
My Zero Academia

On her way home from a late night patrol, The Dragon Hero, Ryukyu is surprised to find a young blue haired boy abandoned and injured in an forest! Watch as that boy unlocks the secrets to his past as well as his quirk and becomes one of the worlds greatest heroes alongside his classmates. (Female MHA x OC) I own nothing except for the characters I make up myself. Spoilers if you haven't guessed!

Tardis_2001 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

First Impressions

A few months later, in a comfortable penthouse at the city of Musutafu, Japan, Ryuko Tatsuma was humming happily to herself as she made breakfast for two dressed in only an apron over her dress as she fried some eggs.

Suddenly, she felt someone hug her legs and she looked down to see the same boy from the park smiling tiredly at her.

"Good Morning, Zero-kun!" Ryuko said in an sweet tone.

"Did you get a good sleep?"

"Mmm-hmm." Zero mumbled before yawning a bit making her giggle before picking him up with her tail and setting him down at a nearby table and placing a large plate of rice, eggs, and bacon down in front of him.

"Come on now wake up and eat, you don't want to miss your first day of school do you?" She asked making Zeros blank emerald green eyes shoot open.

"No way!" He said before he bowed and proceeded to devour his plate.

As he ate, Ryuko looked at her adopted son with a small, happy smile on her face.

'It may have been difficult at first...' She thought.

'But I definitely have no regrets...'

(Flashback: 6 months ago)

Not even half an hour later, and Ryukyu made it to the hospital.

Zeros injuries were already mostly healed once they got there, but he still had a very bad fever, which meant that he has to stay in the hospital until it was gone while the professionals with healing quirks worked in him.

Ryuko hadn't left his side from the moment she checked him in, she didn't know why, but something inside of her practically demanded that she stayed with the child.

Meanwhile, she sent of a few of the interns at her agency out to look for the boy's parents, although,they haven't found them yet so far.

Suddenly, Zero started tossing and turning in his bed as if he was having a nightmare before he jumped awake and looked around the room with a fearful and confused expression until he spotted Ryuko

"It's alright." She said in a gentle tone.

"You're safe. I'm not here to hurt you."

W-w-where am I, who are you?" He asked.

"I am The Dragon Hero, Ryukyu." She said proudly.

"I found you in the park and immediately bright to here, don't worry, the nurse should be back soon."

As if it was magic, said nurse immediately entered the room and Ryukyu moved asked to let her do her work.

As she checked Zeros temperature, the boy kept his on Ryuko who felt rather uncomfortable at the way he was staring at her wings and tail which she still had out, while they obviously just looks of fascination it was still rather awkward.

"Well Mr. Baliton, it seems your fever is gone, though you body temperature is still quite high that could just be your Quirk." The nurse explained after checking his temperature.

"Baliton, who's that?" Zero asked with a tilt of his head.

Both adults looked at him with wide eyes before the nurse turned serious.

"Z-zero, so to have any idea who you or your parents are?" She asked before Zero shook his head and she turned.

"This is bad. Mr. Baliton might have retrograde amnesia."

"Oh no." Ryuko said before the door opened and a tall man with the head of a dog walked in wearing a police uniform.

Oh, is this the boy, woof?" He said before looking down at Zero

"Hello there Mr. Baliton, woof."

'He said woof...' Zero thought without responding to him making him frown.

"I'm sorry, sir." The nurse apologized.

"But Mr. Baliton has amnesia, ge doesn't remember anything, even his own name.

"Really, woof, even on what happened to him?" The police dog said, looking at Zero.

What happened to me?" Zero asked before the stone in his chest glowed and he winced as the image of a young man shrouded in darkness flashed in his head.


They all looked at Zero who was holding his head, whimpering in pain before Ryuko quickly went to his side to comfort him.

"Did you remember something, woof?" The dog asked as Zero felt the pain leave.

"No...sorry...I forgot again..." He said as he felt Ryuko stroke his hair gently oddly calming him.

Hmm, so Dissociative Amnesia them, woof?" The police suggested to the nurse who nodded.

"It's a possibility, he must have been through something so terrible that his mind repressed the memory deep into his subconscious.

