
My Zero Academia

On her way home from a late night patrol, The Dragon Hero, Ryukyu is surprised to find a young blue haired boy abandoned and injured in an forest! Watch as that boy unlocks the secrets to his past as well as his quirk and becomes one of the worlds greatest heroes alongside his classmates. (Female MHA x OC) I own nothing except for the characters I make up myself. Spoilers if you haven't guessed!

Tardis_2001 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

What’s Mine...Is ONLY Mine

Once Zero and Mina made it back to his house, it took a full 5-10 seconds to hold herself back before jumping on top of him, sending them sprawling to the couch as her plump lips slammed onto his own.

"Are you sure your Mom will be gone all day?" She asked as she sat on his lap.

"She's got an army's worth of internship applications to look over, she probably won't be back until morning I bet." Zero said before kissing her again, his hands moving down to her ass and giving it a squeeze making her moan into his mouth.

"Besides, she knows full well we've been fooling around, she'll be okay."

Zero then picked Mina up and carried her off to his room bridal style, the sounds of her gleeful cackles soon filling the penthouse followed soon by a series of loud growls.

(Authors POV, Ryukyu Agency, Same Time)

Ryuko Tatsuma wasn't okay.

She was anything but okay, in fact, she hasn't been okay since about a year and four months ago on her son's 18th birthday.

"Um, Ms. Ryukyu, are you alright?" Ryukos assistant Matsu asked as she noticed the Dragon Hero start to squirm in her seat as she went over the list of potential interns with her.

"Y-yes, I'm fine." She lied, praying that the redheads Quirk didn't let her tell the truth as well.

Matsu looked at Ryuko underneath her circle shaped glasses before letting out a small hum.

"Very well, now then, on to the next student." She said before her eyes glowed and projected a screen onto the nearby wall which showed the picture of a young UA student along with a list of his personal info.

"This one is very intriguing, his name is Gasuta Barasuta, and he has a probability Quirk that lets him control a form of Karmic energy and-"

As Matsu droned on about the student, Ryuko felt her body become more and more hot and buzzing with every passing second, her mind becoming hazy as her wings and tail started to form and her claws dug into her desk.

"I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" She yelled, making Matsu jump.

"You...you don't say it, you own the agency you can just....go...."

"I know....I just....just give me a minute."

The Dragon Hero practically flew out of the room before she could speak again and headed straight for the restroom, ignoring any looks she got from her interns who may or may not have heard her outburst as well.

"Damnit..." She cursed and she kept herself up by leaning on the counter in front of the mirror.

"I.....I have to stop, this....this...isn't right...."

Ryukos hands turned into claws again as they gripped the countertop so hard it started to crack while her tail slowly slithered around her leg and up into her dress.

"Mmmmmmm~" She barely held back a moan as she felt the tip slide around her naked body underneath and her hands went up to her breasts.

'It's getting even worse now that Zeros has been with Mina so much, ever since his birthday I've barely been able to be around him.'

(1 year earlier)

A 17 now going 18 year old Zeros alarm beeped loudly and he sat up in his bed, yawning loudly before he got up and started to do stretches.

His room was decorated head to toe in both hero merchandise, most of it being that of his mother Ryuko, and Mirko, including a figurine of the ladder, and several posters of Pokémon with one of a Zoroark(which may or may not be his favorite), there also seemed to be a large table full of papers and pencils messily laid out, looking as though it hadn't been touched in quite a while

After Zion got on all fours while stretching his back downwards like a cat and shook himself awake, he was treated to a heavenly sweet smell filling the air.

Smiling, he followed the scent to the kitchen to see his mother making breakfast in a white apron before she noticed Zero standing behind her.

"Good Morning sweetie, and happy birthday, I'm making your favorite." She said as Zero sat down at the table.

"Malasadas?" He asked excitedly, if he had a tail currently it would be wagging rapidly.

"Filled with vanilla cream, just how you love!" Ryuko said, causing the young polymorph to begin to pant heavily as she started to fill up the treats.

