
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The War of Two Words 4

Overlord verse

3 days after Nishikienrai returned to Earth, Nishikienrai had conquered the whole planet. Japan had been the only one to put up resistance, the other lands turned into cowards who didn't dare to breathe too loudly. 

Following this was the rest of the solar system... they launched bombs toward Earth, but Nishikienrai easily destroyed the bombs in outer space. This enraged Nishikienrai, these other humans were so willing to bomb the whole planet, this brought back memories of how those left behind on Earth were treated less than animals... so he went on to be ruthless with the higher-ups on these planets.

Nishikienrai made sure everyone knew the fate of enraging him, so that day the whole world saw a fate worse than death. It was cruel as everyone saw demons at work, and how the souls of their victims were forced to suffer.

Day 5 after Nishikienrai appeared, the solar system was conquered. all of the lifeless bodies were turned into undead to join Nishikienrai's undead army. From there, Nishikienrai spent some time stabilizing everything, before he went on to have Mai take him toward his next line of conquest...

In a galaxy of mages and powerful swordsmen, on a blue planet. an old man was living in a wooden house, far away from the outside world. He sat there, with closed eyes. he had been like this for countless years, awaiting the day to make a move. His eyes twitch that moment before they open, and as they open. the world reacted to their movement. a strange phenomenon covered the whole planet, leaving everyone looking at the sky in fear and worry.

Within a region of the planet covered in fog and smoke, there stood a dark gloomy castle. within this castle, towards one of its most important rooms laid many coffins. at this moment, these coffins were shaking, before they were forced open, in the front of these coffins were the most noble coffins, and there the Vampire Lord, and sin of Gluttony appeared. scarlet red hair that looked like blood, a charm that could capture the hearts of both females and males alike. she was a beauty of unmatched levels.

She looked towards the sky, with a deep frown wondering why that old man had opened his eyes. but since he opened his eyes, that meant something huge was about to befall this world, and it wasn't the return of the demon king as that was a few hundred years away.

She floated out of her coffin, ignoring the injuries that had yet to heal and disappeared with her army of vampires.

In a world of flames, a dragon slowly opened its eyes while looking towards the sky. As it stood up, its eyes narrowing, countless other dragons also awakened.

"stay back." the Sin of Wrath, and also the lord of the dragons said while shooting into the sky, shooting out of the top of a sealed mountain, while he disappeared at blinding speed, 

All over the world, powerful beings that have been awaiting the return of the demon king made their moves. the 7 lords of sins which have been quiet for over a thousand years made their move once more, but it was to head towards a forest.

they were not alone, as on the moon... well, more like within the moon, there was a whole world. a world many people would call heaven. the lord of the angels also made his move, confused as to what the old man was doing opening his eyes.

More than 1,000 years ago, a huge war broke out between the demon Lord and the rest of the world. leading the Lords Of Sins, the demon lord Army was unmatched. but we all heard the story, the story of the hero with his sword blessed by the gods, and his battle with the Demon Lord. That is what happened here, only in this world, The Demon Lord and Hero both died in battle, and the Demon Lord reincarnated himself 1,500 years into the future.

Just who was that old man you ask? He was the most skilled mage in fortune-telling. Born with a rare ability, his eyes can foresee the future by up to 10,000 years. he got so skilled in seeing the future, that he had to keep his eyes closed, as fate didn't like someone looking into their secrets with such pinpoint accuracy as he did.

"The fate of this world has changed, unknown beings from a world far away will invade this world in 3 days. This world would be conquered 5 days after if you all don't unite." He said while everyone arrived, standing outside his house.

"What do you mean? unknown world? we have checked for other life on other planets in the galaxy, we are all alone." A human swordsman asked with a deep frown.

"They are not from our galaxy. we can't even leave our solar system, they have not conquered one, but 2 galaxies. we are just number 3 on their line of conquest." He said before he suddenly began to start coughing.