"And what about his parents, did any of my interns or sidekicks find them?" Ryuko asked.

"About that..." The police said before turning to Ryukyu

"Can I speak with you outside?"

Ryuko looked at the dog and then at Zero, who looked sad at her leaving him, she gave him a sweet smile as she patted his head.

"Don't worry, I'll be back."

"So, what about his parents.

"I'm afraid to say, we don't have a record of someone named 'Zero Baliton, nor has there been any reports of a missing person by the name of Baliton, woof." He said, causing her eyes to widen.

"It's as if this kid just appeared out of thin air, woof."

"But then...what's going to happen to him?" Ryuko asked, already fearing the answer.

"...We'll still keep looking, maybe go global, woof," The police dog said.

"But until then, he'll have to live in a foster home, woof."

"What, we can't just leave the poor boy there!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, but we have no other place else for him, woof." The dog said sadly before Ryuko looked at the door, remembering the boy's expression when she left and the happy smile he had when she comforted him.

"....Then...then he can live with me," She said, surprising everyone.

(Flashback over)

A lot of people tried to talk her out of it, from friends to even other Pros, but damnit if Ryuko Tatsuma wasn't as stubborn as a dragon.

After he got a clear bill of health, Zero moved in to her apartment, he seemed rather happy to go with her since he was more comfortable with her than anyone, and  a month of searching, the police couldn't find anyone in the world with the name Baliton, so since there was no one claiming for Zero, Ryuko decided to adopt him as her own

So after a lot of paperwork and some...."convincing" with her Quirk, his name was changed to Zero Tatsuma and moved to a better house.

Though there were some...personal complications.

(Flashback: 5 months ago)

"Wait, seriously, you actually have a kid now?!" A young Pro Heroine asked as she sat in a cafe with Ryuko.

The woman looked to be only a couple years younger than her with long white hair that went down past her hips, ruby red eyes, dark, sexy tanned skin and two long rabbit ears at the top of her head with a round white tail to match, she also had a very busty yet athletic figure with firm H-cup breasts, wide child bearing hips, and long toned legs and thighs that looked like they could snap an oak tree in half with no effort.

Her costume consisted of a skin-tight white leotard with black details, a crescent moon shaped design over her chest, and thick metal plates over her waist, she also had black thigh-high boots to compliment her leotard, with more plating around the heel and toe areas making her feet look like that of a rabbits.

"Yes Mirko, I do." Ryuko said as if she was answering the question for the hundredth time today.

"Man, and here I thought it was just fake news." Mirko said with with a shrug crossing her feet on the table.

"Well it's not, and before you ask any questions I can safely tell I've made sure everything was taken of-"

"Don't you sleep in the nude?"

Ryuko then proceeded to almsot fall out of her chair at the rabbit womans sudden question, a large flush of red now sneaking it's way onto her face.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I mean, last time if i remember right you sleep in the nude because you have and I quote "sensitive skin "am I right?" Mirko asked as the dragon fought not transform and bite her head off just to shut her up before the entire cafe heard her and cleared her throat.

"Well then I guess I'll have to wear a robe to sleep instead, I'm more than happy to make sacrifices for his wellbeing." Ryuko said while drinking her tea.

"Oh I bet..." Mirko smiled as she drank from her coffee as well.

(Flashback Over)

Ryuko had fight down a small blush from forming on her face from that memory.

While she wouldn't admit to the rabbits face, she did end up being somewhat right only a couple weeks later.

Key word being somewhat.

(Flashback: 5 months ago)

Ryuko was woken up groggily by the sound of knocking at her bedroom door.

"Wha...?" She mumbled while sitting up, her blankets being the only thing covering her naked body.

"...Momma.." Her eyes shot fully open at the sound of her son's voice before she flapped out of bed with her wings while placing a silky black kimono robe that hugged her slender body perfectly and opened the door to see Zero looking up at her, his emerald green eyes now filled with fear.

"Sweetie what's wrong, did you have another nightmare?" She asked receiving only a silent nod of confirmation from him making her sigh.