As his mother worked on the food, Zero felt his eyes wander down to her slender hips that were shaking from side to side, her tight dress only emphasizing her curves and waist which looked very slim and smooth, he could just imagine placing his hands on either side of them as she rode-

'Wait, what the hell?' He thought as He shook his head, he broke out of his trance and looked back up to his mother's face only to go blank again when he saw her licking the spoon she used to make the Malasada cream.

Zero stared silently as Ryukos long, forked, reptilian tongue almost fully twisted around the wooden tool while she gave a small moan at the taste of the cream, the smooth, thick, white, sweet paint covering her tongue before she pulled it back into her mouth leaving only a small dollop on her lip which she smoothly cleaned off with her finger and licked up too.

"Sweetie, I know you're excited, but there's no need to growl like that, and put your tongue back into your mouth you're drooling on the floor." She said once she looked back over to him.

Zero blinked and noticed that his tongue was indeed hanging out of mouth and leaking saliva before he put it back and flushed pink.

"S-sorry, guess I'm more hungry than I thought." He gave a small chuckle before looking down to the table and taking note that his hands now had sharp claws poking out and digging into his skin slightly.

'What...was that....' Zero thought as he changed his hands back and the wounds quickly sealed up.

'I mean yeah sure I know Mom is pretty, that's obvious, but that....that was something else..."

The teen pondered on this for a minute or two until a click of a plate snapped him out of his thoughts and he saw a plate full of hot, fluffy cream-filled Malasadas now presented to him.

"Enjoy!" Ryuko said as Zero bent down and took a long, hard inhale of them before his eyes shot open.

"Mother.....please forgive me for what you're about to see." He said calmly, making her smile disappear.


Ryuko couldn't even finish the word before she froze at the sight of her son being replaced with a ravage animal which proceeded to consume the food in front of it.

No, consume would be too polite of a word, it eviscerated the poor, poor treats the Dragon Hero offered to it one by one until there's nothing left for it to destroy.

And when it was all done, there was silence, the beast that had overshadowed her sweet, loving son was sated for the time being and slowly her child returned and sighed happily as he licked the plate before smiling at his mother.

"Thanks Mom, you're the best!" He said as he got and kissed a still frozen Ryuko on the cheek before leaving to get dressed for school.

"....I try....." She said before getting up to clean off the dishes, her own plate of Malasadas being left untouched since she suddenly felt her appetite vanish for whatever reason.

After cleaning himself up, getting dressed, and grabbing his bag and phone Zero kissed Ryuko goodbye before going out to the sun deck and jumping off with a laugh.

Moments before hitting the ground Zero morphed into a Sandslash and dove head first into the ground before making his way towards Mina's house.

Meanwhile, the full pinkette in question was currently in her bathroom fixing herself up much more than usual.

Her hair now looked slightly straighter, her skin was smooth and shiny thanks to the sweet scented lotion she was wearing, and her lips seemed even softer since she now had a thin layer of lip gloss.

"Mina, your friend is here, he's waiting outside!" Her mother said from downstairs, making her let out a small "Eep!" like noise before scrambling out to grab her clothes.

"H-hold on, I'll be right down!"

After putting on a couple of "final touches", Mina got dressed in her school uniform and said goodbye to her parents before going outside to see Zero leaning on a tree waiting for her.

"Well hello hello my little alien."

"Hello to you too, Poke-Man, and Happy Birthday." She said as she kissed Zero on the cheek before they left for school.

"So, is there a reason you'd all sweetened up?" Zero asked as her scent drilled his nostrils.

In his eyes the pinkette was now covered in the sweet scent of his favorite kind of fruit, Oran Berries.

"Maybe, or maybe I just felt like it~" Mina said, though the fact that her hips were now shaking from side to side betrayed her words and made the same feeling from this morning stir inside of him.

"How about you...you come over later and find out for yourself, 8:00PM?"

"I'll be there." Zero said a little too quickly before they reached the school and was greeted by Tokoyami.

"Good morning."

