
My Younger Brother Had Become My Hero

"You know i'm your sister, don't you? You should've always be seen near me, just don't avoid or go! Because your sister will definitely find you!" "Are you still treating me like a kid? My princess?" Suddenly Selena had trapped in the novel world and even become the antagonist character. Its more getting complicated when she meet her law brother who will be the heroes for main female lead.

putrimaharani12 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 4

Alvi waiting for Alena in the library. The girl still hadn't come. Alvi repeatedly looked out and read a book. He was almost mossy, he even wondered if Selena was still waiting for him to come home together. Suddenly Alena appears and is surprised to be seen by a man like Prince, Alvi. Alena immediately nervously put the book she borrowed onto the shelf.

At the same time a girl who turned out to be Maine locked the library door from the outside.

"This is your book." Alvi said as he handed her the book. "Waah this is the book I was looking for, I thought I left it at home."

"You left it when you collided with Maine." Alvi explained.

"Wah, thanks." Said Alena

"You're welcome."

"Then I'll excuse me." Alvi suddenly left Alena. But he was surprised when he can't open the door. The door was locked from the outside. He was confused, Alena saw and approached him. "Why?"

"The door is locked."

"Heh? Really?" Alena tried to open and push the door but it was difficult to open, the door was really locked.

"How about it. It's getting late." Alena said glumly.

"Please! Open! Help! There are people here! Help!"

Screamed Alvi. Alena tries to follow him

"Please, open the door! Help!"

Repeatedly they banged the llibrary door but no one came or even opened the door. Until then, they are tired and stop banging on the door. They sat next to each other.

Night fell, Alena was so scared by the dark she tried to hug her leg. "I'm afraid, its getting dark"

"Calm down, i'm here" Alvi said, Alena was flabbergasted. She was even surprised to see Alvi making a fire on his index finger. "Whoa, you're a fire magic user."


"Great. It is said that among the five elements, fire magic is the most powerful."

"Behind his strength, there is a worry over his strength. It is dangerous."


"I never wanted this power." Alvi said again.

Alena looked at the man whose face was lit by the light from the fire. "Don't be like that, I'm sure behind how dangerous the fire is, it has a lot of benefits."

Alvi was surprised, he seemed to have heard those words. The words of a girl who can make him lulled and want to always be by her side. Suddenly he laughed, Alena was amazed. "Eh? Why?"

"You remind me of that person."


"A very special person"

"Who? Your mother? Your father? Hey tell me." Asked Alena curiously.

"Ha ha ha."

At that time Alena only see Alvi in ​​her eyes. The man even laughed after talking to her. Somehow there is a special feeling in Alena's heart. Comfortable feeling. Even though they didn't know each other before. They talk to each other a lot. The man who gives light in the dark becomes a mysterious figure who hears many things about her life.

"I happen to be a light magic user, it said light and fire are close together."

"You are a light magic user?" Asked Alvi who gradually patted his forehead.

"Then why?"

"Why didn't you use your light earlier?"

"Oh yeah! I-I forgot."

"Ah, you..."

"Hehehe a minute."

Alena took out her hand and formed a ball of light up near the lamp. Instantly the room became bright like shine with the lamp..

"So it's bright now ehehehe." Said alena

Alvi shook his head then smiled.

"You just got home hoamm." Said Selena looking sleepy after leaving her room. She rubbed her eyes


"Where is the corn soup?" Said Alvi.

"Huh? midnight like this?"

"You promised, right?"

"Duh Alright then, aren't you sleepy Alvi?"

"Just hurry up and make it."

Selena and Alvi walked towards the kitchen. When in the kitchen, Marine saw the two of them. " Princess and prince haven't slept yet?"

"I'm making him a special meal hehe."

"Oh alright then, but don't sleep too much late, okay?"


Marine then go, while Selena was busy taking the pot and start slicing.

"Cook it well. Make it delicious." Alvi said while waiting.

Selena's hands continued to slice and chop the onions and corn.

"Hey, how about Alena? Have you met her?" Ask Selena


Selena stopped cutting. "So? Does She make your heart jump like it wants to fly and there are flowers in air when you see her?"

"What was that, it's normal."

"Eh? Really? Isn't that part not yet appeared?" Selena murmured suspiciously.

"I was stuck with her in the library."

"That's right, that's part of it." Selena muttered again


"Then she told me a lot of things, about her non-aristocratic family, who were often humiliated and bullied. She told me so much that I felt sleepy while hearing that"

"Eh? How come you sleepy?" Selena muttered.

"She's funny, her thoughts are the same as yours. She said that fire magic also provides benefits compared to how dangerous it is."

"At that time Alvi should be flabbergasted to hear it. Why is he just felt normal. And Alvi should also be a player, and be fascinated by Alena's beauty until many girls who become her umpteenth boyfriend fight over and drop Alena. But why did the story turn out like this. Why Alvi not being a player! " Selena said to herself.

"Has the story changed?" Selena muttered as she continued to cut. Suddenly cut his index finger. Selena grimaced in pain. "Are you alright sis?"

Alvi immediately sucked Selena's ring finger. The girl's face immediately flushed like a boiled crab. Her heart beat fast as the man sucked her finger like a vampire.

Selena was embarrassed and immediately turned her back to Alvi, she intended to take salt or something in the upper cupboard to block Alvi's gaze that kept on her. Her hands trembled and accidentally dropped the salt and was about to fall on her, Alvi was surprised and grabbed Selena from behind. The salt jar fell on his head.


Selena was surprised and she saw Alvi's face above her head. Their faces are too close. Selena blushed again and immediately turned her face the other way. This man, what the hell is he doing. Why did he protect her like that.

"Are you fascinated by me?" Alvi said with a position that was still embracing her.

"What the hell! Get off you! Avoid me two meters!" Selena snapped off Alvi's hug.

"Eh? Are you angry?"

"I'm not angry, how could I be angry with my dear brother. I can be crazy why my chest is pounding. Avoid me two meters!"

"This is crazy! My heart is about to explode!" Selena said to herself.