This was the second time in only three days, looks like she'll have to schedule another appointment.

"Can.." Zero said before stopping.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Can I...sleep with you tonight?" He asked making her blink before she looked down at what she was wearing.

Ignoring Mirkos words echoing in her head she smiled at the boy before picking him up in her arms.

"Of course sweetie."

She flapped her wings softly and returned to bed with Zero now hugging her gently.

"Do you remember what the nightmare was about?" Ryuko asked while placing the covers over them.

"No, all I heard was screeching, like monsters, and then I felt my chest hurt really bad."

Ryuko frowned at the sight of Zeros now shaking in fear before she held him closer to her chest and wrapped her wings around the both of them.

"Shhh, don't worry sweetie, you don't have to be scared anymore, I won't let anything happen to you again okay?"

She received only the sound of snoring and looked down to see Zero sleeping loudly against her.

As Ryuko started to fall asleep herself she noticed just how...right this felt.

She didn't know whether it was her dragon sides maternal/protective instincts working or the feeling of Zeros soft skin rubbing against her own, but she loved this.

'I will protect him...my Zero-kun...' She thought as her eyes glowed slightly while Zeros head sank into her breasts.

'My precious little treasure...'

(Flashback over)

Ever since then, Zero and Ryuko grew only closer as time went on, with her even going so far as to bring him to her agency from time to time when he wasn't playing with any wild Animals or Pokemon that seemed strangely attracted to him.

Ryuko was curious about this of course, but her questions were soon answered on their own the day she explained to Zero what Quirks were.

She could still remember the sense of absolute wonder in her eyes when she told him about Heroes And Villains, and the amazement grew even larger when she showed him her own quirk, Dragon.

Eager to be a hero like his mother Zero then tried to see if he could use his quirk, only for Ryuko to be one who was amazed when his eyes wandered off to a small group of Joltik scurrying about on some nearby powerlines outside before turning into an exact copy of the Pokemon the only difference being that Zero was blue and black with the same emerald green eyes he had as a human.

After Ryuko calmed Zero down, though not before he shorted out the lights in the house out of surprise, the two discovered that he could turn into any Pokemon.

But after that, it appeared that Zero wasn't limited to only Pokemon, the next day, Zero was a recording of a battle with the Kanto Region Champion Lance and his Dragonite and he ended up blowing off the roof of the house with a large Dragon Pulse attack by accident.

After a few doctor appointments and some research, courtesy of U.A. University, it was discovered that Zero has a strange Quirk that allows him to transform into any Pokemon on Earth, or even just use their abilities on their own as long as he remembered both the name and face of the creature in his head first.

Though this was very odd since Zero didn't have the genetic composition for a Quirk, in fact his DNA seemed rather unnatural...

After that discovery of his Quirk, which he happily named "Pokemon Kingdom", Zeros dream of becoming a hero like his mother only grew a hundred times bigger.

His mother had told him about U.A., the college where all of the greatest heroes, like All Might, Endeavor, and even herself had graduated from and became the greatest heroes in their time.

So now here he was, ready for his first day in Kindergarten where the teachers would help him develop his Quirk properly.

"Did you finish your breakfast?" Ryuko asked as she started cleaning the table.

"Yes!" Zero said while bouncing up and down ready to leave already.

"Do you have your backpack?"


"Did you give me a kiss yet?"

Zion turned into an Eevee and climbed onto Ryukos shoulder licking her on the cheek.

"Okay, we can go now." She said as she removed her apron and stroked his ear before he changed back.

Zero cheered as he pulled his mom out the house, Ryuko giggled at his enthusiasm as she walked next to him to his school.

Are you excited, Zero-kun?" She asked her son as he ran around her like an excited puppy.

"Yeah!" Zero replied as he waved his arms around.

"I can't wait to learn more about my Quirk!"

"Okay, we're here." She said as they made it to the school, where kids his age bid goodbye to their mothers and fathers.

"Now remember, behave and make lots of good friends, oh, and call if there's an emergency, okay?"

"Yes, Momma." Zero said as the other kids and their parents recognized Ryuko and whispered.