"And to you too Birdie."

"Congratulations on making it this far into your mortal life Tatsuma, let's hope you can get a little farther." He said before leaving for class.

"Wow, he really does care, doesn't he?" Zero said, sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that." Mina sweat dropped, still not understanding how Zero could apparently translate what the brooding bird boy was really saying underneath his gloomy phrases.

Eh, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Suddenly, the bell for class rang and they said their goodbyes and went to class.

(A few hours later)

"Heyyyy, Tokoyami!" Mina called out to the raven headed boy at the end of the school day.

"Where's Zero?"

"You weren't informed?" Tokoyami asked, making her toothy smile vanish as quickly as it appeared.

"Of....of what?"

(20 minutes later)

Less than half an hour later, Zero was in his room hiding under the covers as the memory of class earlier played over and over in his head.

Suddenly, he heard the door to the house unlock and poked his head up.

'It couldn't be Mom, she already texted saying that she was dealing with a villain in Tokyo.' Zero thought with a hum before he sniffed the air and an all too familiar scent of Oran Berries filled the air.

"Ohhhh nooooo." Zero groaned, instantly knowing who it was before going deeper into his covers right as his bedroom door was opened.

"Zero-kun?" Mina asked as she stepped into his room and saw the large shape underneath the covers.

Why the hell he gave her a house key he would never understand.

"Just leave me alone Mina."

"We've been through this before Zero, Tokoyami helped you then and now it's my turn." The pink girl said as she sat down at the side of his bed.

"Look Mina, whatever you heard from the other students-"

"Tokoyami told me everything that happened."

"Everything." Mina repeated making Zero wince as he remembered what he did in class.

There he was minding his own business, talking about life, and other normal things(and absolutely not fantasizing about a certain pink girl's almost painfully curvy body) before one of his classmates came up to him.

Apparently the boy had rather....risqué fondness for Mina and wanted to congratulate Zero on, quote: "Landing such a Babe."

Zero felt his chest rumble a bit as he remembered the boy's words all too well, he even knew exactly what triggered his next act.

(1 hour earlier)

"Um...I'm sorry, what was that Sangeki?" Zero asked as he looked up at the boy from his desk.

The now named Sangeki simply smirked and placed his hands in the pockets of his pants, apparently feeling miffed at Zero's question.

"I said, I can't believe you landed such a babe like that."

"I mean seriously, those long toned legs, perfect cans, curves and hips for days, and an ass you could spank for hours." Sangeki paused for a moment to allow his smirk to grow into a perverted grin.

"Makes sense though, the son of a total hottie like Ryukyu would definitely have some good tastes."

Tokoyami, who was sitting on top of his next to Zero had to fight Dark Shadow from coming and bashing this boy's head in while Zero blinked and cleared his throat before sitting up straight.

"Okay, while making an attempt to ignore all of that including the dog on my mother, I didn't "land" her, we're just....really close." He explained while also not seeing both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow share a look of disbelief with each other as Sangekis smile only grew.

"So what you're saying is...she's single?"

"I....I guess so?" Zero reluctantly answered.

"Sweet, guess all that's left is to make my move!"


(Present time)

"And it all went downhill from there." Zero muttered as he sank even deeper into his bed while Mina remained silent.

"I just...don't know what came over me, just the thought of you and.....him together pisses me off to no end and I don't know why!"

As Zero growled angrily at himself Mina simply sighed and placed a hand on his neck from under the covers, feeling Zero tense up before melting a little despite her not actually touching him.

"Zero....please look at me."

"Mina I-"

"Please..." The pinkette said before she heard him sigh and shuffle a bit and she saw his face pop out in front of her.

Once she saw him, Mina giggled a bit at how cute Zero looked with only his face and pointy elf-like ears poking out of the blankets and twitching a bit as she laughed.

"You're not helping!" He said as he almost went back before she stopped him.

"Alright, alright I'm sorry!" She said, fighting back a grin as she placed a hand on his head.

"I'm not angry at you for attacking him by the way."

