
Mysteries Of The System: The Ranking System

Abandoned by his family at a young age due to his ill fate, strived alone with the mindset of achieving revenge. That was the main goal till a fortunate event occurred and eased his pain, more like making him null to it but that wasn't the last of his family as he got sold out as a slave without consent or anything. Now, the child faces two paths of life right in front of him, the path of revenge or the path to redeem himself and to find the one who aided him to change his fate. Now, on which path will he tread upon or will he be able to achieve both? AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry guys, the first three chapters might be confusing, totally confusing but please, do read further to chapter 4 and give me a chance to cook ^⁠_⁠^

Crazy_X · Action
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25 Chs

A Deal.

"His life was like that till a strange incident on the date; seventeenth May, three thousand, one hundred and twenty (year 3120) at exactly seven: twenty one a.m (7:21 am).

He jay walked over two main roads and recklessly ran through an intersection before slowing down, nervously before a building, named cafe eleven."

With that report, Zyl looks at Liv with a stern look and as for Liv, she lays back, takes off her glasses and smirked maniacally as she commented, "young lad, the report isn't done."

The hologram continued with it's report while Zyl began adjusting his sitting position a little bit as he was uncomfortable with the current situation.

"The target heads in and at that moment, from inside, glowed brightly and blindly, a red light and that was the last time the target was seen, for over three years and two months.

On the twenty eight of August, three thousand, one hundred and twenty three (year 3123), two: forty one pm (2:41 pm), the red light glowed once again and a ruckus was made.

A male with long but tardy and messed up hair, who is also naked, appeared after the red light glowed.

Moments after that, some crew barged into the cafe and apprehended the young male, which is quite strange as their timing was on point.

Of course, a further investigation was conducted and it is concluded that the target was a sold product, through legitimate but illegal means, by the parents and the target have been missing for threw years.

With the suspicion that he had a secret teleportation or environmental warping ability, sensors responsible for these respective cases were used in the search operation.

It is believed that they properly carried out some investigations, which gave them concrete proof that his last activity was done in the cafe.

With that, they were sure enough to have some crew stationed near the cafe in wait for his sudden return.

The environmental warping was at first detected minutes before the actual teleportation which already justifies that their method was not just clean but brilliant."

Once again, the hologram glitches to show a new page and this time around, the pictorial representation of Zyl was of his current state.

"Name: Zyl Devonte Julius, age: seventeen, rank: detected to be on the S class ranking, innate ability: extreme adaptability.

Came in contact with the Arthurs and after some necessary demands, surprisingly, he quietly joined the crew to face his unfair fate, therefore, with the speculations that were automatically made, it is believed that he had a motive.

We arrived that there was four possible motives with the highest probability;

Firstly, in order to have shelter over his head and every basic necessities that one needs to survive with.

Secondly, to get to a higher ranking, gaining the trust of the Arthur family executives and with their aid, exert revenge on his family.

Thirdly, cooking up a plan to crumble the Arthurs' family from the inside as an act of revenge for them to make purchase of a child that was sold against his will and still find a way to enact his revenge upon his family as well.

Finally, he still have to himself a huge motive for succumbing."

The hologram gets a bit quiet and suddenly a loading bar appears on it.

As it was done filling up the bar, on the hologram was read out;

"New update" and just then did the hologram continued from where it stopped.

"The target has been appointed with the duty to safeguard the life of the second direct daughter of the Arthur family, miss Arthur Claire.

Just on day one of the assignment, the miss' guard was challenged to a duel and as for the results, he surprisingly defeated the infamous youngest child of the Ferdinand family, master Ferdinand Alto, an S upper ranker by knockout, therefore, solidifying the fact that his within the ranking of the S grades.

End of report."

Just after reading out the last statement, the hologram fazed out of sight as well as the glowing light and what was left was the female teacher, laying comfortably on her chair as she locks eyes with zyl while making a smug face.

As for Zyl, he had on a face of an annoyed person who just wishes for the current situation to end.

"Hey, come on, don't give me that look, I am not here to blackmail or anything, just trying to offer you a deal."

Liv breaks the silence as she sits up.

"Oh, thank goodness, I thought I would have to go through the trouble to shut you up." Zyl replied as his face suddenly changed to that of one who was suddenly relieved of his burden.

"Wow, that attitude and arrogance is quite alarming." Liv got ticked off a little bit at Zyl's bizarre statement.

"I wish that would be so but actually, that was what I was actually thinking of. I'm not saying it as a threat or due to being arrogant nor having an attitude but I'm pretty sure and confident on the message I delivered." Zyl goes on to trigger her the more.

"Oh God, I hope you know that you're not holding back with that mouth of yours against a triple S ranker?" She questions as she gets ticked off the more.

