
The meridian test was simple. All they had to do was to place their palm on the altar and circulate some Essential Qi, and the altar would react to it.

The altar would take the martial artist's rate of condensation for Essential Qi, the rate of condensation of the main acupuncture points, as well as the toughness of the meridians into account. It would predict one's potential, and the corresponding number of stars would light up.

The stronger the potential was, the more stars would light up.

Nine stars were the highest amount of stars one could get. However, there was a rainbow on top of it. 

The rainbow would only appear if a divine meridian was opened up.

"Alright, let the testing commence!" The Second Branch Elder announced.

Then, the juniors approached.

Most of them had four stars and five stars.

It was only when Lu Chuan approached that the altar lit up with seven stars.