"You're...you're not?"

"Well, I mean I do think you might've been a bit..barbaric, but it's still pretty flattering that you care that much.

"I just want to know one thing."



"Wh-Why what?" Zero repeated as he sat up straight only to back away a bit when Mina leaned close to him, her scent now filling nostrils and making his head spin slightly.

"Why did you react so violently at the thought of me and him dating?"

"I-I told you, I don't know."

"Oh but I think you do, I think you know exactly why..." Mina whispered as she got closer and closer their faces were only inches away and Zeros eyes went to her plump lips just off a second.

"But don't worry, I know just how to help you figure it out." She said before getting off of his bed and standing up off the bed.

"What do youuuuuuu..." Zero asked before trailing off as Minas top slipped off and he took in her now shirtless form.

Once again he couldn't help but notice that Mina had done quite a lot of growing up in all of the right areas as her large plump breasts strained at the cups before her leopard print bra, they had to be a DD-cup at least, maybe even E if you wanted to exaggerate.

"Like what you see doggie?" Mina asked, not noticing Zeros eyes slowly go dark, his green pupils shrinking slightly revealing a bit of black.

"Now if you tell me the truth, maybe I'll take my bra off nex-mmph!" She barely had time to speak before Zero practically pounced out of his bed at her, nearly knocking the wind out of her as he captured her lips in the hungriest, most desperate, and passionate kiss he could muster.

"Z-Zero, I, haaaa~" She tried to say but felt her words fail her as Zero started to kiss her neck, his hands holding up by her thick thighs and pinning her as they made out.

Their tongues wrestled and pushed against one another, and when they pulled back a trail of saliva connected the two before it broke.

Mina panted heavily as she cocked her head to the side, her thighs squeezing his torso between themselves while Zero was drawn in by her black sclerae, and yellow irises that looked like orbs of honey staring up at him.

Tilting her chin up, Zero went back to her neck, this time treating it to a small flurry or licks and bites making Mina shake as a small patch of acid leaked from her hands and burned into the wall behind her.

"Mine....mine....mine." She heard him growl into her ear before smirking and using her legs to push both herself off the wall and Zero back onto his bed.

Zero gave a small growl of disapproval before Mina began sliding her skirt off nice and slow, her hips rocking side to side as she did so until her matching leopard panties were revealed.

Kicking it away, Mina stood there in just her underwear, her long, thick legs exposed and her breasts moving up and down due to her still heavy breathing, apparently she seemed at a loss of what to do next.

Amused, Zero licked his lips before slowly taking his school uniform off as well, to which Mina's blush grew even deeper as her eyes widened in surprise before he finally spoke human Japanese again.

"You want me to take the lead?" He said in a somewhat grisly voice before Mina blinked and began to wave her hands in front of her.

"No, no, I-I know where to take things next!"

"Oh do you now, well by all means my cute little alien."

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, an idea seemed to strike Mina and she started to crank up the seduction in her gaze again, she began sensuously caressing her own generous curves in front of him, her hands trailing up her breasts, her hips jutting out at a steady rhythm, and every inch of her body now being presented to the male.

She idly shifted around so her back was to him as well as her fantastic ass held tight inside her panties, she bent forward and slowly wiggled her butt, making sure he had a clear view of it.

"Like what you see?" She asked again, this time in a deep voice as she looked behind her to see a tent forming inside Zeros boxers.

He nodded calmly in response, though she could still feel the lust seeping off of him due to the look he gave her and the fact that a low growling noise was now coming from his mouth.

Feeling herself grow hornier at the sight, Mina brought herself back up straight and unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the ground as her breasts were set free before she crawled onto the bed with Zero at long last, her body settling herself on top of his own as her curves fitted onto his rock solid form damn near perfectly as if they were meant to be against each other.

Taking a moment to savor his own body, Mina ran her hands up Zeros' muscled chest and brought her head down before looking up at Zero as if to ask for permission.

