
chapter 8

I cried every morning thinking about her,then I found a girl named OY I begin to talk to her we continue to vibe,I asked her out and she accepted partially, so we begin to move before that I forget to say Sonia taught me to cook soup egusi soup,she also gave me anyone never gave me she did virgin me,back to my story,I begin toeaft pawpaw, wara and bestke,I really enjoyed also we go fetch together and do almost everything together,after mid week I decided to go home,before I came tan has wanted to collect OY just as she did that I was jealous, I told seyi about what is happening he said I have to tell her, she said there is nothing between them,this almost caused problem,then OY denied that we are not dating we were just friends people try to settle for us but I didn't slept home that night I went to sleep in Vick hostel,I explained to him they make jest of me,but i t painful I cried that night but people never know what cause the tears I remembered Sonia she was my best girlbreaking up with Sonia destroy our friendship and also destroyed the organization we are about to create Triple A ventures but it was ruin,I later finally apologized to Soniathe day she was sick I took care of her,but we were not dating I did it as a friend,but our organization was destroyed our first semester result was not yet out,then I finally have to go home because we discovered we we're scamed it was painful leaving Ade, but he finally let us train which turn to a battle and I barely survived,because he entered his rage stage,I understand it so our reputation stayed,then I have to go back to Lagos

What will happen will aang leave school find out in ep 8