"they will appear on the 5th planet from the sun. after they would make their move by firstly giving us 24 hours... everything from there isn't clear as the future keeps changing," He said before coughing up a mouthful of blood before his eyes suddenly widened.

"Y-you're a monster. How?! How!" He screamed while looking at the future, where a loli was evilly looking back at him from the future...

"I don't think I needed your help, but Momonga is right. the less undead dies, the greater strength we have." Nishikienrai said while appearing within the new galaxy, the 5th planet from the sun. behind him, Renner followed, while she looked around with a curious look.

"I can't breathe." She said lightly seeing as there was no air on the planet. This was the first time she stepped foot outside her world. so she was filled with interest. She of course didn't need air, food, and water, she was now a grade above even that of something like a godly human.

But after looking around, she quickly got bored and went on to pull out a mirror which she used to look towards the 4th planet from the sun of this world. She looked at the planet and was amazed as it was at least 5 times bigger than the earth her master came from, she zoomed in on the planet and went on to start looking around, starting with the weird animals she had never seen before, and some she knew from her world. she studied the humans, taking note of army movements.

"Oh? They can see the future." She said with a smile, but she couldn't help but wonder how far they could see the future. so she put it to the test as she made a few plans, just to see the enemies seemed to have planned a counter. her smile grew, this was such a fun challenge to her, as the plans grew looking further into the future, she came to a stop, while she pouted.

"He sees further than I can plan." She said seeing as they hit the 1,000-year mark. Yes, she can plan further given the time and information, but that was the best she could do on the spot. She couldn't help but wonder who was this person with such sharp eyesight. 

She thought for a moment, before pulling out a phone. This phone was made out of Stringnites, and with the portal to the Naruto verse still opened, she would speak with her master with almost no delay, so she called him.

"What is it?" from the phone, my voice came out, and Renner instantly put on her best sweet and innocent act.

"Master, I found this new toy... can I keep it?" She asked making me look at the phone and go quiet for a moment.

"explain," I asked 

"It's someone with the power to see into the future by what seems to be more than 1,000 years." She said sweetly, causing the phone to go quiet for a moment.

"Defeat him, before anyone launches an attack and he is all yours," I said calmly, confusing Renner she didn't understand my words for a moment, but after a moment she understood.

"Understood." She said in a cheerful voice, to which I ended the call, leaving Renner to look in the mirror. and so a battle with someone from the past begins with someone in the future. Renner began making plans, just to change them seeing how time was changed, making the people on the planet below move as if they were already aiming to counter that plan.

She kept making countless plans, each at a higher rate, causing whoever was looking into the future to have a hard time keeping up. She even split her mind, creating countless plans at the same time, overwhelming the guy in the past. She only stopped when she saw time stop changing, those on the planet were getting ready for a war, but it was clear they no longer had eyes in the future...

Nishikienrai had just been watching everything happen, he already knew Renner was a genius, so he wasn't shocked. He just got ready to head down to that planet and begin world conquest while at the same time, collecting the strong powerful warriors of this galaxy to be research subjects...

Above the sky of the planet blooming with life, Nishikienrai appeared from the portal, looking down upon the world below.

"People of this world, I'm Nishikienrai, a member of Ainz Ooal Gown. we have set eyes upon this world for world conquest. I don't wish for pointless fights, surrender peacefully. I give you all 24 hours to make your decision..." Nishikienrai said calmly, before disappearing, leaving everyone's face dark.

They wanted to raise their blades and fight, but those who knew the death of The Sage, the man with the power to see far into the future... well, they didn't want to fight. so the next day, they waited for Nishikienral, not to fight, but to talk.

"Greetings sir Nishikienrai, I'm the king of the Aachen Order Empire. Sword Sant Leo. We wished to avoid conflict if possible, so may we speak." A blonde-haired man with a serious look while looking at Nishikienrai spoke, but Nishikienrai wasn't the one to speak as Renner stepped forward.

