl got off the main building and he asked for the school's gymnasium which they pointed out it's direction to him.

He headed there and on his way, he admired the whole infrastructure and buildings he passed through before he finally got to the destination.

He took off his tux only to be left with a singlet and his plain trousers in the locker room and simply headed into the main hall of the huge building and in it were sections indicating the type of exercise one was to grow through.

The meditation room, for one to cultivate their energy, the physical training room, the weaponry training room, the energy training room and the simulation room, being the largest sector.

He spends the rest of his time mainly in the physical training room and decided to head back to the gym's male locker room and take a shower.

When he gets done, he goes straight to the meditation sector.

Unlike the normal lotus pose a meditator uses, Zyl just clocked out while standing, all thanks to the hellish training his mistress, Margret, made him pass through.

It's quite true that Zyl achieved the peak human body strength and developed his ability into the legendary rank but he still didn't forget the tips his mistress gave him.

It is about the obstacles that prevents him to reach beyond the legendary rank and one of them were aura application but for Zyl, he did not just want to apply aura but control it and easily manipulate everything about it.

With the aid of the pointers he received from his fellow colleagues back in the Arthurs' family estate, he was able to enter into a subconscious state to fully understand the concept of 'his' own aura.

In that state, he decided to gain control of his aura and while he was doing that, he had no clue that the time flow was quite different as it was finally lunch period and his presence was needed.



Name: Julius Devonte Zyl.

Age: 379 years (?? Realm age), 17 years (earth realm age).

Str: 1153, End: 1204, Agi: 1082, Dex: 1049, Sta: 5059, Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 10,998.

Stats Rank: Legendary Rank.

Main Ability: Extreme adaptability (god rank).

Unique Ability: Weapon Mastery (god rank), Resistance (demi-god rank), Personal Force (demi-god rank), Invincibility (demi-god rank), Ability Control/Mastery (god rank).

Other ability: Poison resistance (peak), Venom resistance (peak), Pain resistance (peak), Mental resistance (peak), Cold resistance (peak), Heat resistance (peak), Burn resistance (peak), Freeze resistance (peak), Gravitational resistance (peak), Electric shock resistance (peak), Pressure resistance (peak), Sword mastery (peak), Halberd mastery (peak), Bow and arrow mastery (peak), Knuckles/Fist mastery (peak), Unwavering body (peak).
