
Myriad Genesis

While escaping from Demontica, the demon continent, Altair Ashen finds himself entering a dungeon to escape an impending sandstorm. There he meets an injured princess, Lyxinella Stanford Vladimir Barbaros, and after an argument, he takes her with him. Once they reach the human capital, a whole league of adventures awaits them. «Cover image doesn't belong to me.»

VoidEX · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue: The Sahara

The Sahara. A large expanse of sand that works as a border between the human and the demon continent. There hasn't been anyone in the history of the world, who has crossed over it. That is why it works perfectly as a border.

However, one boy has crossed it. It's more accurate to say that he is in the process of crossing it. The boy's hair was white and his eyes were sharp and flaxen. He wore casual clothes under a large, cardinal scarf, which laid itself out like a cape.

He ventured far and wide, just to reach the human continent. The boy was only a long way from there. He walked, step by step, steadily across the uneven yellow land. The wind howled as it passed him. The amount of sand being carried slowly started to increase. There would be a storm.

The boy noticed this too. There wasn't much housing within the Sahara, but there would be dungeons. Places where many monsters reside. Monsters within the Sahara are known to be harsher than those in normal continents, so when usually more experienced fighters travel specifically to enter them.

Carefully holding a satchel around his shoulder, he walked on. After a short while, the boy spotted a pyramid within the area. It was lucky for him. The pyramid itself looked slight unusual. There was black writing, in demon language, around the pyramid in a straight line. He read it as, "Myriad." And the word repeated itself over and over.

Glancing at it for a short time, he approached the apparent door of the dungeon. As he approached it slowly, the sand floating on the wind became thicker. It was time to take shelter before it would turn into a sandstorm sooner or later.

He entered the pyramid. It was dark, complete darkness. The vagabond couldn't see a single thing, even if he couldn't, he could tell that it was damp, due to the feeling he had from under the sole of his boots. He hesitated when doing something, then, he made up his mind.

Using a spell, he used it on his eyes. The environment lightened up around him, but it still looked slightly dim, though it was enough to see through the darkness itself. The first thing he did was look down. The sole of his boot was soaked in a dark crimson liquid. Blood. To him, it didn't seem like any monster's blood. It was... human blood.

Seeing this, he kneeled and reached for his satchel, which was on his shoulder. Opening it, he reached out for an empty vile. The boy took a sample of the blood. Putting it back into his bag, he proceeded further into the pyramid.

There were a few traps, but they never scratched him or even touched him. This boy's instincts and fighting prowess were above all else. Though at the tender age of 14, he could easily beat a professional wrestler with his two hands only.

Delving deeper into the dungeon, the boy noticed something strange. The deeper he went into the dungeon, the slower and weaker the traps would be and that struck him as weird. Even if this pyramid had been around for a long time, it should still have traps that are faster and serve the purpose of killing intruders. There was also something else. He hadn't seen a single monster. Not a single one. The first thing he saw when he came inside was human blood. It didn't seem to have dried up, meaning that they came deeper inside with wounds, but he never saw any traces of monsters.

Slight moans were coming from further ahead. It didn't sound like a monster, but human. The boy assumed that it was the human with an injury. He didn't rush toward the sound, in case of any more traps, and because he didn't care too much for the human. The only reason he came inside was to shield himself from the sandstorm. He turned around the next corner, finding an open area.

It was a large area which a bridge leading to a wide circle area in the middle. When he looked closer, a girl was sitting there, clutching her arm. Her hair was jet-black and her skin was practically sparkling. Her eyes were like purple jewels and her lips were smooth and seductive. The clothes she wore made her look like she was a baron's daughter or something similar. Her face was contorted with pain.

As the boy walked toward her, his footsteps echoed throughout the whole room. He casually approached her, and as he did, she locked eyes with him. The boy stopped right in front of her and looked down upon her. He didn't move or talk. He didn't even move his eyes off of her–the boy simply stared. This annoyed the girl.

'What are you doing?! Help me already!'

The girl screamed at him. The boy had finally made up his mind. He sauntered over her body and past her, toward something which looked like a treasure chest. She couldn't take it anymore.

'Where are you going?! I said help me!'

He knelt and attempted to open up the chest. Unfortunately for him, it was locked. Getting his satchel out in front of him, he sat cross-legged and took out a lockpick. There were little noises made as the boy continued to lockpick the chest, but he wasn't getting anywhere. It wasn't helping that the girl behind him continued to shout.

'What are you doing, I say?! Help me, you fool!'

'And why should I?'

The boy talked in an apathetic tone as he continued to lockpick the chest. His focus wasn't on the girl at all. The girl nudged herself around to face the boy, but she could only see his back.

'Do you know who I am?!'


She was taken aback, however this didn't stop her from introducing herself. Ignoring her injured arm, she put her hand to her average chest and shouted out loud.

'I am Lyxinella Stanford Vladimir Barbaros! The daughter of the capital of the human continent, Cardos! I am the third princess, in line to the throne!'

'Lucky you. I'm Altair Ashen, a vagabond. Nice to meet you.'

His apathetic tone continued and his focus was still on the chest. He didn't even pay it the mind of day. Not even the fact that she's a princess of the human continent. After a few more seconds of fiddling, the chest top unlocked itself. Altair's efforts were enough. Opening it up, he finds something interesting.

He picked it up and held it in one hand. It was a sword in a sheathe. Altair attempted to unsheathe it, but it wouldn't budge. He put it on his back, after using his satchel to lock it in place. Not thinking that he would get anything else, he decided to move outside. The sandstorms in the Sahara were strong but short. It should've been over by now. He left for the exit.

'W-wait a minute! I'll do anything! Just don't leave me behind! Just take me to the human continent and I'll reward you.'

Altair stopped.

'If so, then I'd like you to promise me three things.'

'G-go on.'

Lyxinella smiled. She knew anyone would stop if she said that.

'One, I want to go to school. Two, I want a place to eat and sleep. And three, some sort of identification or something to help me live in the capital.'


'You'd better not break your promise.'

'I won't, don't worry.'

With that, Altair took Lyxinella with him outside. They avoided the obvious traps and exited the dungeon. He also treated her arm injury with a simple bandage. It'd have to be treated properly when they reach the capital. IF they reach the capital. There was a long journey ahead of them.

I think I'll take my time with this book. I'll post less frequently compared to my other book. Be sure to check that out too!

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