
My Yandere girlfriend keeps messing up my life

Yato Kazuma, a nobody, but he likes it that way. His only problem is other people. Despite not enjoying their company, he is in desperate need of a girlfriend, although when he gets what he wants it's not the type of lover he was looking for. Will Yato ever find peace again? ! ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! I got bored I'm sorry All hail self promotion! All hail the yandere sect! Ofc the artwork isn't mine here's the link to the original: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/620370917404744335/

Sietist · Realistic
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52 Chs

Part 4 The girl's view 1

Two people I didn't know had invaded my private cave and now I was hiding underwater. My gills waved in the water in sync with the waves.

I didn't know where I came from, all I knew was that I was a fish person who could breathe in land and water. I was able to swim incredibly fast and I was blessed with superhuman strength. So why on earth am I letting these two humans invade my territory?

Although I saw them talking, their conversation was blocked by the water. The girl looked as though she had been crying and the boy looked like he was comforting her. I wish I had someone like that.

A few minutes had gone by and all the argue barely made it to my ears as whispers.

"I LOVE YOU!!" one of them shouted so load that I could hear it clear as day.

"BUT I DON'T LIKE YO-" The boy was cut off as the girl pulled his arm and...

I covered my eyes the moment I saw it. So this is how humans express their love.

A redhead with giant breasts stormed out from the shadows then pinned the girl against the wall. I could see murderous intent in her eyes, shaking like a mad dog.

Was I about to see someone be killed? Should i stop them? No. It's not my place to interfere with human matters. But...

"STOP!!" I stormed out of the water then punched the redhead instantly knocking her out.

The two humans stared at me with a look of what the fuck. Then the boy's face quickly boiled red...

hahaha... what a fucking mess!

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