He nodded, and with that she kissed each of his abs one by one, her horns pushing against him a little making her cry out in pleasure, as Zero took this chance to slide her fully on top of him so her large breasts were now pressed into his chest, and he held her close, one hand running up her back while the other snuck down to her panties.

Thumbing the strap, he pulled it down her ass, taking a chance to palm a cheek as she did so which elicited a small gasp from Mina that Zero silenced with another kiss until Mina was finally entirely nude in all of her sexy, pink glory.

Sitting up, Mina looked down at the bulge in Zeros' boxers before she gave him another look asking for permission, which he granted and swiftly tugged them off, her eyes grew wide at the size of the tool now in front of her.

"I've got a few condoms in my dresser, let me just—"

"No, I..took a pill before I came here, I...I want it raw...please." Mina answered as her eyes never left the massive cock now throbbing between her thighs.

"Don't be scared now, I'll guide you." Zero said before firmly grabbing a hold of her waist and lifting her until her entrance hovered over his dick.

"Heh, you talk like you've done this before."

"I've...looked up the basics, now just relax and let me take care of you."

"N-no way, I'm gonna rock your world, Poke-Man." Mina said weakly, but she still let herself be guided onto his dick slowly and carefully, her eyes fluttering as she began taking him in before she yelped as Zero pulled her down all at once.

With that, he was fully inside her and Mina gasped at the strange, painful sensation, letting the fullness of Zeros dick wash over and distract her from the feeling of her hymen being torn.

"Fuck..." She cursed before the pain left and she began rocking slowly, making Zero moan in satisfaction as she did so while matching her movement at the appropriate rhythm, a second later and they were moving even faster, so far their first time together was going swimmingly.

Running her hands through her hair, Mina kept meeting Zeros thrusts with an equal amount of enthusiasm, the physical strength she had carefully cultivated over her life, both through her natural aptitude for athletics and their training together, was proving to be of great use here as her powerful thighs closed in on Zeros sides, holding him more securely in place so that his cock could pierce her even harder.

Moaning in earnest now, Mina huffed in gasps of air through her bouncing, feeling Zero stretch her out wider and wider with every movement, she yearned to have him erupt inside of her, to make a mess of her, to leave her undone and grasping at her sheets for support, and fortunately for her, she was rapidly approaching that point as her body bounced down faster and faster, her longing for Zero over the past 16 years culminating in one tremendous wave of sexual euphoria.

It was with a series of loud moans that Mina kept slamming her ass down on Zero's pelvis, and at long last she was rewarded with a hot burst of his seed inside her, she came right as he did, squealing out in ecstasy before going limp on top of Zero as he sat back up to hold her close to his chest, kissing her desperately, their tongues wrestled, their sweaty skin began sticking together and the sensation of being one continued to work the two up again even right after climaxing.

Pulling out, Zero looked at Mina's divine body once again, her pink skin now glistening with sweat and a little bit of her acid, the fluid oozing down her arms and onto the bed where it stayed.

"Don't worry about my acid, remember, I can control the viscosity of it damn near perfectly." Mina panted heavily before Zero smiled in realization.

"So that means..."

"Yup..." Mina crawled forward until she was in front of Zeros cock, moving her breasts around it and continuing to secrete fluids from her skin.

"I'm a walking lube dispenser now." She smiled before she wrapped Zeros dick between her

breasts, smiling as she heard him moan.

Rubbing her large breasts up and down, she teased the tip with a small kiss every time it would poke out, if it wasn't obvious, she had fantasized about doing something like this with Zero ever since she was old enough, even if she would feel immensely guilty about it after due to knowing that Miko likes him as well and had a much even better body than her.

However, unknown to Zero himself, the two girls had a long, long talk with each other only a week before she left and agreed to share the handsome teen between themselves once they finally reached the right age.

Though now, it seems that Mina would have to make due by herself until Miko could find her way back.

She moved her breasts up and down, the slipperiness of her sweat and acid allowing her to gently caress and stroke his dick with her own flesh, hearing him moan was thrilling, and the pulsing of his cock inside her cleavage was incredible.

