
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The Game 6

Guild Base is some sort of privilege bestowed upon a guild once they defeat a dungeon that has the potential of becoming their territory. Some dungeons usually served as a potential territory being the home base for guilds through conquering one. In other words, dungeons could be used as a guild base and some have various amount of levels embedded into them.

Meanwhile, the guild, in particular, would also be allowed to take command over the NPC customization. However, like funds, not only does the diligence of the guild need to be accounted for but also the quality of the dungeon base. Furthermore, guilds could only own one dungeon at a time and no more than that alone. If they wanted to claim another dungeon, they would first need to relinquish their claim on their present one.

For defense, guild bases had traps that activated the moment they were invaded, weakening or nullifying certain types of magic. Such as dispelling [Invisibility], reducing the strength of the holy element, etc

If a guild base's innate income was not sufficient to cover the maintenance costs of the dungeon, the guild members would have to earn that money themselves. In addition to NPCs, trap activation and the like were expensive as well. Being attacked by an enemy guild could incur incalculable expenses for the defenders, and might even force them into bankruptcy. When the life of a Custom NPC is lost due to certain circumstances like during a guild raid, they can be revived through the guild finance. The cost of reviving these fallen NPCs can range from expensive to cheap through how high to low their levels are.

The collective maximum level for all Custom NPCs combined is part of the NPC Data Storage. Higher-risk dungeons award the guild with a higher amount of levels if conquered. This limit can be further increased by upgrading to a higher-ranked dungeon, using cash, and so on.

In YGGDRASIL, there were only nine dungeons in the game which offered 3000 levels of NPC Data Storage. A city-based dungeon as the lowest-ranked guild headquarters provides only 700 levels to be shared between Custom NPCs. However, it could be funded through tax collecting.

Castle-based or larger dungeons in size owned by guilds have several benefits. One of these is the automatically spawning NPCs or POP monsters provided for base defense. For example, guards and knights protecting a castle are only up to level 30 and can be spawned limitless without incurring any financial cost. Additionally, there was also another type of NPC; the ones designed from the ground up to their makers' satisfaction. If a guild possessed a castle-grade guild base or higher, the owning guild would be allowed 700 levels to be distributed between any number of NPCs they wanted. Because the highest level in YGGDRASIL was one hundred, by those stipulations, a guild could make five level 100 NPCs and four level 50 NPCs, or any combination thereof.

If a guild conquered a dungeon during its first try, additional levels can be added as a bonus to its original amount as well as possibly a special reward like a world item.

"The Great Tomb of Nazarick is perfect to be a guild base." Ulbert Alain Odle, a new member of Nine's Own Goal said,

"The Great Tomb of Nazarick seemed to be identified as a simultaneous attack dungeon, the hardest kind, the sort that needed five parties to progress through it" Tabula Smaragdina a brain eater, said calmly while looking at the dungeon they just conquered.

"I'm not sure... I didn't think a tomb would be our guild." Touch Me said softly, making Ulbert Alain Odle annoyed. Ulbert Alain Odle and Touch Me had a unique friendship, for one they knew each other outside the game. once Nine's Own Goal was formed, Touch Me wanted him to join,

"There you guys are." Teleporting to Touch Me, everyone's eyes landed on me. the game had a teleport-to-friend button, 

"Igneel, where were you? You missed the raid." Touch Me said softly, they just raided the Great Tomb Of Nazarick. Sure they did it on their first try, but it was disappointing that all of the guild members couldn't join.

"I had work matter to do... and what is this?" I asked confused, I had returned to my world, so I had no time to join them. As for why I returned to my world, it was to reset the time at which I could stay in this world. 

"Oh, science work?" Peroroncino, a bird man asked. I nodded lightly before asking what I missed, and they told me about how Nishikienrai found the Great Tomb of Nazarick and were planning to make it into their guild. 

"Well, since lately you guys have been playing the villain role, this place does seem to be perfect. but is everyone on board?" I asked, making everyone awkward slightly. but after looking around, and seeing everyone nodding, Touch Me nodded slightly and went on to make this their new guild, but they would need to first let go of the clan.

"It's a bit funny... A guild that started as a way to protect the Heteromorphic, but slowly began to walk down the path of being a villain." I said with a laugh, making everyone laugh at the realization

"Well, let's pick a new name, There are not 9 people any more. any thoughts?" Touch me asked while looking at the name bar for the new guild. this caused everyone to stand there, lost in thought. 