"Did I stutter?"

Zyl asked while putting on a facial expression that clearly says, "does she think I'm joking?"

"Mr. Zyl, enough of your taunts, without further ado, I'll head straight to the reason why I insisted on having a meeting with you.

It might be strange that we were able to obtain such summarising information about your life but we mean no harm.

It's an activity done to carry out the recruitment process easily.

In short, I'm here to hire you Mr. Zyl, as a bounty hunter or more like an awakened hunter.

Of course, payments will be made, so there is no loss for ..." before Liv could finish with her statement, she was cut off by Zyl,

"So I have to work as a mercenary and there is high probability that I would have to shed some blood, right?" Zyl asked with a raised left eyebrow.

"That of course is inevitable and being a good judge of character, I know that you will be able to handle it like a single bean." She shrugs as she makes those claims.

"Wow wow wow, what to say to a seventeen years old kid, who isn't even up to the legal age nor even in the age of a full adult, being twenty one.

All I'm saying is, if I get involved with the code red syndrome, I am not sure I will be capable of such situations."

With Zyl's statement, Liv's facial expression took a drastic change, from a smiley one to a surprised one.

"I'm just kidding, okay? Don't take it seriously...… although you will have to make the decisions in the near future." Liv sighs out intensely, as she got a bit regretful on letting Zyl in on the deal.

"At least, I am confident in hunting down and limiting the target's movements." Zyl protests.

"Fine, we can work that out, okay? As for joining, here's an exclusive yearly contract, sign up and you will be declared active first thing tomorrow as there is quite one mission for you already."

"Beautiful, just highlight and explain the more important factors in the contract."

"If you are quite knowledgeable on the desires of an average working person, you should already know about the loyalty clause as you can't snitch, you must follow orders thoroughly and must not delay nor avoid any given assignment issued to you.

Then, covering up your tracks is all on you. To do that for you results in deducting your salary...… heavily and in addition, you can rise up in rank and be able to request aid in investigating the one responsible for your disappearance."

"What makes you think that I'm in search of the person who is behind my disappearance?" Zyl asked with a raised eyebrow.

"A personal conclusion of mine." She states boldly.

After a long contemplation on the offer, Zyl gave out a heavy sigh and then answered,

"Sheesh, that's sly!! Anyways, I am okay with it." Zyl complained but went on to sign the deal, which left Liv with all smiles.

"Now, this is a done deal, I guess I can take my leave now, right?" Zyl asked,

"Of course, I will be expecting your attendance tomorrow morning." Liv responded,

"Absolutely." Zyl replied as he got up and marched out of the office, then the building and headed straight back to the gym to practice more on his aura.


Hearing the closing bell, Zyl breathed out and had his eyes opened.

One could see some cold steam going off from his bare skin.

"Damn, it's chilly" Zyl said to himself.

He got out of the lotus position he was in and stood up straight.

In every action he made, trails of cold steam followed his skin throughout.

He walked out from the meditation sector and in front of him were two students, exactly the two who were unaffected by the twins' clash of energy outbursts.

One who wore a complete opposite colour as that of Julien.

Red, with a spiral shaped lapel pin accompanied with a star of four vertexes, worn on the left spade of her blazer.

Then, the other, male, who was on the same clothing as that of Julien, just with black gloves.

He had his whole focus on his phone back then, gaming and currently, he is still on it.

The female presented a hand to him as she spoke up,

"Hi, codename; Chained Maiden. Partner; Gamez, pronounced in a Latin way, although, it is intended to represent how addicted he is to gaming.

Nice to meet you, one with no codename.

Welcome to the joy of mercenary, Alipa's Circus."



Name: Julius Devonte Zyl.

Age: 379 years (?? Realm age), 17 years (earth realm age).

Str: 1197, End: 1324, Agi: 1082, Dex: 1051, Sta: 5230 Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 11,001.

Stats Rank: Legendary Rank.

Main Ability: Extreme adaptability (god rank).

Unique Ability: Weapon Mastery (god rank), Resistance (demi-god rank), Personal Force (demi-god rank), Invincibility (demi-god rank), Ability Control/Mastery (god rank), Aura Application (F rank).

Other ability: Poison resistance (peak), Venom resistance (peak), Pain resistance (peak), Mental resistance (peak), Cold resistance (peak), Heat resistance (peak), Burn resistance (peak), Freeze resistance (peak), Gravitational resistance (peak), Electric shock resistance (peak), Pressure resistance (peak), Sword mastery (peak), Halberd mastery (peak), Bow and arrow mastery (peak), Knuckles/Fist mastery (peak), Unwavering body (peak), Aura gathering (peak), Magic resistance (mid).
