
Mysteries Of The System: The Ranking System

Abandoned by his family at a young age due to his ill fate, strived alone with the mindset of achieving revenge. That was the main goal till a fortunate event occurred and eased his pain, more like making him null to it but that wasn't the last of his family as he got sold out as a slave without consent or anything. Now, the child faces two paths of life right in front of him, the path of revenge or the path to redeem himself and to find the one who aided him to change his fate. Now, on which path will he tread upon or will he be able to achieve both? AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry guys, the first three chapters might be confusing, totally confusing but please, do read further to chapter 4 and give me a chance to cook ^⁠_⁠^

Crazy_X · Action
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25 Chs

A Pleasant Feeling.

Everyone left except for Zyl, Darwin and Herrick and as the coast became clear, Zyl suddenly sat up, helped himself up, patted himself and met up with Darwin and said,

"Thank you sir Darwin for covering for me, I owe you one and I'll make sure to pay all doubts."

"Oh, don't bother, I do this as a head butler and I make sure to cover up for my subordinates on a regular...."

Just before Darwin could finish his statement, Zyl suddenly looked back as if he sensed that someone was there.

"...is there a problem?" Darwin asked out of concern.

"Nah, don't worry, I think I got this. Catch you later." Zyl said as he showed off a creepy grin and walked off.

He traced the familiar presence followed behind it only for a glitch to occur in front of his assigned share house and behold, a girl appeared.

Zyl couldn't help but notice the dark green curly hair with a gradual black transitioning at the hair's end as the estate's lamppost on its passageway emits on it.

Recognising her, Zyl calls out to her with a question, intending to tease her before she could head inside,

"Didn't know you were the type to pry into unconcerned businesses, is there no interesting shows on the television airing right now?"

In fright, she stopped her movement, released a huge sigh of relief and turned sharply, simultaneously enough to glitch and appear in front of Zyl.

Then did she lean forward and answered while making direct contact with Zyl's eyes,

"Your story seems more interesting than watching Sherlock Holmes or other interesting detective type movies.

Like, the interesting part is all about me trying to figure out the mysterious cases before the detective could do so."

She then repositions herself and even came closer.

"Other than that, I just get lost in dramas but the show you are trying to air...… seems more like a way to spend quality time to figure out the whole plot."

With her being close, Zyl had a better view of her as he noticed that she had black medicated glasses on, is light skinned and has few freckles on her cheeks.

Zyl left out a scoff and even leaned forward to the extent their foreheads touched.

In response, he asked,

"In this drama of mine, is this the part where the female main character kisses the suspect?"

After a long silence between them, as their eyes are still locked on each other's, she finally broke the silence by replying,

"That's a ten, I won't lie that you've got me more curious. I'll be heading in first, no hard feelings, just that I have to catch up with a premier show."

Before she could leave the scene, Zyl reaches forward and places a kiss on those lips of hers for some moments before he let's off.

"Sorry, what show were you talking about? Cause if we glide into the term, 'curiosity', I was able to know how it taste like.

That was a fever I developed when you wrapped yourself around me with the intention to block my sight.

Instead of slamming you to the ground, I guess I was lost while staring at those lips of yours to not even notice the lightning user during the spar.

So, as for the second question which I developed out of curiosity… what will be her reaction?"

With that question asked, she had her right palm exposed and hit it at Zyl's left cheek but as it came in contact, all Zyl could feel was a soft stroke.

She caressed his check and answered,

"Bold of you, I dare say but again, if your intention is to get me off your case, then you must be mistaken."

She then turn and slowly make her way to the door.

"Why would I want you off my case? Wouldn't that even be wonderful if you are going her your eyes all over me?" he replied but this time, he spoke out more loudly.

"I tell you Julius, for you to fool me and steal a kiss from me while making it seem like it was worth it? I say, "ten points to Gryffindor".

If you knew more about me, you will be more proud of yourself! By the way, cut the beard, it pricks a lot! Goodnight ...… Jul."

She waved her hand as she respond and went in. "She knows her shows...… sadly, she thinks it's all a deceit." Zyl laments as he caresses his beard.


With Darwin and Herrick alone, Darwin walked up to Herrick and asked,

"How was the spar?"

"Do you actually need my opinion or review on that or is that a rhetorical question?"

Herrick asked as he was a bit confused.

Darwin gives a huge sigh before trying to clear off the cloud in Herrick's head,

"I'll just say this...… Zyl was never giving his all on that spar ...… Yes, even against the house master, he's in a different league.

After the spar, he had no sweat on him except the rain drops, as well as him not panting after all that workout."

Darwin's statement threw Herrick in a state of shock but Darwin went on and patted on Herrick's right shoulder twice saying,

"let's just pray we don't end up in his bad list, for that child is a monster who is in slumber."

Darwin walked out while leaving Herrick who still has his thoughts running wild and as well, sweating profusely.

He then walks straight into the mansion, took the stairs up, and on the fifth floor, there was just a large hall and people could be seen sitting around a long table.

Darwin breathed out heavily and walked in.

 Before him was seated three guys and two girls, to be more specific;

A young man, a teenage male, a boy child, a young maiden and while the other being Claire. These were the young masters and mistresses sitting on Darwin's right hand side.

On his left hand were three beautiful women, all seated with each having their unique beauty.

Then lastly, at the extreme end of the long table, is seated a man who has an ominous aura around him, enough for one to see him as the housemaster.



Name: Julius Devonte Zyl.

Age: 379 years (?? Realm age), 17 years (earth realm age).

Str: 1150, End: 1200, Agi: 1080, Dex: 1049, Sta: 5002, Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 10,998.

Stats Rank: Legendary Rank.

Main Ability: Extreme adaptability (god rank).

Unique Ability: Weapon Mastery (god rank), Resistance (demi-god rank), Personal Force (demi-god rank), Invincibility (demi-god rank), Ability Control/Mastery (god rank).

Other ability: Poison resistance (peak), Venom resistance (peak), Pain resistance (peak), Mental resistance (peak), Cold resistance (peak), Heat resistance (peak), Burn resistance (peak), Freeze resistance (peak), Gravitational resistance (peak), Electric shock resistance (peak), Pressure resistance (peak), Sword mastery (peak), Halberd mastery (peak), Bow and arrow mastery (peak), Knuckles/Fist mastery (peak), Unwavering body (peak).




Name: Darwin ??.

Age: ??.

Strength: 698, Endurance: 859, Agility: 753, Dexterity: 704, Sta: 845, Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 7,371.

Stats Rank: S+ Rank.

Main Ability: Weapon Mastery (S rank).

Unique Ability: ??, ??, ??, ??.

Other Ability: Sword mastery (mid), Halberd mastery (mid), Bow and arrow mastery (low), ??, ??, ??, ??.
