
My Yandere girlfriend keeps messing up my life

Yato Kazuma, a nobody, but he likes it that way. His only problem is other people. Despite not enjoying their company, he is in desperate need of a girlfriend, although when he gets what he wants it's not the type of lover he was looking for. Will Yato ever find peace again? ! ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! I got bored I'm sorry All hail self promotion! All hail the yandere sect! Ofc the artwork isn't mine here's the link to the original: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/620370917404744335/

Sietist · Realistic
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52 Chs

Jealousy stings


Our second year of high school had begun. Things in the school had changed massively from last year; the building being remodeled; new classes etc... But the biggest of them all is... the new transfer student: Uesugi, Sakura.

Her ocean blue hair waved in the wind, flowing cheerfully beside me. I could feel the dagger like stares stabbing into me; what I had unwittingly accumulated was a harem. To my right was Rio and Nami, still fighting, and to my left Irami and Sakura. Although they were considered part of my 'harem' I only live one of these girls...

All of a sudden my arm was locked in something round and squishy. I was met with the face of my girlfriend. Rio pulled my arm further into heaven as we stared each over in the eyes--bam!

My head was smacked into Rio's soft, succulent lips... but was quickly pulled back by my attacker. Irami dragged my now useless body along with her and Sakura until we reached the school gate.

"Honey!" Sakura excitedly pushed ramen into my mouth.

I sat there, befuddled, yet satisfied as I chewed the noodles. It was another heaven.

Then an omelette was forced into my mouth... "You better eat up Darling!" Rio said with a slight annoyed look overwhelming her face. I swallowed with no objections.

The guys from our class were looking disgusted at me, joining them was Irami, who was probably suffering the most since she couldn't express her true feelings.

Just then, a group of hooded males stormed the classroom, abducting me in the process.



"Honey!" Sakura and Rio said simultaneously. Then started attacking each other for no other reason than being a love rival.

"Hands off my Darling!"

God dammit! "Tch!"

Those two women are useless, I thought while being carried on someone's shoulder. I decided it would be best not to fight it. Doing so would mean exerting more effort than usual.

I went with the flow and ended in closet, in which lights had been turned off. I was placed on my knees, still not resisting, and I heard awkward shuffling surrounding me.

Then the light was switched on.

A blinding cone of yellow, shone a spotlight on me. I could make out bodies hiding in the shadows of the tightly packed closet, their eyes glowing red with what looked like pure hatred. All I could do was smile awkwardly.

I mean... What am I supposed to do!? What are they going to do!?

"Kazuma, Yato!" A booming voice, seemingly coming from nowhere, announced my name like I was at court.


I'm getting real student council vibes here! This won't work! We've already done this skit!

The booming voice continued: "You are now sentenced to death-your crime? Breaking the Bro Code #69."


"Any last words?"

I took a deep breath, I could feel the tension rising in the room. You could hear a needle drop.


* * *

Rio and Sakura had finally made up-

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"You won't touch Honey!"

-or not.

Differences aside, they both were searching for Yato.

"I smell him."


Rio followed behind Sakura, with a 'I'd rather die than spend anymore time with you' face. Their inconsistent footsteps clacked on the marble floor as they hurried in the direction of the Janitor's closet.

"It's this one, right" Rio said before reaching for the handle.


* * *

"What are you virgins doing?"


Heheh... surprise? Crap! I gotta run!

First they tied my wrists then my ankles to a cross, bearing the word PIMP.

It's really sad how desperate some people can be. But guys-this harem ain't even that good. One key factor is that they're all useless-

At that moment, Rio came barging in with Sakura in hot pursuit.

"Grab Darling!"

"Grab him!"

Then I was... the rope in tug of war, where the girls were winning tremendously. Still attached to the cross, I was dragged outside, watching as the black hooded figures came out the door one by one like a clown car.

Idiots. All of them. God damn... idiots...

I have a crippling addiction to finish this story

luckily theres gonna be so much more chapters and volumes. It will go on untill their graduation of high school.

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