"Greeting Sword Saint Leo. I'm Renner, a disciple of the guild master of Ainz Ooal Gown. I will be doing the talking." Renner said while stepping forward, causing the Sword Sant to look at her with a slight frown.

"You're just a woman. Can't you see the men are talking?" The Sword Saint wasn't the one to say this, instead another king said this. a human with short black hair, currently wearing silver armor.

"Odd, your world so far behind if it's still suppressing women," Renner asked with a blink of an eye. The black-haired man was about to speak, but he quickly pulled out his sword to block the sword cutting towards him. but as space itself was cut, his defenses were pointless, so his head dropped to the ground.

"We treat everyone equally, female or not. Does everyone have something to say about this?" Nishikienrai asked with a cold glare while looking at everyone, sending a chill down their spine as to how easily one of the strongest humans had just fallen.

"You bastards!" The fallen king's empire was enraged, they were no pushovers who would coward seeing their king just be killed before their eyes.

"Raise," Nishikienrai said in a cold voice, and to everyone's shock, the fallen king's shadow moved, entering Nishikienrai's shadows, before a shadow stepped out. It looks like a shadow version of the fallen king.

Those of the righteous side of this world heavily frowned upon death magic and such things, thinking it was acts belonging to evil beings. So, they all got on guard seeing the evil spell that was just used.

"Kill," Nishikienrai said and with a flash, the shadow disappeared, slaughtering the humans from the empire. the other kings, be they from the human race or the vampire race were uneasy looking at the sight. How couldn't they when they saw someone brought back as a monster while being stronger than when they were alive?

They quickly moved to stop that shadow monster, although it was only the humans who acted while the other nonhumans watched. The humans didn't care much about seeing the humans of another empire be slaughtered, but they did care to see them turning into shadow monsters upon death as well. So, they joined hands, to defeat this monster. but if they just ignored the summoner of this evil being, would they not look weak? So, the strongest human, the Saint Sword Leo flashed, shooting toward Nishikirenral.

But he was the only one to make a move as everyone wanted to read Nishikienrai and see his weaknesses and skills. among everyone there, there were the 7 sins, which were pretty much the enemies of this world. apart from them were the 4 humans... well, the 3 human powers, the strongest amongst the humans being the Saint Sword Leo.

There was the Beast tribe race, unlike the humans which was split into many parts, these beast tribe races were under the Beast king, making them a united power. there was also the fish man tribe race, which was also a united race as they had one ruler.

Saint Sword Leo was considered the number one swordsman, so if he were to fight, they were sure he could draw out Nishikienrai's true power, or at least make Nishikienrai not be so arrogant.

With perfect movement and timing, Nishikirenral flashed, clashing with Leo countless times over, the two evenly matched which shocked Leo. Nishikienrai wasn't a fighter but an assassin, yet he was fighting evenly with him.

"You're not bad... but there will be punishments for fighting. your show of power only annoyance me." Nishikienrai said while jumping backward, easily dodging the sword slashes shooting toward him. He landed smoothly on his feet... no, he didn't land on the ground and instead fell into his own shadow.

Leo's eyes widened seeing this. He turned back as Leo came out of his shadow with a dagger aimed towards his neck. Leo moved quickly, using his sword magic, Leo's blade glowed with golden light, clashing with Nishikienrai's dagger. The illusion of a large Lion appeared, clawing toward Nishikienrai, and cutting his body apart like it was cutting butter... but Nishikienrai's body turned into a shadow, as the real Nishikienrai suddenly made his appearance, his dagger stabbing through Leo's neck.

Leo held his neck, his eyes wide while he tried to hold back the blood. He looked at Nishikienrai who was just looking at him with cold and chilling eyes, before he fell backward, dying. As Leo breathed his last, everyone else moved, not wanting Nishikienrai to bring Leo back as a shadow monster. By now, the other shadows were all killed off.

But Nishikienrai did not move to defend himself... he wasn't a fighter. he did more than enough. Instead, the true fighter made her appearance.

