
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Four arms.

It came as a surprise towards the old man as his hands were stopped mid-way.

Turning back to see who was responsible for this, it was none other than Chris.

"Hello, old man,"

Seeing the grime on Chris's face, the old man knows he has to act fast.

With his other free hand, he tried through his ankle backwards to hit Chris's jaw,.but once again it was stopped.

"No movement old man.." Chris said, however, just then, could see the old man was gathering air around his fist as he was ready to throw it out.


Once again, Chris blocked it and decided not to let go of the arms.

"I will tear you apart..!" he shouted.

"Ahhhh....!" the old man screamed as his hand was being pulled out from his shoulder. However, before Chris could finish the job, a loud sneeze came out from the old man's nose and following it was a strong wave of air that knocked Chris back through the hallway.

Chris was able to stop himself before flying back any further, rather, he dashed towards the old man once again.

While doing so, he tore his upper cloth revealing the extra human arms that hide underneath.

Seeing this, the old man was not shocked nor did it look like he will be backing away. Rather, he tapped the ring on lift hand finger and soon, a light glowed out of it.

The glow was too bright that Chris has to stop before continuing soon after.

The light was starting to fade as the old man's armour body was revealed. However, before the old man could do anything, two arms have come from the top aiming for the head.

The old man's entire body was covered in golden armour apart from his head.

As the fist was coming down at him, he raised his arm and blocked the blow.

However, the ground beneath them caved in as they fall deep into the bottom floor of the ship.

"It seems like you have been getting better hands on your power.," Mia commented on seeing this.

"It's still not enough though," Chris replied before jumping down into the hole he have just created.

As he vanished from Mia's sight, an idea have suddenly popped up in Mia's mind.

< Quick... Everyone get ready, we need to take over this ship now> he transmitted to the others.


Chris have just landed right side the old man who was still struggling to get up. He quickly moved as he throw out his fist at the man's cheat.


The sound of the impact echoed loud, however, The old man was not sent flying as Chris expected.

The armour on his body glowed powering him up.

"You see, the last time I used this armour, I never got the time to display its full potential power. Perhaps because that dame zombie is too strong or maybe you are too weak," the old man said.

Chris didn't just stand and do nothing. He throw yet another powerful punch, but the old man did the same simultaneously.


The two-way pushed back. Chris found his fist become frail as the pain carried on, while the old man grow in power.

He quickly dashed out of his position and headed right towards Chris. The man's movement was fast. This is because he was boosting his speed with his air power.

Chris couldn't keep up, and could only take a defensive stance. He did so by crossing his four arms around his chest and bracing himself.


Chris was pushed back slightly from the impact, after the punch connected, he struggled to ignore the pain and then grabbed the old man by his arms.

"No matter what, I will kill you today..!" he shouted. However, the old man knocked his hands off and then proceeded to kick him in his chest.

Still getting the strength boost from the armour, the impact was great again that Chris coughed out blood.

The old man continued by throwing punches at Chris, and eventually, performed a perfect uppercut on Chris's jaw.

'How is this happening... Even with the boosts, I can't do anything, I won't be able to do anything like this,' Chris panicked.

Eventually, the armour was slowly dimming in its glow as the boost he gets was slowly subsiding.

With this, Chris caught the old man's hand and then swung him at the corner of the room.

He then continued to punch at the man's head, but once again, the man was blocking it with his hand crossed over.

It was understandable why he was doing this. The armour the man was wearing have a special power. With each hit he takes, the armour absorbs the impact and in return, it grants its wielder a boost in strength alone.

However, the armour only covered the old man's chest, shoulder and then his thigh. His head was not covered and this was the most vital place Chris can think of attacking.

Chris tried to punch through the old man's head when the man sneezed.

This time though, the air force that is released was great. At least, enough to send Chris off his body.

"It's useless young man, my armour here will always block all your attacks. To make matters worse. It will also grant me power based on how strong the attack is, so quiet it.," the old man said sarcastically.

Wiping off the small blood trickling down his lips. "I will just have to destroy it then," Chirs replied as he kicked off from his position.

As he ran, he quickly spread out his four arms as he ran into the old man. Picking him up from the ground. Chris didn't stop as he through the hallway knocking down multiple walls as he ran straight forward not bothering to stop.

Wounds were soon appearing on his body, but he ignored all of them till he was eventually outside, outside the ship.

The first thing that hit him hard was the cold breeze followed by the wave of water that splashed on his body.

He noticed that he was not the only person outside. Multiple guards were also there fighting against most of the captured people.

The outside was much more chaotic as some were being caster out into the water. Some were done on purpose while some were by accident to the unfortunate ones.

'It wasn't like this before?' just as Chris was still wondering what was happening. The old man has acted once again.

The weather was bad, but that did not by any means affect the man's flight ability as he rushed towards Chris. His armour boost has already stopped and would require Chris to hit it again for it to activate.

Chris's body was pushed back as the old man was aiming to send Chris out of the coast.

Chris knows that it will be his end if that were to happen. He quickly stabilized himself and pushed back.

As the old man attempted to pick him up, Chris grabbed him with the total of his four arms before slamming him down on the ship's ground.

A dent was left behind on the metallic floor. Chris didn't stop there. He quickly grabbed the old man by the neck.

"I will crush you...!" Chris exclaimed as he prepared to crush the old man's head.

But it was then something struck Chris's arm. It was a bullet, however, rather than bouncing off after hitting his touch skin body, the bullet stuck onto his shoulder and a beeping sound could be heard coming from it.

Chris quickly let go of the old man and tried to do something to the device stuck on his back, but he was a little bit too late as the explosion went off.


The explosion was like a grenade and even the old man was sent off.

"I know something is up with you guys, the recruits, and it seems like my hunch was right," said Tel as he walked over towards the old man.


Meanwhile, on the ship that was carrying the meteorite rock. Inside the ship, they were unaware of what was going on in the other cargo ship upfront.

Right now, the captain and his troops were currently having something one could call a night party as they were having fun.

However, all this was cut short when a certain person received a call.

"Sir Rowling, the other cargo is under attack...!" a man reported.

"Come on... Why spoiling the mood, tell them to use the weapons they have to fight those dame sea monsters..." the man called Captain Rowling said in the complaint.

He was currently having the fun of his life.

"Sir... it's not a beast attack, it's the capture, they somehow managed to escape their cell and right now, they are attacking the guards and from the report I got, things are getting out of hand with most of them already fallen off the coast," the reporter said.

Hearing this alone was enough to call off the party. "Call everyone in here, we need to do something," Rowling commanded.

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