
My World and Your World

Princess Hera of the Joseon Dynasty is known for her Kung Fu, she inherited the dragon power of the late emperor that's why her father 'King Lauro' sees her as a threat to his throne. One day, the King poisoned her and she died and her soul is reincarnated as Haile in the modern world. She can remember everything from her past because the Heaven has given her the chance to revenge.

Chanlee0917 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Greatest Betrayal 1

Hera's Pov

The king believes that I'm the leader of Secret Forest, because the strong evidences are pointing at me.

'Hera my daughter, if you are the leader of this cult----' The king said, I know at the back of his face, he wants to prove that I am the leader to raise revolt.

'Father-- you really believe that rumors?...- I look at the head eunuch, I know this is his doings. 'for god sake, pfft! HAHAHAHA you really think I'm so powerful to build a cult.. tsss My Father, don't worry--- this is not the right time for me to get your crown-' I saw his eyes went bigger. He was shocked with my statement.

'Wh-what?' he stood up and point at me with his angry face. 'you think, I don't know???--- what you were planning Father?' I also stood up.. Actually, I am more powerful than my father because I have an emperian blood with the true power of Dragon. 'You sealed my dragon since I was born--- so why?: I look at him. 'why are you so threatened? I can't do anything father... I have no power, I just have my Kungfu since I was born'

'how dare you talk to me like that!!!' he shouted. 'you!'. he got his sword and aim for my neck. But I dodge and went to his back. Do you really think you can scare me this way? pfft!

'Father!!!' someone shouted from the door. I tilt my head from the back of the King and saw the crown prince. I look at him while still standing at the back of the King. I saw him walking towards me... He held my right hand and the king face us.

I was shocked by his actions...

what is he doing? why is he holding my hand so tight.. 'what are you doing?'. I pulled my hand from his grip and look at him. 'Father, why are you doing this to Hera?' he asked. tss? is he on my side? no way!

Although he is my older brother from my father's side--- I can't tell if he is on my side. His mother, the Queen will always be my enemy... 'if you are still planning to eliminate princess Hera, then--please eliminate me too' I look at him with a shocked while he is kneeling and tears falls through his eyes. is he sincere?

'Helious!!! what are you saying???' the King asked... 'You are my only heir!' the king... 'do you really want to sacrifice your life for her?' ---- 'father, Hera is your daughter! how can you say that? how can you do this to her??? you are the only one she has!!!' he shouted while still crying.

This is the first time I heard him shouted to Father-- And this is the first time he cried for me.. ughhh I don't to believe him but let us see. maybe he is plotting a scheme...