Working her breasts faster, her movements became even hastier but nonetheless passionate as she licked the tip whenever it would poke out, giving him a look laced with desire each time she did so, squishing it harder and making her titfuck all the more intense, Mina continued massaging his cock with her breasts until she felt him pulse once more and his seed started spraying into her face, she couldn't help but wince a little at the sheer amount of it, but nevertheless kept massaging him with her boobs, slowing down in time with his climax.

Sitting up straight again, Mina took her finger and swabbed up some of it, bringing it up into her mouth and tasting it.

Zero grew transfixed by the sight and tilted his head as he waited to see her reaction only for her to smirk and eagerly swabbing up the rest of him and swallowing it all, licking her fingers and giving him a seductive glare.

"Delicious~" She purred, which roused Zero into action once more, grabbing Mina by the waist once again and pinning her down onto the bed.

She gave a small yelp of surprise which was quickly cut off by Zero practically attacking her mouth, his now long vulpine like tongue easily overwhelming her own as his claws came out and just barely stopped from piercing her skin.

Surprised by his newfound voraciousness, Mina pulled back as Zero lined himself up again, a large fanged grin now overtaking his face.

"Z-Zero, w-whaAAAAAGH!" She was cut off with a cry of pleasure as Zero pressed himself down into her, his large dick filling her up again, she hadn't prepared herself for it this time and ended up entirely at the mercy of his movements, she could barely form a sentence as he kept pounding into her, body moving in tandem with his own.

"You really want to know why I attacked that bastard Sangeki?" He asked, bringing her in closer as he fucked her making the girl scream again.

"Z-Zero, you...you...a..ahhhh..." Mina tried to force but between the grunting she was involuntarily making with Zeros fervent thrusts and being overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure of it, she ended up tripping over her own words.

"It's because you're mine." He literally growled as he grabbed her legs and started rutting her even harder.

"ONLY mine!"

"Uhhhhhh!" Mina answer was more of a mixture of dumb panting and moaning, the sounds growing more intense with each thrust as began doing sharp intakes of breath while Zero railed away at her faster and faster.

"You've always been mine, from the moment we've met as kids you've known it, and I did too, we both just needed a little..."

"Motivation." Zero chuckled as he looked down at the pink, drooling mess underneath him before he bent down to her neck and bit it softly while continuing to fuck her mercilessly until, with a shiver running throughout her whole body, she arched her back and wailed with pleasure with him moaning right alongside her, pumping her full of his seed for a second time.

By the time they had come down from their high, the two had brought their heads together and were panting heavily before Zero started to move again, getting a small whimper from Mina.

"Awww, don't worry my little alien, I won't hurt you, but after a few years of waiting..."

"I'm gonna need MUCH more than that!"

For the next few hours and the rest of the night, the two of them adopted a multitude of different positions, apparently Zero was very eager to try out different styles he had seen and read about during his "alone time" and Mina, despite being practically punch-drunk, was more than happy to oblige.

She pressed herself against the wall as he entered her pussy from behind, fervently fucking her into the cold plaster, next, she was introduced to Zero's personal favorite position, the mating press, the sheer amount power and focus he exercised during it ensuring that the position was performed to its fullest effect.

Through the different moves and techniques they went, Mina's mind was blown by every single one loving the way his hands ran all over her body while he kissed, clawed, and even nibbled on her in all the right places, and most importantly, speared her with his cock with just the right amount of intensity at the right moments.

By the end of it, Mina had become little more than a sopping mess, her acid colliding and mixing together with the sweat coming off her and dripping onto the floor.

Zero now had taken to standing up and hooking his arms under her thighs with his hands on her ass, bouncing her up and down on his still throbbing member as they fucked.

He had carried her throughout their final act of intercourse himself, though Mina still made sure to hug him tight as she was brought down onto his dick over and over and over and over, kissing his neck all the while.

"Zero-kun, Zero-kuuuuuun..." She mewled cutely, rubbing her face against his neck like a needy kitten wanting attention for her owner.

