
My Yandere Psychic Girlfriend

After Kishan confesses his crush and is rejected by her, the next day her crush got a boyfriend. The rumors started that whoever confesses to Kishan will be in a relationship the next day. Since that his life changed by drastic means. He thought that now nothing can shock him. But his new neighbor is a Psychic. After few days she started to show her colours. He knew that she is a yandere. What could be more dangerous than yandere + psychic.

MSpider · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Morning With Girls

'I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.'

** Last night **

I get up from my light sleep because I was feeling a bit hot and uncomfortable. I looked at the fan to see if it was a blackout, but the fan was working perfectly fine. When I tried to get up from my bed, but I can't. It feels like something is pushing me downwards.

Hina and Soha were holding me and sleeping beside me. I tried to free my arms from their grips but I can't.

'Am I really that weak or they are way too strong?'

On a small single-sized bed, three people are sleeping on it. That feeling of uncomfortableness was making me feel irritated. But at the same time on my left side, the softness of Hina's boobs and her thick thighs were making me quite hard. And on the right side, Soha's small boobs and her thick thighs were making me lose my mind.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I just can't take this anymore. Now, this is what we call bliss. No, no, no, no, no, I can't just submit to my desires if I do that they will use their bodies to seduce me. I have to activate my virgin shield and become a chad character.'

I tried to shake them off the bed by taking up more space, but they didn't budge at all. I flipped over and buried my face on the pillow and by doing that I was trying to suppress my boner. I tried to sleep but I can't because of a hot uneasy feeling and their bodies sticking close to me. And just like I wasn't able to get a wink of sleep till 6 am. But after I fell asleep before knowing.

** Next Morning **

"Kishan, Kishan. Wake up. Everyone is waiting for you, you have to make breakfast. Or everyone one will be late for offices and school."

I waked up from my light sleep after hearing my mother's voice. I stretched my hand unknowingly, but I noticed there was no one on the bed beside me.

"Mmmm... I'm not making anything. I could not sleep at night due to the heat. Let me sleep for few more hours, anyway today is my day off."

"Then how'll make today's breakfast. And why's your today a day off?"

"Aam... I don't know and I told you about the day off yesterday."

School gives us a day off to all exchange students and their partners so that we can go on a small tour with the exchange students. It was a day off for Soha and me, but Hina also takes a day off because of Soha. After telling her that I went back to sleep and Maa didn't even wake me up after that.

** A Few Hours Later **

I don't know how many hours I have slept but it was quite sweet sleep.

'Shit, shit, toilet, toilet.'

I quickly ran towards the washroom, but I can't open my eyes properly since I have just woken up from my sleep. The pressure was building up. Since my eyes were not opened properly. I mistakenly opened the door of the bathroom instead of the washroom because they were close to each other.

The moment I opened the door, I saw something which blinded my eyes which was--

the bright light which shined on my eyes. Waking up from sleep and suddenly a bright light shined on my eyes ruined my mood. After that, I went to the washroom.

After freshening up myself when I was going to my room to lie because I was feeling lazy.

Sniff... Sniff...

A delicious smell that came from downstairs made me drool. So, I went downstairs to see what was there for breakfast.

'They must have ordered food from somewhere but how did they get ordered food so early in the morning.'

As I reached I heard a quarrel going on between Hina and Soha but as soon as I arrived they stopped their quarrel. Most likely Hina noticed my presence.

When I arrived at the dining room I saw a bunch of dishes for breakfast. There was no one in the dining room except Hina and Soha.

'They must have left for school and office. Ohh... I didn't notice that Soha is still alive.'

I didn't mean it sarcastically. I was serious about it because from what I know Hina hated Soha's guts from the start. But last night I told her to promise me that "You won't use your powers to harm her in any way."

"From where do you order so many dishes in so early in the morning?"

"I made them." (Together)

'What, what' (Shocked)

The happy face which I made after seeing this much food turned into despair. I was just shocked to hear this. It was not because they made it together or the food looked disgusting but because they actually made too much.

"Are you both fucking mad? This isn't your house, right? Or do you manage the food in this house. No, right. Then why the fuck did you make so much food?" (Shouting angrily)

It was the first time I ever shouted at them so angrily. Well, it was normal for me to be angry since I manage all the home and foodstuff in this house but they overused it without my consent. Without showing any guilt on their faces they pulled me close to the dining table and asked me to eat the food.

To be honest, I don't want to eat now but I want to scold them, but when I look at the food it looking so delicious I can't ignore my urge to eat it.

"I'm eating it now because I'm hungry, it doesn't mean that I have forgiven both of you."

** A Few Moments Later **

'Man, it's so good I can't stop eating. I actually don't want to accept it but it's better than the food I made.'

After eating a single I felt extreme pleasure from eating every dish. I didn't stop myself to eat like a glutton.

"Ok, I'll forgive you this time but that doesn't mean I'll forgive you every time. Next time when you make breakfast remember not to make more than 2 dishes. Do you understand?" (Tsundere manner)

They both nodded in reply to that. What I want was for both of them to make food for all three times. Even though It was quite selfish of me to think of that. It was so delightful to eat someone's handmade food after such a long time for me because I was the only one in my family who knows how to make a portion of decent food.

"Soha shouldn't you get ready for which we a got a day-off today."

After eating our breakfast, we went to change our clothes for an outing (date) today. I was ready and waiting for them to come. They both came at the time, Soha from upstairs and Hina from her house. And seeing them my heart skipped a beat.



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