
My Yandere girlfriend keeps messing up my life

Yato Kazuma, a nobody, but he likes it that way. His only problem is other people. Despite not enjoying their company, he is in desperate need of a girlfriend, although when he gets what he wants it's not the type of lover he was looking for. Will Yato ever find peace again? ! ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! I got bored I'm sorry All hail self promotion! All hail the yandere sect! Ofc the artwork isn't mine here's the link to the original: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/620370917404744335/

Sietist · Realistic
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52 Chs

Oh no, she's got the Horny!

Sakura lay on my bed, frozen. Her ice cold lips were begining to turn blue like the rest of her body. I was alone with her corpse.

It felt like the world had come to a stop; I could feel nothing. As I clasped her stiff hand into mine, I cried, tears endlessly streaming down my face.

How did this happen? I wondered.

How did this happen?

My heart felt empty like an open cage. I longed for the warth to return to her fingertips that were freezing over.

It was over.

"Hey Honey, why do you look so down?"

At that moment warmth had returned into her body, her eyes filled with life.

What sort of miracle was this?

"H-how....? How are you alive?" My voice trembled.

"I dunno but this is great! I'm out of my prison again! I can't wait to rape you, Hon~ney!" Sakura said while inching closer to me.

"Wait. Why are you-" Before I could respond she pushed her breasts into my face, her nipples pressing against my mouth.

This was not Sakura.

It feels like that time back in the cave when I first met her, like her personality does a flip into a hornier side. Sakura's entire aura had changed into that of arousal.

She took my arms and pushed me down.

"I'm going to gobble you up Honey~ Your virginity is mine~!"

I had very mixed feelings about this surprise; on one hand I wanted to lose my virginity, but on the other I wanted to lose it to Rio. Argh! This is so frustrating!

As if answering to my call, Rio entered.

"Darling are you OK? I know Sakura's death shocked you the most of all but all of feel the same- Oi. What... are you doing?" Her tone changed quickly as she found us on the ground. "We were breaking down into tears over you and you have the nerve to try to take Darling after faking your death!?!? I don't know how you did it but 'm going to kill you!"

This is bad.

"Rio wait," I intercepted. "This isn't the Sakura we know, it seems like there's more to this."

Hopefully this'll calm her down, after all, something is definitely wrong with Sakura.

"I see. But that leaves no excuse as to why she is undressing you!" Rio shouted, infuriated.

Although last time I checked I was fully dressed, while me and Rio were talking, Sakura had stripped me down to my boxers and was starting to strip herself until she noticed Rio's heated glare.

"Honey can be shared! Right Honey?" Sakura looked to me with a pout.

"Of course- No no no no no! I'm Rio's boyfriend I can't just be shared! I do not own any harem!" I said as Rio stared daggers.

"Damn right!"

At that moment Irami walked in, wearing a black dress, and busily drying her eyes with a napkin. That's until she noticed us of course.

"W-w-w-w-what! Am I dreaming? Sakura is that you!" Tears started to stream down Irami's puffy cheeks as she jumped onto Sakura, knocking me into Rio in the process.

"There there. No need to cry Irami."

"I just thought....." Irami blubbered like a baby while Sakura comforted her in cradled arms.

When did those two become such good friends?

I began to dress myself and walk out the room with Rio in tow, making our way to the living room where a solemn atmosphere lay waste over the people occupying the furnature. Their eyes looked dried up and their faces felt cold: all their tears had been cried out.

It was going to be tough to tell them about Sakura now.

"H-hey guys...." I tried to get their attention but the people sat in silence with empty eyes. "Sakura isn't... she isn't dead..... Not anymore."

Immediately, all of thier eyes lit up.

"Is she okay!?" Asked an excited Asahi.

"What a devil! She must be a hardcore sadist," panted Itsuki who seemed fine.

"Another one of me? There can only be one!" Ichika declared.

"What is she playin' at?" Aina asked slightly pissed while her cheeks were tinted red.

"Ah! That's a big relief!" Ayano exclaimed happily.

"Tsk. I thought my competition would be reduced." Grumbled Nami.

"Ara~ That's good," finished Yuno.

Two girls got up and ran straight to me with tears glinting in their eyes.

""Yato! Are you okay!?!"" Asked Hanako and Yazuki in unison as the tackled me to the ground in a hug.

"We were so worried you might break!" Shouted Yazuki, who looked up me from waist, eyes looking like a child who had lost their parent in a shop.

"Don't worry us like that!" Hanako shouted into my stomach, gripping it hard.

I looked at them both, wailing.

"You know Sakura was-" I started.

"Why would we care!"

"We don't even know who she is!"

Fair point.

As if being summoned, Irami and Sakura entered the living room which turned even more lively that it was.

Well they don't call it a living room for nothing.

Laughing internally at my own terrible joke, Sakura watched me with affection drowning her eyes.

"Need anything?"

"Only you!" She jumped on me, once again trying to steal my first time.

Except now I pushed her off before trying to run out the house only for her to grab me and pull me back into her tight grasp. Everyone watched in shock as the person, who was hardly ever over aggressive, kept trying to force her tongue into my mouth. Only Rio and Nami did something to help me, while the rest stood flabbergasted.

"Get off my Darling, you piece of shit!" Rio's eyes were filled with rage.

"I'm going to kill you! And rip you limb from limb!" Nami screamed threats as she dug her nails into Sakura's arms.

Sakura effortlessly pushed them off with a newfound strength.

How did she get so strong? Wasn't she always the weakest?

"Honey~ It seems that we won't be able to properly mate here with all these females around. Let me take you to our mating ground!" Sakura lifted me up with ease and made a break for the door.

She ran quickly outside, a heated Rio and Nami on her tail, legging it down the road with no signs of slowing down.

