
My Zombie System In The Apocalypse World

Synopsis: In a world shattered by the apocalypse, where chaos reigns and monsters rule, emerges Kilr Rombot, the unlikeliest hero from Rising Star Academy. His journey begins not with glory, but with a gruesome demise that heralds his rebirth into a realm teeming with undead horrors and existential threats. But Kilr is not just another survivor. Fused with a mysterious Zombie System, he gains unimaginable powers over death itself. His mission? Nothing short of obliterating the nightmarish scenario that has befallen humanity. Yet, every step forward is a dance with danger, as he confronts not only grotesque monsters but also ancient deities and godlike beings who seek to thwart his quest. Amidst bloodshed and uncertainty, Kilr discovers that his Zombie System harbors secrets darker than the creatures he battles. As he navigates this treacherous new reality, each victory and defeat reshapes him, forging a hero who must transcend his own humanity to save what remains of the world. Prepare for an epic saga where courage meets calamity, and the fate of humanity rests in the hands of one reluctant hero. Kilr Rombot's journey is a relentless odyssey through perilous landscapes and profound revelations, where every heartbeat echoes with the pulse of a dying world.

FantasyLord · Fantasy
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161 Chs

Episode 6: New Skill

Episode 6: New Skill

Kilr sat down on one of the steel chairs in the music room. He was tensed that he could not get to his sister or family line. Even his parents' phones were not going through. He had finished the last of his snacks and was beginning to get hungry. He popped up his window and stared at it with mixed eyes.


<Main Scenario #1- Apocalypse Begins>

<Info: Defeat the boss zombie before time limit expires. Claim dominance of Rising Star Academy hierarchy by winning>

<Time 3 Limit: Days>

<Reward: 1000 Freedom from Rising Star Academy, coins, Booster Pack (Inclusive)>

<Failure: Death of all life in Rising Star Academy>


Kilr bit his lower lip and twirled his pen.

"Should I level up or sit it out?"

He paced around the room.

"To be clear I would rather slack off but what if no one beats the zombie boss by then? The possibility of that is threatening enough!" But one thing was clear, he could not stay put and put his life in the hands of others.

Kilr put on his backpack and prepared prepared to leave, he opened the door slightly and peeked out. "Shit!" Five goblins patrolled the place. "Man, I gotta take a piss."

Step! Step! Stab!

<You 15 have gained exp for killing a low-level goblin>


Kilr was stunned by his actions, his movements were sharper and better. His legs practically glided on the floor.

"Oh wow!"

He beamed with excitement.

"This is far better than any gym activity."

He proceeded to slay the other goblins, he had guessed the goblins were easy prey for newbies. Sparks light up the atmosphere in the school all as they goblins forced him back with their sheer numbers. Kilr had to strategize his next attack if he was going to win, also he did not want to alert any other monster while doing it.

He thrust a strong knee at one of the goblins, luckily it connected. He groaned in pain as another goblin stabbed at his leg, he raised the dagger high and moved his body with every ounce of strength he had.


<Notification: You have killed low-level goblin ×5>

<Exp gained: +75>

<You have sustained damage (Weak)>


Kilr dropped down to his knees gasping for air. He was right, just because he had a system did not mean he would become numb to pain. He looked over the corpse of the dead goblins wide eyed. Kilr found it hard to believe that such creatures actually existed outside of fantasy books. He had read something like that in online novels too but to think he would be seeing it first hand…


<A new skill "Dead Assessment" has appeared>

<You have collected Goblin Bone ×5, Spine ×3, Rusty Dagger ×5>


"Dead assessment?"

He whined.

"Who knew I could collect stuff from touching their corpses."

As Kilr cased the school halls quietly a few thoughts brewed in his mind like bubbling water. "If Marcus was turned did that mean he was turned before the first selection?"

He pondered.

"Just like the teachers and the gym coach? Does that mean they were all infected by the zombie boss since the start of the preliminary?"

"If so then the preliminary was merely to reduce our number and test our survival skills. Does that mean this is going on in other schools? What about hospitals? Or places with large gatherings like airports? But these may as well still be just speculation on my part!"

"Is Nerissa okay? Did she survive the preliminary?"

His eyes flickered with worry and a deep discomfort he could not fathom. A part of him did not wish this to be his new reality. "Or perhaps this is all a dream and I'm still awake in class?" He dismissed the notion just as quickly as it appeared.

"Also, this had been bothering me…!"


<Reputation: 1 Preliminary Clearer Lv. (Ordinary), Zombie Infected (Weak)>


"Does that mean I'm going to turn to a zombie? But what does being a zombie mean anyway? And where did the first one come from?"

Kilr shook his head violently, none of these would get him further. He let himself down the hall and aimed for the bathroom. Luckily there were no monsters on his way only the blood painted walls and he could not help but feel bothered by it.

Not even a single trace of a survivor showed. But Rising Star Academy was a big school he should have at least bumped into someone.

As he got to the men's bathroom Kilr looked both ways before tilting the door knob not to make any sound. As he closed the door behind him a sound in one of the toilets caught his attention.

"Fuck!" He thought.

Kilr dropped his bag and made his way to the toilet he had perceived the sound from. At first he wanted to ignore it but his conscience would not sit well with him doing his business and a monster popping up next to him.

He summoned his dagger in one hand and with the other turned the knob, pushing it open with force.

His eyes bubbled at the sight before him…

One of the cute cheerleaders was seated on the toilet seat. Their eyes interlocked as her pair of reds exploded with fright. Her cheeks were as red as a tomato, her hair yellow like the radiant sun with short bangs. And her voice…


She screamed as she tugged at her top pulling it down over he legs, a devious smile flew on Kilr's face.


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