"Don't worry, I'm right here."

"You're mine now, you're my adorable little alien." He reassured her as he licked her hair, enjoying the scent of her shampoo while still continuing to fuck her.

Mina wasn't sure whether it was the joy of being able to be with her longtime crush like this, the intense pleasure of their lovemaking, or the simple impatience she'd had with how long it took for this to happen, but she felt an indescribable feeling bubbling up inside her. It was part warm, part terrifying, but all too familiar to her.

It was a feeling she'd been wrestling with for years during her pre-teen stage regarding Zero, but here and now, she felt it more strongly than ever before.

"I love you, Zero-kun." She said, the words slipping naturally from her mouth.

"Mina looooooves you!"

Zero kept fucking her even as she cried the proclamation out, surer than ever of her feelings toward the man holding her so lovingly.

He had now seen her at her most vulnerable, explored every inch of her body that he could(in his human form of course), and was still able to keep going with her after expending himself over and over, that moment Mina was absolutely certain that there was no man on earth capable of doing to her what Zero could.

"Heh, and I love you, my Alien Queen." He said in his normal voice as Mina pulled back, holding Zero's face as her yellow eyes found his green ones and she gave him an overjoyed smile.

"Love you, love you, love you, love you..." She chanted as she felt her final climax building, getting closer and closer with each second as Zeros' thrusts grew stronger and stronger with each passing second.

"Love you, love you, love you..."

His hands kept massaging her ample bottom the entire time, that, in tandem with his thrusts set her nerves alight and blinded her vision with white light.

"Love you, love you, love you..."

It really hadn't been fair, having to feel like this all these years but now, Zero was paying it back to her and then some, and for that she couldn't help but feel like the happiest woman on Earth at that moment.

"I love you, Zero-kuuuuuuuuuunn!" She managed to cry out right as Zero went down to lick her breast.

"I love you, I love you, I loooovvvee youuuuuuu!"

Her final scream was spent on a proclamation of intense affection toward Zero, matching the intensity of her climax, once more Zero's seed bursted inside of her as her own juices drizzled around his cock, he had filled her up so many times that night she had begun losing count, but she was certain that this was the last one as she rocked herself against him best she could, he kept surely guiding her on top of his dick, helping both of them crest over their last orgasm together.

When he finally stopped, Zero simply slid himself out of his pink lover and brought the both of them under the sheets and blankets, smiling when he felt Mina keep a hold of him all the while.

"Zero-kuuuuun...." She moaned out one more time before he watched her fall lasers against his chest and he kissed her on the forehead before looking up at the ceiling of his room.

"Damn, it's gotta be somewhere near 2 am." He said to himself as he remembered that Ryuko was most likely home already.

"Hopefully we weren't too loud."

Outside of Zeros' room, Ryuko Tatsuma, the Dragon Hero Ryukyu, the Top 11th Heroine in all of Japan...

...was currently leaning against the door to her son's room with a long line of drool leaking out of her mouth and onto her dress which had been ripped apart so her hands could play with her breasts.

'Yes, you were.' She thought silently to herself before her tail started to move itself inside of her womanhood once more.

Back with the real Ryuko in the present, the Dragon Hero growled to herself as she flew before she reached her apartment and landed on the balcony.

After spending almost half an hour in the restroom of her agency, she soon ordered Matsu to email the rest of the potential interns to her while she took the day off tomorrow.

She could remember as clear as day coming home and seeing the two teens still going at like goddamn animals, she was going to go and confront them, but soon felt a strange heat fill her body before she started to pleasure herself right outside his door for the next few hours.

Ryuko sighed loudly and walked down the hall to the bathroom for a cold shower only to freeze when she heard some rather...familiar sounds coming from her son's room.

"Yes, yes, m-more!"

Ryuko shuddered when she heard Minas' voice practically scream out from Zeros room and all too familiar heat filled her body up only this time she walked away and straight to the bathroom.

"Make that a VERY cold shower."