
chapter 12

The guy was vice president son she agreed and they begin to have fun she take her out to beaches parties and so on,one day she brought her to her father who agreed to marry but his elder brother didn't agree,this become rift,they later discovered that what happen in the past and the guy was angry, then they stopped talking to each other, she went home and wept tears but now she could in test them,for his little he was a play boy,he fucks woman, anyhow until he met Melina, Melina let him change his action and they married two months after,but the sister Sofie haven't come out to get through his boyfriend and she was really embarrassed until the guy call him on the phone they talked for hours but later they ended it,the guy was amusicians he sing then the guy sister went to call Sophie from home that he has to be in that party,it was excellence but she didn't want to go at first,but she later discovered she must,she went and the guy performed above expectations, after the concert they kissed deeply and they begin to go with other,today is Sophie and Daniels wedding everyone was there bit before that Ade gave up the ghost I was so terrified,fews month later Ife also gave up the ghost mom was already old,then she was the only one of the family that could attend the wedding, now for the vow Mr Daniel the you swear to take care of your wife in health and wealth, yes and said also and they now did the thing they kissed everyone is happy,then his brother went to hug Sophie,them Sophie became a wife with a kid,Daniel treat her child like his child and there no problem until Mr Daniel has is own child,things became different this wanted to start a fight,but they get rid of it and they took care both of them Ryan he has trouble giving birth to. a child ,doctor reported he should sex for now with another Girl,as for Ryan wife shethinks surrogate,but Ryan didn't accept,so they have a little misunderstanding

Find out what will happen in ep 13