"I'll pick you up at three, so be good." Ryuko said.


"Bye Momma." Zero gave her another kiss on the head before running inside the school with the other kids, Ryuko waved with a smile on her face, but once he was inside the building, she started crying softly, earning a few looks from onlookers before flying away to her agency.

Once Zero walked into his classroom, he saw all of the other kids showing of their Quirks and talking to each other.

Well all except for two, one was a girl with smooth bubblegum pink skin, short, scruffy, hot pink hair, pitch black eyes with golden yellow pupils, and short, and crooked yellow horns protruding from her hair, she also seemed to just be keeping to herself, trying to look small.

The other who was also a girl had beautiful long hair that looked like it was made from solid gold, and pasty white skin with a very light golden hue to it, her eyes however were covered by a white and she also a walking stick in her lap meaning that she was apparently blind.

Seeing an open seat next to pink girl, Zero sat down and greeted her energetically.

"Hi, I'm Zero, what's your name?"

"...M-mina..." She replied shyly barely above a whisper.

"Nice to meet you!" He said with a wide, toothy grin, Mina just looked at him before giving him a small smile of her own as their teacher appeared and all the other students sat down in their chairs.

"Good morning, children." She said with a bright smile to her students.

"Welcome to your first day of school where you learn how to use your Quirk, and hopefully become some great heroes someday!"

All of the students cheered, except for Mina and the gold girl who seemed to grip her walking stick tightly.

"How about we start the day with an ice breaker?" She suggested with a clap of her hands.

"Let's start alphabetically."

Zero watched in wonder as his classmates introduced themselves, and showed off their Quirks, once it was Minas turn, she quietly stood up and went to the front of the class while Zero heard some of the kids commented how weird she looked and snickered at her.

"My name...is Mina Ashido." She said in a shy voice.

"And my Quirk...is Acid."

She raised her right hand and it started dripping a clear white liquid before Zeros eyes widened when he saw it melt down through floor.

"Ew!" More than half class exclaimed.

"What a gross power!"

"And she looks so weird!"

"What are those eyes?"

"Yeah, she's like some weird slug alien!"

Minas face turned red and averted her eyes as she quickly sat back to her chair, before Zero could try and say something the teacher yelled at them to be quiet, which caused a shockwave that made their hairs stand up.

After a few more students, it was Zeros turn and he stood up and walked to the front.

"I'm Zero Tatsuma!" He introduced loudly with a grin.

"And my Quirk is Pokemon Kingdom!"

As he said that, he changed into a Butterfee, and then a Snivy, and then a Mightyena surprising everyone before he went back to his seat proudly, many of the students saying how cool his Quirk was while others looked jealous.

After a couple more it was then time for the last student to go up which just so happened to be the golden girl who went up slowly with some help from the teacher.

"My name...is Miko Tsuyoidesu." She said in a low almost emotionless voice.

"And my quirk is Gold." She said with a small sigh before going up to the teachers desk and placing her hands on it which turned it into pure solid gold inside and out amazing the entire class.

"Can I go back now?" She asked the teacher as her desk turned back to normal.

"Of course."

"Hey, why are you wearing that thing over your eyes?"

"What's with the stick?"

"You said Tsuyoidesu, aren't your parents like super rich?"

Miko ignored the barrage of questions and sat back down in her seat, her hands trembling as a small but golden light leaked out of her blindfold.

After a few minutes, the teacher then let them out for recess, and sll the kids started running out the building to the playground and went to their friends.

Zero being alone, just stood there, holding a ball, he looked a little sad, but he kept smiling as he played by himself, bouncing the ball up and down.

He then looked up and saw Miko sitting by herself on a nearby bench before going up to her.

"Hey, you wanna play?" He asked her making her look up in his direction.

"No, just leave me alone." She said bitterly making him frown before throwing the ball away sitting down next to her.

"You....you have a really cool quirk you know." He said making her let out a scoff.

"Yeah, such a cool quirk, turn stuff into gold and go completely blind, lucky me right?"

"Oh, so your eyes are connected to your Quirk as well as your hands?" Zero asked, making her sigh knowing that he wouldnt leave now.

