
My Zombie System In The Apocalypse World

Synopsis: In a world shattered by the apocalypse, where chaos reigns and monsters rule, emerges Kilr Rombot, the unlikeliest hero from Rising Star Academy. His journey begins not with glory, but with a gruesome demise that heralds his rebirth into a realm teeming with undead horrors and existential threats. But Kilr is not just another survivor. Fused with a mysterious Zombie System, he gains unimaginable powers over death itself. His mission? Nothing short of obliterating the nightmarish scenario that has befallen humanity. Yet, every step forward is a dance with danger, as he confronts not only grotesque monsters but also ancient deities and godlike beings who seek to thwart his quest. Amidst bloodshed and uncertainty, Kilr discovers that his Zombie System harbors secrets darker than the creatures he battles. As he navigates this treacherous new reality, each victory and defeat reshapes him, forging a hero who must transcend his own humanity to save what remains of the world. Prepare for an epic saga where courage meets calamity, and the fate of humanity rests in the hands of one reluctant hero. Kilr Rombot's journey is a relentless odyssey through perilous landscapes and profound revelations, where every heartbeat echoes with the pulse of a dying world.

FantasyLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

Episode 4: System Activated

Episode 4: System Activated



<Notification: "Congratulations" you have chosen occupation "Necromancy" "Five Star">

<Due to corruption by zombie you have been reborn with blessing "Reincarnation Of The Dead">


"What the?!"

His mind was still a haze from having died a moment ago.

"Didn't I just die?"

"So I got a system?"

"Is this a joke?"

What had Kilr puzzled was the fact that his left hand was back. He wanted to get up and check for zombies but instead chose to slack off for another ten minutes.

When he woke up he saw a notification flashing, it was one of the first ones he had seen earlier


<Special Invite: You have been chosen!!!>


Kilr ignored it and it faded away.

"If this is system is the real deal then let me see my status window!"


A huge ash box appeared before him.

"Holy shit!! It works!!"


<Status Information>

<Name: Kilr Rombot>

<Race: Human>

<Level: 01>

<Exp: 0 100>

<Class 1 Occupation: Necromancer Lv. (Rare)>


"It's like a MMORPG?"

He thought within himself.


For a slacker who spent all his time gaming, this was heaven.


<Mana:- >

<Health: 50>


Kilr frowned. To think his life was only worth this much. He was sure he would die from the first encounter with a zombie.

"Wait!! Is that all?"

"What a cheap ga--"


The notification showed with a gold filter.


<Special Invite: You have been chosen!!>


"This again?"

He pondered for a minute before deciding.

"Might as well check it out! Could be some cool started pack!!"



<Special Invite: Accept Decline>



Suddenly the screen lit up.


<Exclusive Upgrade has been initiated>

<For claiming the first kill over zombie ×1 you have been gifted "Blessing Of The Dead">


"Great!! This is far better than some lame starter pack!!"


<Reward: You have been gifted ("THE SYSTEM")>


"Huh?" He pondered. "I thought this was the system?!"

"Could this be a mere interface system?"


<Notification: As per receiving gift "Blessing Of The Dead" you have been given the chance to recieve "The Zombie System">

<Accept Decline>


"The f**k!!"

He screamed within himself.

"Didn't a zombie f**king kill me?!"

"Why would I wan--"

He gave a moment to think it through.

Kilr doubted that zombies would be the only problem he would face in future yet he chose the only available occupation that had the grave robber symbol.

So he had chosen Class/Occupation "Necromancer" but to be given "The Zombie System" would be a big boost.



<Configuration Successful>

<Info Updated>



<Status Info>

<Name: Kilr Rombot>

<Race: Human (Weak)>

<Grade: F (Mortal)>

<Level: 01>

<Exp: 0 100>

<Class 1 Occupation: Necromancer Lv. (Rare), ??? (Epic)< p>

<Mana: 10>

<Health: 50>

<Stamina: 10>

<Reputation: 1 Preliminary Clearer Lv. (Ordinary), Zombie Infected (Weak)>

<Attributes: 10 Strength - 10, Dexterity Intelligence Regeneration Agility>


"Why the f**k are my stats so basic?!"

If his gaming knowledge served him right.

Level showed the accumulation of all his abilities to rank his overall power.

Exp was experience points. The more monsters he slayed the more his experience points would soar, also mastering a craft would help him gain points. If he had enough points he would level up and become much stronger.

Class/Occupation would be his area of specialty which was Necromancy- the ability to interact with the dead. Because the zombie had bitten him, that was the only class that was active.

Mana: he would need this to perform special skills, attack and probably magic. Attacks that didn't much have to do with physicality or brute force.

Stamina: Even if someone was a fast runner, if he did not have enough energy he would run out of glass eventually. So stamina was more like a fuel for physical activities.

Health/Hp: was his life count, if that dropped to "0" he was fucked.

Reputation was tied to his achievements worth acknowledging.

The Attribute: Strength (Str) helped increase melee attack and damage, attack power was also affected by this. Dexterity (Dex) helped with his resistance and endurance to attacks. It also reduced stun damage. Intelligence (Int) was something mages were usually equipped with, the higher this is the more likely it is to learn a new skill and minimize mana wastage which was a good thing when you wanted your attacks to count. Regeneration (Reg) would have to do with healing, as a result of being a necromancer he suspected to have recieved this attribute. Agility (Agi) dealt with his speed and quickness in movement and attacks. It also helped to distribute power well across the body.

All these attributes could be affected by his level and how he improved on them.


<Potential 0 Point:>

<Skill: ?>

<Equipment: ?>

<Trait: Concentration - +2% focus and success rate of skill learning (Passive)>

<Special: 1 Blessing Of The Dead Lv. (Legendary), Reincarnation (Epic)>


Potential points were awarded at leveling up and used to allot attribute slots to grow them faster. Even mana and health could be boosted.

Skills were the talents learned to draw mana and make special skills like magic attacks. Skills differ in classes; a swordsman's skill would be special swordsmanship and a mage's skill would magic based. The level of consumption of mana would also differ for each skill.

Since he had just gotten his system there was no way he would have any skill.

Equipment were materials / weapons that boosted attacks, defense or even skill stats. The effect would vary based on said equipment to it's wielder.

Trait was resulted as his own physical attribute recognized by the system to be effective. The concentration buff must have been as a result of all the focus he had given to his intense gaming life.

Special was related to perhaps a gift or rare skill. He wasn't entirely sure but…

The Number One Slacker had died and come back with a system. The first thing he would do would be to have revenge on those that cause his death in the first place.

"Amber Bread, vice head!! I'll get you after I take another short nap!!"

As his eyes were closing it's shutters a notification popped up above his head.


<Notification: The First Scenario (Apocalypse Begins) will begin soon>

<Time 20 Remaining: seconds>

<Info: All zombies will return to the point where they last occured. Defeat boss zombie before time limit runs out. Claim dominance of Rising Star Academy hierarchy by winning>

<Time 3 Limit: Days>

<Reward: 1000 Freedom from Rising Star Academy, Booster Pack (Inclusive), coins>


"The hell!!"

If he remembered correctly, the huge zombie was standing over him before the system appeared. Did that mean it would reappear there also?

Kilr kicked himself to his feet and darted for the nearest exit but… it was too late.


<First Scenario Has Bagun!!>



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