Eventually, we lost Rio and Nami and the amount of bewildered onlookers decreased. We were heading to the place of our first meeting: the cave.

I was hit with a strange sense of nostalgia. Summer was only a few months ago but it had felt like an eternity since then.

"Look Honey! It's the cave!"

"It is! It really is!" My excitement from remembering all those fun things we did in summer temporarily drowned out the fear of being raped by a fish girl.

"I'm going to make so many babies!" Sakura shouted as we entered the cave.

It was as dingy and dimly lit as ever. The tide was coming in and the water was rushing over our ankles as Sakura pulled me along to our apparent mating ground. Droplets of water dripped audibly from above our heads. Water reflections danced off the walls when our feet broke the surface until we stopped at the back where the sun was breaking through a hole in the ceiling.

"Remember this place Honey?!" Sakura asked excitedly. "I remember. And I'll never forget!"

Those words would be heart-warming if it weren't for the fact she'd brought me here to rape me.

"Y-yeah... That's g-good."

Without warning, she suddenly ripped off her shirt and began to strip all her clothes. She unbuckled her bra, revealing two beautifully round, glistening hard nipples. Next she reached for her panties and slowly pulled them off, bending over, showing me her womanhood in the process.

I averted my eyes, blushing furiously.

I just s-saw a woman's... in the f-flesh! Oh god! I'm so lucky! Wait. Now is not the time for that! I have to protect my chastity.

Despite my inner thoughts, my nose spurted blood uncontrollably.

Calm down, just calm down. You just have to deny her! It's easy, really easy!


Breathe. Focus. Mind out of the gutter!


"Argh!" I fell to the floor in surprise as Sakura whispered in my ear, breaking my thoughts.

"Honey, it's time for you to undress."

Sakura's naked skin had turned cold in the dampness of the cave, goosebumps riddled her soft body. My hands were on the verge of grasping her delicate skin but I refrained from doing so, as I tried holding back my desires and primal lust.

Starting with my shirt, Sakura whipped it off, bearing my naked chest to the temperature.

It wasn't cold.

Oddly enough I felt warm as Sakura pressed her body against mine.

"Touch me Honey~"

"Okay." I watched my arms as they crept towards every man's dream.

Hands stretched out, I was ready to envelop my fingers in her soft bosom.

Suddenly I thought of Rio. Her bright red hair swaying in the wind; her elegant smile; her curves: a work of art like a sculpture; and her cute, adorable side she only showed me. Her pouting face appeared in my mind.

I shrank back from Sakura before my fingers could touch her nipples. As much as I wanted to touch them I just couldn't.

"I'm sorry." I apologised to Rio.


Speaking of...


...here she was with Nami in tow.

"Tch." Sakura appeared annoyed by this new development.

I quickly put my shirt back on and waited for them to arrive.

Wait. Did they run here? It's 12 miles from my house to here! Did they run all that way in under a few minutes!? Sakura ran here in under that but she's not human so it's understandable. But a human... to be able to run... that fast. Maybe they should be part of the Olympics?

""Darling~!"" Both Rio and Nami jumped on top of me, smacking their breasts' in my face. ""We were so worried!""

Damn. They're kind of cute like this.

They had tears brimming in their eyes and was clinging to me like a child might to a parent.

Why'd they have to be so damn adorable!

"Excuse me?"


"Excuse me, sir?"

No, seriously who?

"In the water, sir."

I followed the echoing of the voice to the pool of water in the cave, and sure enough, a middle aged man's head was poking out of the water.

"Argh what the fuck!?" I shouted in surprise at this bald bearded weirdo.

"What are you doing here, Hans?" Sakura asked the mid-weirdo.

With closer inspection, I could see the same gills and fishy features Sakura possessed in her aqua form. And... his face and beard weren't wet!

What kind of sorcery is this!

Appearing to have noticed my confusion, the man began to explain: "We are fish people. Sort of like what you land people call mermaids except we have more human like qualities, sir.

This may be confusing right now but all will be explained once we reach the castle, sir."

I continued to look at him with a puzzled expression.

Castle? Where are we going?

"I would like to ask if you would put these on, honoured guests," the man said while pulling a giant bubble from the gills in his neck. "Use them to shield yourselves from the water pressure and use for oxygen until we arrive at the palace, honoured guests."

"Hold up, old man. But what type of gibberish are you spitting?" I asked completely bewildered.

"Come on Honey, we'll be going to my house." Sakura half explained.

"Here you are, honoured guests." The man handed two more bubbles to Rio and Nami who were looking equally as confused as I was. "Now step into them, honoured guests."

I did as I was told, forcing my hand into the icy bubble. The surface broke. Somehow no air had escaped through the hole I had just created, so I went further in, until my entire body was enveloped in the cocoon of a bubble. The wall had closed behind me, sealing me inside.

Suddenly, I was dragged into the water by Sakura, who was by no way fazed by the mysterious abilities of this new type of bubble.

I braced myself for impact as the capsule hit the water but I felt no jolt, no nothing.

This is amazing. How in the fuck?

I had a ridiculous smile on my face as I witnessed the most story like situation unfold before my sparkling eyes. Unlike me though, Rio and Nami looked distraught, like they were sea sick.

"Let us go down." The man and Sakura both grabbed onto us, pulling us deeper into the dark, murky waters...

Haha you thought. Sike bitches she ain't dead she's just got a hidden personality which only comes to surface rarely but now has permantly after dying!!!!! Confusing? It's confusing to me too!!!!!!

I will also delve a little into Yato's power this volume or maybe later in this arc Who Knows!!!???

Also I thought I foreshadowed this change in personality in volume 2 where I swear I had Sakura give Yato a blow job in the cave but I probably deleted it. I'm unbelievably smart.

Sietistcreators' thoughts