
My Zero Academia

On her way home from a late night patrol, The Dragon Hero, Ryukyu is surprised to find a young blue haired boy abandoned and injured in an forest! Watch as that boy unlocks the secrets to his past as well as his quirk and becomes one of the worlds greatest heroes alongside his classmates. (Female MHA x OC) I own nothing except for the characters I make up myself. Spoilers if you haven't guessed!

Tardis_2001 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs



Everything hurts.

His aching and bleeding body was on fire, he couldn't move, he couldn't talk, hell he could barely even breathe.

Where was he, all he could remember was a trying to find his way back home before hearing a dark voice call to him, and then a painful, burning sensation, like hot needles piercing his skin and something heavy being lodged into his chest.

After that, everything went black and silent before he woke up here on the ground, he tried to call for help, but all that managed to leave his sore dried throat was a burning hot heave.

'Someone...help...' The boy thought as he fought to keep his eyes open.

"P-please..." He managed to croak out in a hoarse voice.


In the city of Musutafu, Japan, a young woman was walking silently through the streets, ignoring the looks she got from onlookers who recognized her.

The woman looked somewhere between her early to mid twenties with chin-length blonde hair that was swept back with a headband and a long fringe over the right side of her face, covering one of her yellow reptile like eyes.

She was dressed in a dark red qipao with a pale green scale trim around her shoulders that hugged both her firm, round F-cup chest and curvy waist, along with a slit on either side revealing her black thigh-high boots, and a strap around her each of her exposed thighs, she also had a matching green headband with four large, pale claws attached, covering the right side of her face, and a set of small black dragon wings protruding from the back of her head.

This woman was none other than the Number 14. Pro Hero Ryukyu aka Ryuko Tatsuma.


As the blonde walked out of the city and into a nearby park, she swore that she heard a small weak cry echo through the trees.

It almost sounded like...a child?

"That's ridiculous, it's probably just a ghost type trying prank me or something." Ryuko said to herself though every single one of her instincts were saying otherwise.

Damnit, no one was coming, did they not hear him?

His voice was so small and raspy so it wouldn't be much of shock if it didn't carry all that fall.

Wait, there's someone, they could help him, just a little closer...


No, they're leaving!

Damnit, he can't yell again, he might lose his voice if he did, if only they could him, some way....

Please, hear him...somehow...hear him please....


Right as Ryuko started to leave, a loud voice practically exploded in her head almost giving her a migraine as she held herself.

"Okay, that's definitely not a prank!" She said before running deeper into the forest.

Normally with how dark it was, any other person wouldn't be able to see anything in the thick trees and shrubbery.

Luckily though, Ryukyu was anything but.


"There!" She said once she heard the voice again and pinpointed it down easily.

Ryuko pushed away some bushes that were blocking the path and immediately gasped at what she saw.

Lying on the grass in front of her was a young blue haired boy probably not even six years old yet, and he looked, for lack of better words, awful.

His body was covered in cuts, bruises, and scars, his blank emerald green eyes looked nearly lifeless, and he also had a black collar around his neck and what looked like a large Mega Stone from the Kalos region lodged into his chest where his heart should be.

But he was still alive, and that was what mattered most at the moment.

"Mommy...mommy...mommy..." The boy whimpered as he shook most likely in pain from trying to move.

"Oh my God." She whispered before picking up the child as gently as she could.

Once he was in her arms, Ryukos body shifted a little before a large pair of reptilian wings sprouted out from her back along a long slender tail as well.

She wasted no time before flapping her wings hard and taking off into the sky towards the nearest hospital.

As they flew Ryuko held the child close to her her before noticing that his wounds looked slightly  better than they did just a minute ago.

Almost like his body was...


'Most likely his quirk maybe.' She thought before looking at the tag on his collar.

'...Zero Baliton?'