
My Yandere girlfriend keeps messing up my life

Yato Kazuma, a nobody, but he likes it that way. His only problem is other people. Despite not enjoying their company, he is in desperate need of a girlfriend, although when he gets what he wants it's not the type of lover he was looking for. Will Yato ever find peace again? ! ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! I got bored I'm sorry All hail self promotion! All hail the yandere sect! Ofc the artwork isn't mine here's the link to the original: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/620370917404744335/

Sietist · Realistic
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Wedding crash!

Monday. It was the day of the dreaded wedding. Kazu-nee was holding onto my tie, trying to get it perfect as I stood uncomfortably in this suit. The suit felt like cardboard and grazed against my skin. I could tell that Kazu-nee was suffering too, since her hands were ever so slightly shaking and her breathe was shallow and hoarse. Her dress didn't make it any better; it was extremely tight around her waist and her high heels dug into her ankles.

"Nii-chan, are you really okay with this?" Kazu-nee asked, her voice trembling.


Honestly, I don't know how to feel about all of this. Whether it's right or wrong isn't really something for me to decide.

"I'm going to stop this." Kazu-nee declared suddenly.


"This isn't right!" She said as I held my breath.

Things are becoming a lot more dangerous. I don't know whose side to take here, Kazu-nee or Hanako. I just know that this isn't a desicion I can take on a whim.

* * *

Church bells rang loudly over the voices of guests, who held plates of half eaten food. Everyone was wearing an extravagant suit or dress, like something from a film.

The scene was unreal. Though, nothing right now felt real to me.

I could see Hanako stood next to her father, holding his arm cheerfully. She was dressing in a white dress with a red sash and flowers tucked behind her ear. Her hair was beautifully braided and blew in the wind behind her. Hanako's father, on the other hand, was dressed in a dull business suit like outfit.

"Boo!" Mother jumped out from behind me, followed by a gloomy looking Kazu-nee.

"How are you, sweetie?" Mother asked but before I could respond she held my arm behind my back in a lock. "You're fine!? Well that's good isn't it?"

"...He...y..." I struggled to escape until Kazu-nee stepped in.

"Excuse me Mother, but I'm going to borrow my brother for a bit," she said passive aggressively, while grabbing onto my arm.

* * *

5:45PM. 15 minutes until the service starts. And here we are, loitering by the toilets.

Kazu-nee wore a worried expression and her gaze dropped every now and then.

"Let's not do this," said I as I looked at Kazu-nee's face.

"What do you mean!? Do you seriously think our mum remarrying is a good idea!? She told us this completely out of the blue!? This is all her fault!?" Kazu-nee shouted back but then shrunk onto the floor.

Desperate to change her mind, I said "Surely you know that this late in the game they ain't gonna pull out? It's time we just accept what Mother has chosen to do and get on with our lives."

"But that demon! I don't want a little sister like that! I only need..."


"Nevermind. I'm going to object to this wedding though. With or without... you." Kazu-nee got up and walked into the church hall.

Just as I was about to follow behind, Hanako stepped in front of me, forcing me to retrace my steps and into a small cupboard. She seemed a little frustrated.

"Just wha-" I started before she shoved a finger to my lips silencing me.

"Look. I heard what you guys were talking about and quite honestly I hate your sister too. The only reason I agreed to this was... Forget it. It's not important."

Pretty sure that is important.

"I thank you for trying to persuade her otherwise, this wedding means a lot to my Dad." Hanako finished.

"Why does it mean so much?" I asked before instantly regretting it when reading Hanako's face.

"Well, my Mum cheated on Dad with another girl and Dad was really torn up about it and..." Hanako's face grew dark.

There was a silence while I struggled to say in order to cheer her up. It was deathly uncomfortable.

"I'll skip over that. It doesn't really matter anyway.

"Then the accident happened. The car the two women were driving skidded and turned over. The girl Mum was having an affair with died instantly and Mum was left in critical condition. Luckily she was raced to the hospital but she's been in a coma ever since. Dad was visiting her every day until she met your mum. You see why now? You see why this wedding means so much to my Dad?"

I was left speechless. I couldn't utter a sound even if I wanted to. This was far worse than anything I've been through.

I am ashamed that my judgement was clouded by one intrusive thought: is she telling the truth?

I have to stop Kazu-nee.

Please do not bully me I have no motivation.

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