"Y-yeah, I wasn't born blind, when my quirk manifested they....well they just became way to dangerous to leave uncovered.

"What do you mean dangerous?"

"Well...um...they shoot lasers now." Miko said making Zero blink a bit.

"Wait, like laser lasers?"


"Like bowwwahh, fire, lasers?" He asked while several cartoon sound effects with his mouth making her laugh a little.

"More or less, I'm trying to control it but my parents are too scared let me take this thing off to see."

"Can you control it?"

"I think I can, but I guess we'll never know if this thing isn't coming off now will we?"

Zero stared at Miko for a few seconds and then at the ground before nodding to himself.

"Then lets do it." He said making Miko hum.

"Hmm, do what?"

"Take the blindfold off "

What, no, are you crazy?!" She yelled while backing away a bit.

"You said you can control it right?" He asked.

"Y-yes but-"

"Then that's all the confirmation we need, it's your quirk, if you think you can use it right, then there's no reason to not believe you."

"But what if I shoot you, or shoot someone else, or the school?!"

"You can just change us back to normal."

"But I never did a person before." Miko said as she felt Zero get closer.

"I trust you Miko, I know you can do it." Zero smiled making her blush slightly before sighing.

"You aren't gonna leave until I say yes are you?"


"....alright...alright." Miko said before lifting her hands shakily and untying her sash and pulling it down.

"Um, your eyes are still closed."

"I know just....just give me a minute." She took several deep breaths before opening her eyes completely.

Zero blushed at the sight of the girls gorgeous golden eyes that matched her hair perfectly, her white skin shining from the sunlight making her looking like an angel.

"I...i can see...." Miko said before she looked at Zero who was snapped out of his daze.

"I CAN SEE!" She screamed before jumping on Zero.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"I didn't do anything." Zero said she still hugging the girl back.

"No, you did everything you needed to, you really are a hero you know that." She said between sniffs.

Zero the felt a large ball of pride swell up in his chest at the girls words.

If this what being a hero feels like then he's made an excellent choice in careers.

"Oh my God, I gotta call my parents!" Miko said before letting Zero go and running to the school.

"Oh wait hold on, Zero."

"Yeah?" He said before she grabbed his head and kissed him on the cheek making him turn red and fall to the ground with a dopey smile.

"See you around hero~" She giggled before going into the school with a very happy sway of her hips.

As Miko left and Zero came back to earth, he looked over in the distance and saw three boys surrounding Mina who looked like she was crying, confused, Zero used his powers to turn invisible like a Ghost-type and sneaked towards them.

"You look so gross!" A big one exclaimed as he pulled on her horns.

"You be a hero, yeah right!" A rat looking one said with a snicker

"Someone with racoon eyes have to be a villain!" One with four eyes, glasses and a bowl cut said.

"Racoon eyes, Racoon eyes!" The three bullies teased, causing Mina's eyes to water.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrr." A low growling like sound emitting from nowhere as a large shadow blocked the sunlight from on top of the boys.

"Guys....what the neck is that." The rat asked before the three of them turned to see a large blue and black Zoroark loom over them, it's emerald green eyes gazing into their own as it licked it lips.

"Zor...Zoro!(Run...now!) It barked at them before the three boys screamed as they ran into the building and Zero changed back.

"Are you okay?" He asked nicely, looking at Mina.

"That was you?!" Mina asked in awe.

"Yep, Pokemon Kingdom lets me turn into any Pokemon or Animal in the world!" Zero said proudly.

"Wow, that's so much better than my quirk..."

What?" He said in disbelief.

"Your Quirk is awesome, you can throw acid at bad guys!"

"But...it makes me look like this," Mina said sadly. "

"You don't look weird to me, besides you have cute animal eyes."

"...C-cute?" Mina said, her skin turning a magenta like color from blushing.

"Yeah, small Pokemon and Animals are adorable!" Zero said causing Mina to sweatdrop before she started laughing, causing him to laugh too.

"Hey, wanna play?" Zero asked with a toothy grin.

"Sure." Mina said as they went to grab the ball from before.