
My Younger Brother Had Become My Hero

"You know i'm your sister, don't you? You should've always be seen near me, just don't avoid or go! Because your sister will definitely find you!" "Are you still treating me like a kid? My princess?" Suddenly Selena had trapped in the novel world and even become the antagonist character. Its more getting complicated when she meet her law brother who will be the heroes for main female lead.

putrimaharani12 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 9

Selena, Nicole, Alena, Alvi and Maine line up in front of Mister Claude. He is the principal of a magical academy. Several times he massaged his temples indicating how frustrated he was with them.

"How could you guys mess up the dance last night? You know this is the most embarrassing thing that's happened this time."

Everyone looked down at each other and fell silent, no one dared to say a word.

"Tell me what's your problem?"

Maine pointed at Alena with her finger. "She caused the riot last night."

"Hey don't accuse yourself, it is you who screwed up first!" Said Nicole.

"Wait Nicole, Maine." Said Claude

"Very well then. If none of you want to confess, I will give you all punishment."

"Eh? It's her fault sir not me!" Defending Maine, they looked worried about the principal's decision.

"My decision cannot be contested. I will punish you all for cleaning the school toilets."

Everyone gasped, they couldn't believe it. The school toilet is place of jinn and its smell can make anyone die, it will be cleaned by them? It's like a disaster.

Selena scrubbed the bathroom walls manually, Alena also did the same. Maine threw the brush instead. "Sickening, who do you think i am."

"Hey, it's not just you like this." Said Nicole.

"Heh Alena it's all because of you! Here do it yourself!" Maine pushed the bucket filled with water to wet Alena's shoes and gone. Nicole was very annoyed with her. Just now he wanted to chase Maine, but Alena prevented him.

"Hey what if we do it like this?" Alvi said, the brush and lid broom moved independently under Alvi's magic control. Selena gaped at this "Waa the brush moves on its own!"

"You can do it?" Asked alvi

"That's a gravitational style, right? I also want to try " Nicole said, starting to raise his hand in the direction of the brush and broomstick. The brush and broomstick immediately moved to brush the toilet under the control of Nicole's hand. "Whoa he can too!" Selena said, her eyes rolling in shock. The broom and brush seemed to be moved by a ghost.

"You're great, huh." Praise Alena to Nicole. "You can too, let me teach." Said Nicole as he held Alena's hand against the brush. "First focus your eyes on the brush, hold your breath for a few seconds then chant the mantra, serassafera."

"Serassafera." Alena said to herself. "Then make movements as if you were holding it."

Alena nodded. The brush immediately moved on its own to brush the toilet. The girl was so amazed and happy that Selena looked excited to see this. "Waa she can too. I can't lose."

Alvi stepped forward towards Selena, until her chest touched Selena's back. The girl was surprised, Alvi immediately hugged Selena from behind. His hand moved Selena's hand forward. "Hold your hand parallel to the brush then hold your breath for three seconds while saying Serassafera."


Selena's heart felt like it was about to explode, she couldn't concentrate, Alvi's breath was even warm. They were too close, Selena's cheeks immediately flushed pomegranate.

The brush was successfully lifted but fell to the floor. "Sister, you can do it." Alvi said. Selena tried again and again, in the end, too, the brush brushed by itself.

"You can do it!" Alvi praised, Selena felt very embarrassed. She can do it.

At the same time Alena and Nicole were playing. They were fighting over the broom sticks while laughing at each other. Nicole took advantage of his tall posture and tried to tiptoe over so Alena couldn't reach it. Alena tiptoed and ended up kissing Nicole on the cheek. Selena gasped at that she immediately felt her chest hurt and looked gloomy. Alvi saw that expression. "You can be like that too."


Alvi kissed Selena's cheek until the girl blushed again. "Alvi you! What the hell are you doing Alvi!" Selena pounded Alvi's shoulder while covering her embarrassed face.

"Ha ha ha."

Students line up in the middle of the field. Mister Henry stood between them. "Today we will try to practice removing the tools."

All whispered to each other discussing today's material. "Tools are magic tool in the form of swords, bows, scythes, katanas and so on. Tools are widely used for critical things such as battles, fights and wars. Ordinary tools are combined with their respective magic powers. For example, if the power is fire, it will envelop the entire side of the sword with fire. "

"I will exemplify my tools first. Look carefully." Mister Henry closed his eyes and opened his hands wide. A blue light appeared on his palm and slowly turned into a sword. All the students were amazed to see him including Selena.

"This is my tool. Remember, use it for critical moments. Don't use it unnecessarily, you understand?"

"Understood mister." Said all the students.

"The thing you have to pay attention is summoning the tools that are in you requires high concentration. Just like you control magic. The things you need to do to call the tools are first concentrate, close your eyes and draw the tools you want, for example, you want a sword. you think of the shape of a sword, if you want a scythe, think of a scythe, if you want a bow, think of a bow and so on. Tools are the result of your imagination forming shapes. "

"After imagining your respective tools, say the mantra revasakhafalemantiora."

"It's really complicated to say it." Selena complained to herself. All the students also found it difficult to pronounce, until one of them asked the spell again to Mr. henry and then started memorizing it, one by one they started memorizing it.

Selena saw Alvi who started to close his eyes and tried it. Alena, Clara and Nicole were the same, and so were all the students in the class. Selena saw their seriousness and she seemed to complain first before trying it.

"Hufft, how could I possibly. I can't even cast water magic." Selena complained.

Mister Henry saw her who didn't move at all from her position. "Why don't you try it?" Mr. Henry scolds. Selena was nervous so laughed that she scratched her head. "Yes, sir, I will try it." Selena finally tried to close her eyes. "What was the mantra Alvi?" Selena asked, she was surprised to see Alvi had created a black katana in her hand. Selena stared. "Waah you can! Alvi! You can!"

All are shocked and amazed to see Alvi's katana. Mister henry was amazed to see that. "Great, you have the talent to be a witch."

"Come on, everyone, follow Alvi, he has succeeded in creating the right tools."

Everyone really tried each other, they had difficulty concentrating until the class ended, only four people were able to make tools in their hands. They are Alena who managed to create a bow, Nicole's scythe, Clara's sword and Alvi's katana.

"Alvi, you're really cheating. Why can't I do it either." Selena complained while hitting her half sister's shoulder.

"Hehe fighting sister!"