
Myra and the Arcardian lord

Meet Myra, a gutsy human girl who's had enough of her dreadful relatives. She's determined to break free from her family's grip and make it on her own. But little does she know, her quest for independence is about to take a wild turn when she catches the eye of none other than the Demon Lord of Arcardia. Yep, you heard it right. Myra's got the attention of one of the most powerful beings of the realm, and things are about to get intersting. As sparks fly between them, Myra finds herself drawn into the world filled with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and, of course, demons. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Myra's in for a rollercoster ride of danger, passion, and secrets as she navigates her way through this supernatural romance. Will she and the Demon Lord defy the odds and find Love, or will their differences tear them apart? Join Myra and the Arcardian Lord on their epic journey through a world of magic meets mayhem, and love knows no bounds. Get ready for the fantasy romance like no other!

RuMaya · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Knight in shining armor

The two Muggers who had heard the sound of a horse, had thought that it might be a carriage headed towards the Swanson's and had schemed to block the carriage on it's path; so that they could rob the passengers and kill them.

But what they least expected to see was a macho man and a beast galloping towards them with full speed, so much like a warrior charging into a war, ready to slay his enemies. The man riding a sinfully black stallion looked so big, strong and foreboding.

The muggers gulped at the sight, their confidence had turned into fear because the man on the horseback was none other than the ruthless Arcardian Lord himself.

In general the Trueborn demons are much stronger than any other creatures and they possessed special abilities. But the Lord here was a Tertium generation Trueborn demon while both the muggers were an ordinary Falseborn demons.

Both the men knew that they would never be able to stand a chance and face him. Attempting to kill him, would be like burning themselves with fire and they weren't that foolish enough to risk their lives challenging the lord. Dropping the unconscious woman on the ground, they started running away.

Lord Theodore, who was on his way to meet his cousin had heard a lady's high pitched scream, shouting out for help. Just out of curiosity he had nudged his horse, Edurado to ride faster in the direction of the scream.

In no time he had came across two men trying to kidnap a young woman, who was knocked out. The moment the bloody thieves saw him there, they left the girl behind and started running.

'Cowards' thought the Arcardian Lord, looking at the two rats running away with fear.

Theodore didn't even have to get down from his horse to chase after them. He just sat there watching the muggers run for their dear lives with an amused expression on his face.

He waited until both the men were out of his sight, giving them an opportunity to assume that they were being spared. Both the men, started slowing down, once the lord was out of sight , thinking that they had successfully managed to escape.

The Lord, who was still sitting on his stallion, smiled arrogantly before snapping his fingers twice and both the muggers' body suddenly caught up fire.

The two falseborn demons screamed in agony, wriggling around to stop the burning sensation on their skins and within a matter of few minutes their bodies had turned into ashes, leaving no evidence of their existence behind.

"Garbage burns!" chuckled the lord, before he jumped off the saddle.

Walking over to the unconscious lady on the ground, he kneeled down and checked her pulse. Grabbing her upper arms with both his hands, he carefully raised her and placed her head on one of his thighs before inspecting the wound on her forehead.

Theodore stared at the young insensible woman in his arms. Trailing his finger on her flawless face, swiping away a stray strand of hair, he then smiled.

"Myra.. " he muttered more to himself.

After studying her for a second more, he lifted her up effortlessly and carried her to his horse. Holding her waist tightly, cradling her in his arms. He clutched the reins in one hand firmly before kicking Edurado on the side and the horse lurched forward, galloping off again.




Amyra fluttered her eyes open; but Instantly shut them, again. Her head was pounding terribly and the glaring brightness engulfing her didn't help. she let out a tired groan and blinked a couple of times to get used to the light.

'Where am I?' thought Myra, sitting up.

She scanned the surroundings, trying to think where she could possibly be. She was in a large, luxurious four poster bed that had golden coloured silk-like curtains twirled around the posts.

To her left, she saw the orangish blue sky through the large window and noted that the Chamber she was in was enormous, beautifully designed with white and gold.

The bed was as soft as goose feather beneath her, and her body was covered with the softest blanket she ever had the pleasure to touch. Everything around here was posh and soo unfamiliar.

Her head was aching and she groaned clutching it with both her hands. Then, slowly and painfully, began to remember about her being in terracotta, the Arcardian capital.

Stressing her mind to think further; she then, remembered the Hutton's, her search for a new job and her heading towards the Swanson's. She remembered the two thugs following her and them striking her head with a branch.

Amyra's breathing became short and she started panicking. Her head reeling with all kinds of possibilities. It didn't seem like she was in a slave organization neither was it her old room in her Uncle's house.

Her eyes widened, with a realization. "Am I dead?" she asked herself looking at the architecture of the room. Considering the chain of events that took place she concluded that she might be dead and was in heaven.

Just then, someone knocked the door and turned the knob, to enter inside uninvited.

A man in a neat black suit, came in pushing a three tier trolley carrying food.

Once inside he slightly bowed his head at her and smiled.

"My Lady, your dinner is here" he said politely.

The food smelled really delicious; enough to make her mouth water. Her stomach growled and a thought struck her mind

'Do dead people really feel hungry?'.

Wanting to confirm her doubts, she questioned the man who had brought her food into the room.

"Umm.. Where am I?"

The man who was arranging her food on a round Mahogany table, lifted his head up and stood up straight.

"You're at the Warburton Mansion, My lady" replied the man.

'Warburton mansion?' she thought, the name sounded oddly familiar but Myra couldn't recollect where she had heard it before.

"And who are you?" she asked out of curiosity.

The man bowed his head slightly again, saying "I am Alvin, the butler of this house".

'butler?!' she wondered, before enquiring "Which land is this exactly?"

Alvin, the butler looked at Myra with a perplexed expression before replacing it with a stoic appearance. "You are in the Arcardian Land, my lady"

Now Myra was really confused, 'What?! Am I not dead then?'

Next chapter will be Up Next week :)

Thanks for reading!

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