
Nico's feeling

Once again, Nico's face is redder as she sees Ayaka's smile and hears that she is actually respected by the orange-haired girl. She feels embarrassed right now since she rarely has someone who appreciates her, primarily because of her childish behavior and figure that makes it hard for anyone to give the said respect.

Aside from μ's, Nico rarely received some respect since most of them were just jokingly under the pre-text of respect, and since Ayaka isn't the part of μ's because the orange-haired girl wasn't an idol, that made Nico extremely happy.

'T-This weird… why would I feel so happy like this, just from hearing that from her…!'

She thought in panic and storming blush as Nico tried to look calm and unaffected as possible, yet that was a failure due to how Ayaka had already noticed it since that seemed so evident for the orange-haired girl. Todokami Ayaka is quite observant and not that dense, so that's why she could notice something obvious like this from Nico.

'Oh crap! I have to act normal, so Todokami won't be suspicious or notice it! Quick, myself!'

As Nico quickly processed her mind of that, she crossed her arms and decided to act as if it was normal while trying to calm herself down; the twin-tail-haired girl replied to Ayaka.

"I-I see… as expected from me that you respected me like that!"

Nico said that while stuttered and nervous, causing Ayaka to chuckle since it's not something that her eyes missed because her senpai's obviousness is quite strong. However, the orange-haired girl decided to play dumb and nodded while complimenting Nico even further.

"We may not know each other that close and well, but I respect you a lot, senpai, from what I've gained. After all, you're the one that put your everything into idol stuff, right? Aside from Hana, you are also knowledgeable enough about the idol and teach every one of it."

"T-That's right, I had to. If not… then we will be left behind in almost everything. E-Even if not everything, at least they could understand the basic… right?"

Nico said as she tried to convince her orange-haired kouhai about what she said. Ayaka put a hand on her chin and nodded as she agreed with that logic since there was no way an idol group would be clueless about what they would do, and that is becoming an idol itself.

'Maybe the clueless one who still doesn't understand all of it would be Honoka-senpai… considering how she acts. I'm not insulting her, but Honoka-senpai is really… interesting and energetic. We may have some similarities but also some differences.'

Ayaka smiled subtly when thinking of that and replied to Nico again with a nod.

"You're right, Nico-senpai. After all, if one learns the basics, they will surely be able to do everything next without much problem. The basic is everything."

Nico nodded quickly when her cheeks became redder again, seeing her kouhai's beautiful face illuminated by the light. Her heart was beating up so fast in excitement, and the feeling of happiness swelled whenever the twin-tailed girl saw Ayaka's smile and face.

Although this was so sudden, Nico was certain what kind of feeling she had right now towards Ayaka. However, she doesn't want to tell Ayaka about it since that would be weird because that girl already has Hanayo as her girlfriend. That is undoubtedly weird and would betray the rice-loving girl as if Nico were trying to steal Ayaka from Hanayo to be hers.

And because of that, Nico doesn't dare to confess her feeling. Her mouth tried to speak of it but couldn't utter any words from that. However, if possible, Nico would share her love for Ayaka with Hanayo… but she realizes that wasn't possible since multiple lovers or harem relationship is hard to maintain and won't magically work like in anime and manga.

And so, Nico decided to keep it for now and maybe confess about it when the time was right. She is still not prepared yet since she is afraid of the result. Nico feared if she decided to tell her love to Ayaka, something terrible or worse would happen and might shatter their friendship.

'No. I don't want Todokami hates me because of it. Even though she thinks we are not close and I always seem to distance myself from her, the truth is not. We befriended each other these past several days; she always helped me with something and tried her best to be my friend.'

Drawing out a deep breath, Nico acted like she always does with her signature smile and attitude despite her faking it. The twin-tailed girl doesn't want to worry Ayaka by showing her obviousness even though Ayaka could easily spot it.

'Nico-senpai seems to be hiding something by masking her real emotion with a fake one. I'm worried, but we're not that close, so I don't have the right to interfere with her business. Whatever she has in mind right now is something I hope nothing to be serious about. Also, I hope we can be close as a friend one day.'

She thought with a small smile of worry on her face when she stared at Nico, and after that, the twin-tailed senpai of Ayaka said something to break and change the mood between them.

"That's true anyway. Basic is everything! Oh yeah, Todokami. Did you have any plan for Summer Vacation later?"

Nico's question caused Ayaka to blink and pondered before nodding at the twin-tailed third year.

"A little. Doing things as usual and maybe going on a date with Hana since we still haven't had our first date since dating."

"Ah! That's right. I think it's a good plan, but if you still have some free time during that, you could join μ's exclusive Summer Idol Camp. We're intended to have the training and playing around during it."

"Eh?! Is that okay, though? I'm not μ's member, you know, Nico-senpai."

Nico nodded as she reassured Ayaka with a smile.

"Of course it's okay! You may not μ's member, but you're a member of our circle! Moreover, you can also spend your time more with Hanayo. How's that? I'm sure everyone won't have any problem with it."

Once again pondered as she heard Nico's proposal; Ayaka nodded in agreement after considering it.

"Yes! I would like to gladly accept it, Nico-senpai!"

Another new chapter after a week.

TetekGedecreators' thoughts
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