"Well, any name will do." Momonga, the skeleton that Touch Me saved said seeing how everyone was thinking so hard about it. Why were they so adamant about this? As those thoughts ran through his mind, Momoga started trying to think of a good name.

"How about Heteromorphic Zoo?" Momonga said making everyone think for some time. That seemed like a decent name.

"Heteromorphic Zoo, huh? It's surprisingly good, and it does fit our image. Just that… well, it makes us sound like small fries." Tabula said softly, while my eyebrow raised, I hated that name.

"It sounds a bit exotic, but it's not bad… Although it does sound like a cameo organization you find in mangas. You know, in tournaments." Peroroncino said softly,

"It feels like the sort of team that shows up on the fight list but ends up losing before getting a chance to show up. That's what I would do, to make the readers think they were strong, but then they'd lose in the next panel." Whitebrim said with crossed arms

"I kind of like it, though, it has a nice villainous feel to it." Ulbert Alain Odle said calmly,

"I personally think it makes us sound like trash mobs, so I don't like it. Ah, sorry, Momonga-san." Yamaiko said, muttering to herself among the people discussing nearby.

"Still, I feel that it's a waste to completely abandon our current clan name. It would be nice if we could pick a new name that had some relation to the old one." Yamaiko said calmly. Silence suddenly fell across the room, followed by voices agreeing with Yamaiko. everyone could accept that suggestion although she probably had not meant to make one. 

"Nine's Own Goal. Nine suicidal people? Is there something related to?" I asked calmly,

"If that's the case, how about the Knights Templar? After all, Touch-san is kind of like Hugues de Payens. Well… though we are missing one person." Although many had no idea what Tabula Smaragdina was talking about, they felt it must be related to some occult knowledge. After all, many of them were quite versed in occult lore. There were far too many things that they did not know anything about.

"Knights Templar doesn't even have a word in common with Nine's Own Goal," I said with a weird look,

"Tabula Smaragdina-san is always talking about things we can't understand," Yamaiko said helplessly 

"Ah, yes, sorry about that." Tabula Smaragdina said in embressment. this made everyone go back to thinking of the name.

"How about baseball? A baseball team needs nine people." Nishikienrai asked 

"Even football is on its way out. Besides, you should remember that the reason we're discussing this is because we aren't nine people anymore. You should think about something that doesn't have anything to do with the number nine." Tabula said calmly

Warrior Takemikazuchi did not take part in the dialogue. Instead, he sank into thought, scribbled some things onto his PDA, and then he spoke.

"If we want to use the ん sound... how about Ains? Nine's starts with the letter N, and in Hiragana, n is ん. That way, if we take the first character N, and substitute it with an A, we get Ains." He said making my eyebrow raise

"Not bad. So it represents the end of the current clan and a new beginning in the form of Ains?" Touch Me said with bright eyes

"It feels a bit forced, but it's definitely the best suggestion so far. ...Ains… it comes out as Ains, right? Or how about Ainz?" Tabula asked 

"Both are fine, right? It's not a big problem. Rather than think about that, we should try and find a way to use Own and Goal." Warrior Takemikazuchi said

"If we go with that... How about Ooal Gown? Have Own Goal become Ooal Gown." Punitto Moe said softly,

"Ohh! It's perfect… hm? There's an extra O, where did it come from? Without it, it becomes Gwn. Ainz Ooal Gwn? Hm…" Warrior Takemikazuchi said in thought 

"Well, it's not often that you get the chance to play with anagrams." Punitto Moe said lightly, as he fell into deep thought

"Before that, Ooal is pronounced oo-ul, right?" Touch me asked not wanting to spell the name wrong.

"Just like that. After all, ooze is for slimes." Herohero the same said...

"N, W, and G are all used. North, West… gone." Herohero said. Though the topic had completely shifted to making anagrams of the name, the voices slowly grew softer, like they were tired. Amidst this heated debate, Momonga felt that there would probably not be any better ideas. He carefully considered the suggestions and after making sure that there were no others, he looked to all the members and made his decision clear. 

"Then, we will combine the suggestions from Takemikazuchi-san and Punitto Moe-san to make the new guild name. Does anyone disagree?" Momonga asked

"Nope," Bukubukuchagama said, Everyone seconded Bukubukuchagama's statement.

"Then, our guild's new name is Heteromorphic Zoo!" Momonga said making everyone look at him blankly... and so the guild Ainz Ooal Gown was born.