
My Yuri Harem of School Idols!

Todokami Ayaka, an ordinary girl that always cheerful and full of energy, a first year of Otonokizaka High School is currently living her school life in peaceful, but that will soon change when one of the members of school idol known as μ's (pronounced "Muse") came and confessing her love to her! Her ordinary and peaceful life won't stay like before once she got that love confession, especially with how μ's that started to invade her life.

TetekGede · Anime & Comics
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149 Chs


After having such thoughts on her mind and leaving the bathroom so the hot water in the bathtub would be self-filled, Ayaka went to the kitchen and witnessed something wonderful sight for her. Ayaka's red eyes saw her beloved brown-haired girlfriend wearing a white-colored apron that she always had. The sight Hanayo presented caused the orange-haired girl to have faint blush on her cheeks because it looked cute, even though the color would be suited if it matched, but Ayaka couldn't help still admiring it since she only had that color.

As if she knew about Ayaka, the brown-haired girl turned around and looked back to see her orange-haired girlfriend, that stared in awe at her, which was responded by Hanayo with her charming and adorable smile at Ayaka while she was already cutting some ingredients for today's dinner.

"Ah! Aya-chan, are you done with the bath?"

"The bath will automatically be filled, so don't worry."

"Oh… it is the same with me and every house, I believe. Sorry for the dinner; I only finished cutting the vegetables. You have to wait a bit longer, Aya-chan."

Ayaka waved off her hands as if she didn't mind, then lifted her thumbs up and said something to her beloved brown-haired girlfriend with a big smile and confidence without slight hesitation when she did it.

"That apron makes you look like a housewife and beautiful, Hana-chan. I like it!"

A huge blush stormed Hanayo's face when Ayaka said that with complete confidence and got a thumbs-up from her orange-haired girlfriend. She is flustered, a bit excited, and happy when she gets an honest compliment from Ayaka. She looked down with huge blush still on her cheeks and face before regaining her composure and thanked Ayaka.

"U-Uhm… thank you, Aya-chan. I am your girlfriend and would be your w-wife in the future…! I really want to…! After all, being f-futanari, you would be my h-husband…."

"Hehe. I'd love to and hope we will get married in the future. I can't help but want to see you wear an apron every day if we marry later. Every day from morning to evening since maybe I worked as a civil servant in the future."

"I'm sure that not everyone would want to stay as a housewife, Aya-chan. I am sure everyone doesn't want to burden you with supporting nine of us. Some of us may also be looking for a job, not a housewife. Maybe Eli-chan and Umi-chan would also want to work to help ease your burden later."

Hanayo assures her girlfriend about that since she knows how hard it is to support nine people alone. Not to mention how hard it is to live in Japan with everything expensive and how many people worked until they died in some black companies just to earn money. Many people or family in japan doesn't want to have a child because the living costs would be high, and they would like to avoid that if they didn't have the money to cover it.

"That's true… living with ten people and if there is a chance of having children, the cost for a living would be insanely higher and increased. Looks like I am still immature since I want to have a harem, but there is not enough money to support it."

Ayaka said, chuckling ironically at how childish her thinking about a harem was. She wants to have a harem, not because of perverted reasons, but because she wants to have a big family so she won't be alone. And Ayaka also began to slowly care for and love all the girls in μ's; they also loved her. However, Hanayo shook her head and said something to Ayaka regarding that.

"It's not your fault, Aya-chan. We will shoulder this together, not just two of us, but ten of us. If we work together, I am sure everything will work. If we did that, Aya-chan, everything would turn out good in the result. Maybe some other than Eli-chan and Umi-chan would also want to work."

"I hope so. Anyway, let's put that aside for later. Did you need any help with the dinner, Hana-chan? Since it seems I have nothing to do because my bath is automated, unlike some that have to do it manually. I may not be good or pro enough at cooking, but I have some skills and will not disappoint you."

"It's okay, Aya-chan, you don't have to. Please leave it to me. I will make you delicious nikujaga, so you can rest and do whatever you want while I cook. I-I mean, I want to be your wife… so I want to get used… cooking for you in your house, Aya-chan…."

Ayaka was stunned by the decision Hanayo made when she said that, and she nodded since she understood very well about that. She is proud of how far Hanayo has become as she became better as a person. That is why she smiled with a proud face to Hanayo.

"Got it, then. I will leave it to you, Hana-chan. And I am sure what you cook will always be delicious to me! With every bentos you have made for me so far, I can guarantee the taste and result would be the same. It would taste even better, especially if the one who made it was my girlfriend, that loves me so much!"

A sudden storm blush appeared on Hanayo's cheeks and quickly spread over her face at the sudden honest compliment from her beloved orange-haired girlfriend. She is so happy to hear that, making her heart flutter with warm, lovely feelings. Her lips curled into a smile of happiness, and it was a cute, adorable sight feast for Ayaka's eyes because the cuteness was very worth it for her.

It could make her to have diabetes quickly and easily because of the amount of cuteness shown by her adorable brown-haired girlfriend.

"T-Then, please look forward to it, Aya-chan! I will not disappoint you!"