
chapter 9

After days we returned to Lagos I couldn't stop thinking about Sonia and I it was touchy we left,but we had nothing to do with it,so after some weeks I begin to learn fashion which I only learned for three months before we and my brother could enroll in a Yaba tech, I started making new friends,then after weeks I met Patience, and we begin to talk things out,we started dating but I promise my self I will never love anyone as I love sonia people begin to talk that I just wanna fuck her and not that I wanna marry her,I loved her I heard a lot of things but we didn't last I also cause that I must admit,because people use to ask questions about us and I answer,that caused the Beginning of the end of our relationship, one day I asked who am I to you,she said just a friend I was terrified,she said friendship,OK but anytime I ask she say it so,I told her we are not friends we are more like lovers she said yes,but one day she had to break up with me because she had a friend called Ife she thinks I am also dating Ife because were name mate then she broke up, then I continued I move on friends colleagues make jest of me,that the girl will leave you,after that I discovered that Patience had another boyfriend from Iya baby in Yabatech, I was terrified so I have to move on,it took me one month to clear the shame it was not so painful because it wasn't like the one of Sonia,i was still thinking of her very much,then when we saw our result in Yabatech first semester I met a fat girl named fai I begin to go out with her for months but even though she was loving me I still have sonia love on my heart,but finally when she didn't pick my call,I just have to forget her for sometime bit still I can't stop thinking about Sonia,but I just have to love fia more,but after months me and sonia finally meet and we get to express our feelings I cried and cried but now she forgave me and we continued our relationship,she decided to come to Yabatech then love begin to reign,I have to date two of them together when fia discovered I have sonia as my gf too this became a major problem I have to take one then I took sonia because of what she has done the sacrifices made for me and she gave me what anybody haven't gave me her body,after 5 years I finally wedded with sonia and we lived as husband and wife.