As a black spear was about to hit Nishikienrai, a flat-chested woman suddenly appeared, smoothly blocking the spear. everyone turned towards the newcomer, 

"A woman?" From another of the human empires, the Black Steel empire, King Rex said with shock seeing a woman of all people was able to block his attack. Antilene sneered at Rex's words, with a flash, her spear moved, piercing through his spear, and into his neck. Antilene didn't stop there, as she smoothly moved, blocking the beast king's claw while looking deeply into his eyes, instantly the beast King froze, turning into stone.

Before the beast king could break free, Antilene shattered his stone body, while moving to the side, dodging the lightning meaning shot towards her. She smoothly dodged them all, leaving the magic caster who was the king of the last human empire shocked by her smooth movement.

he quickly shot into the sky, charging up his strongest attack, but Antilene just held into the sky and held onto the illusion of a heart. With some force, Antilene crushed the illusion of the heart, killing the last human king.

"So much fun..." Antilene said with a look of pleasure while licking the blood off her spear, she looked at the remaining kings. the 7 sins, and the sea king, as well as the army which didn't act quickly enough to support their kings. everything happened too quickly, after all, if someone like Nishikienrai could match one of their strongest, Antilene could do it better. Nishikienrai was indeed just an assassin, so combat like that wasn't his strong side.

"Antilene, Igneel said to avoid killing as much as possible," Nishikienrai said with a shake of his head, having a fighter he couldn't control was annoying. 

"I was only acting out of self-defense, what did I do wrong?" She asked with an innocent look, making Nishikienrai shake his head.

"Just who are you?" the queen of the vampire asked in shock, in this world it was rare for a woman to reach such a level of power. So she was amazed to see someone who was so capable.

"I'm Antilene Heran Fouche, Second in command of the Royal Nights. I answer only to the most Supreme of the supreme one," Antilene said while looking at the vampire.

"Do you surrender?" She asked, to which she nodded with stars in her eyes, Antilene smiled slightly before looking at the rest of the 7 sins who stepped backward, while lowering their head.

"... Y-YOU BITCH!" A roar suddenly filled the world, as a large bear glared at Antilene, the woman who killed its father. It was not going to let that slide.

"Raise..." Nishikienrai said calmly, causing everyone to freeze as they saw the Sword Saint Leo, The Beast King, Rex, and the human Mage back to life... but it didn't stop there as countless soldiers that were just killed came back as shadow beings.

"Do you all kneel?" Nishikienrai said with a cold and emotionless look, everyone uneasily looked at the army behind him, and that was even more so with the lord of sins, stepping forward to try and increase their standing.

"Do you think I Fear You?" Roaring, the bear, and the beast race all ran forward, not fearing death. Antilene laughed as her spear disappeared, replaced with a scythe. She shot forward, and without slowing down, she ran through the beasts, slaughtering them all as her scythe moved around, as if she were cutting some grass.

The sight sent chills down everyone, while Nishikienrai covered his head in annoyance. the blood bath was so much that even the wild beast's blood lust state woke up, and turned to flee, but she wouldn't allow them, until they were all slaughtered, leaving her covered from head to toe in blood.

"Why?" Nishikienrai asked with a helpless sigh,

"Lord Igneel said I can return to his side as soon as I help you conquer 100 Galaxies... they are all getting in the way of me returning to my lord's side. They are no different than sinners in my eyes." Antilene said while glaring at the sea of lifeless bodies around her, sending chills down everyone's spine.

Antilene scythe disappeared, replaced with her spear which she pointed towards the female vampire, shocking her.

"Lord Igneel said I need to put together an army under me. Each of the Royal knights needs to lead an army... You want to join me?" She asked stunning the vampire queen who nodded her head lightly.

"Thats great. thats 1, I will pick up worthy followers as we conquer galaxies." She said with a smile, before clicking her tongue remembering Itachi. She couldn't help but be jealous, why did he get to stay by her master's side?