
Chapter 16: Love, I think not

Brian fell to the ground and groaned in pain. He rubbed his head where the person knocked into him. His head hurt a little but not enough for him to yell at whoever it was who bumped into him.

"I'm so sorry!" Brian said as he opened his eyes.

His face instantly turned to a shade of bright pink. The person he crashed into was a waitress who worked there. She had bright blond hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was fair and made her look like a porcelain doll. Usually, he blows off any girl who confesses to him, but he has never confessed to someone himself. This girl made him think twice. Only seeing her for the few seconds, he felt crazy that he even thought it was love at first sight. Brian instantly helped her off her feet.

"It's okay." She said smiling.

Brian helped her pick up the cups she dropped. Setting the cups on the tray she carried, she smiled.

"Thank you." She said nicely.

Brian's heart began to skip beats as they stared in silence. Suddenly, the cafe door opened. A boy about Brian's age walked in. Walking up to Brian and the girl, he looked fierce. Without warning, the boy put his arm around the girl and the both of them smiled.

"You ready?" The boy asked the girl.

"Yep!" The girl said smiling back.

Brian was almost dying inside. What he thought was love, at first sight, was not. This appeared to be her boyfriend taking her out on a date.

"Are you going on a date?" Brian asked without thinking.

The boy and girl stopped their smiling and looked at Brian awkwardly. The boy suddenly put on a face of anger and slight irritation. The girl looked at the boy and walked away.

"Yes, why did you need to know?" The boy questioned in a cold tone.

Brian suddenly felt like a sheep ready to be taken by the big bad wolf. Suddenly the girl came back in a normal outfit. The boy glared at Brian and turned around to leave with his girlfriend. Was it love, I think not! Brian couldn't help but feel like an idiot as they left. Of course, a girl like her would already have a girlfriend. Brian then turned around to head back to Marcus and Prue, that is what he was doing in the first place.

Looking at them, they were still staring out the window. The sun reflected off of their faces and dark hair. Both of them had their eyes closed as they looked through the glass in front of them. Brian decided not to be the third wheel and 'ruin' the moment.

"C' mon guys! Let's go find your jobs now!" Brian said as he got to the table.

Suddenly Marcus and Prue looked at him with irritated faces. The two of them sighed and got up. Marcus and Prue blushed as a waiter approached them. It was the same waiter who took out the two thugs earlier. All of them stopped at the man spoke.

"That was a cool thing you did back there! IS she your girlfriend?" The waiter said smiling.

Marcus and Prue instantly began to blush. Prue's heart began to skip beats faster and faster. Marcus's did the same. Brian laughed and explained to the waiter who they were to each other. The waiter soon ended the conversation and they all left the cafe. Marcus and Prue continued not to speak to one another at they made their way around town.