
My Wonderful Life with Miko, the Nekogirl.

In the fantastical realm of Aetheria, where mythical beings known as Monster-Girls (half female human-half monsters) inhabit a world of magic and wonder, Yamano Yusuri, a young man from the human realm, finds himself inexplicably transported into this enchanting land. Determined to build a new life amidst the kaleidoscope of diverse creatures, Yusuri's journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters the captivating nekogirl, Miko Minazuki. As Yusuri and Miko navigate the complexities of their burgeoning relationship, a haunting nightmare disrupts the tranquility of their lives. Yusuri is plunged into a dreamworld where he revisits the memories of his teenage days, entangled in a passionate relationship with a nekogirl named Luna. The intensity of the dream and the unresolved emotions it stirs up leave Yusuri grappling with the blurred lines between his past and present. As the narrative unfolds, Yusuri discovers an inexplicable and profound connection between Miko and Luna. Memories long buried resurface, revealing a web of emotions and events that transcend time and memory. Luna, a mysterious figure from his youth, and Miko, his present love, become intertwined in ways that challenge Yusuri's understanding of destiny, love, and the nature of existence itself. Caught between the reality of his life with Miko and the ethereal echoes of Luna from his dreams, Yusuri embarks on a journey of self-discovery. The novel delves into the intricate tapestry of emotions, exploring themes of love, longing, and the profound impact of connections that span across different realms. As Yusuri grapples with the enigma of his feelings, the novel takes readers on a mesmerizing adventure through the fantastical landscapes of Aetheria. Rich descriptions bring to life the vibrant cultures, magical landscapes, and diverse Monster-Girl inhabitants that populate this captivating world. Ultimately, the story unfolds as a tale of love, destiny, and self-discovery, weaving together the threads of Yusuri's past and present. In the magical tapestry of Aetheria, where reality and dreams intertwine, Yusuri must navigate the complexities of his heart and unravel the mysteries that bind Miko and Luna together, ultimately shaping the destiny of all involved.

Yamanokun3004 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Taking Notes from The Professional

" Kurumi-neechan?? What are you doing here??" asked Yamano.

Currently, Kurumi went to meet Yamano to talk about something. Only Yamano can solve Kurumi's problem. They are now in the resort's lobby.

" Yamano-kun, thank you so much for coming. The truth is, I need your help for this one." Kurumi said.

" Sure, I can help. What seems to be the trouble?? Where is Aniiki?? " asked Yamano.

" He is resting in the room. Watching tv and such. Don't you worry about him. We know where to find him." Kurumi replied.

Kurumi suddenly looks to the left and to the right. She slowly hold Yamano's hand and dragged him somewhere else.

" Follow me. We need to talk in private." Kurumi said.

" I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this one." Yamano said.

Yamano followed Kurumi to a place where they can talk in private.

Meanwhile, Miko locked the door and went to the beach. As she arrive, she went to a fruit bar next to the beach. Someone was there too. Someone....recognisable.

" Oh, Miko. There you are. Hello." Akihito greeted.

" Akihito-neechan. Nice....to..meet...you...nyaan" Miko struggled to speak.

Miko is now sitting at the bar with Akihito. Apparently, they have something to discuss about too.

" Miko, I know that you struggled to talk like a human but you don't have to do it. You are still learning. Just talk to me like you usually did to Yamano. So, umm... Do you want to drink something??" Akihito said.

Miko didn't want to drink anything.

" Nyaa." Miko didn't want to drink.

Akihito smiled and asked Miko why she called him.

" So, Miko. Is there something you want to talk about?? I'm all ears." Akihito said.

Miko took a notebook from her pocket and wrote something. Akihito understood that Miko is trying to communicate with him. Miko gave the paper to Akihito and he read it.

( Akihito-niichan, can you tell Miko all about Darling?? Miko wants to know what kind of person Darling love so much...)

" Oh, you want to know what kind of person Yamano is like?? Sure. I will help you out." Akihito nodded.

Meanwhile, Yamano and Kurumi are on the beach. Both of them sat on a gazebo near the beach to avoid the sunny weather.

" So, what can I help you with, Kurumi-neechan??" asked Yamano.

" Yes. I need your help, Yamano-kun. Tell me what you know about Akihito. I want to know what kind of person your big brother is like." Kurumi asked.

" Why you didn't ask him yourself?? You know that he is a friendly person." asked Yamano.

" It's just... I am shy to ask him directly. You know how it goes. Both your brother and I are in love at first sight. I didn't get to know him much. That's why I want you to help me. It seems kinda hard to make your brother fall in love with me." Kurumi confessed to Yamano.

He knew how hard Kurumi wants Akihito to look at her as someone she love but Kurumi is afraid that Akihito is going to reject her love.

" Sure. I can help you, Kurumi-neechan. Sure, Aniiki treated you poorly now but slowly, he will be warming up to you. I will tell you everything I know about Akihito Aniiki."

" So, Kurumi-neechan, do you know what an Otaku is??" Yamano asked.

" Nope. I don't know what "Otaku" is?? Don't tell me that it is bad terms." Kurumi replied.

Yamano giggled when she look at clueless Kurumi.

" No. It's just Aniiki is a type of person that loves to watch anime and read manga. Because of that, he has a huge interest in 2D girls more than 3D girls." Yamano told Kurumi.

" Just what kind of person have I fallen in love with?? Yamano-kun, continue." Said Kurumi.

" It's more of a hobby for him but I have to remind you. Whatever you do, do not, I mean, DO NOT talk or mention anything about "One Piece". Once he starts, he will never stop." Yamano panicked.

" Do you have to be panic about it, Yamano-kun??" asked Kurumi.

" Look at me, Nee-chan. Do I look like I'm panicking??" Yamano said.

Yamano showed Kurumi his panicked face. Kurumi now knows how serious it is.

" Okay. So, what should I do to make him like me, Yamano-kun??" Kurumi begged.

Yamano scratched his chin and thought about something.

" Hmm... You need to show him that 3D girls can sometimes beat 2D girls. Show him that you can be an anime waifu that Aniiki love." Yamano encouraged.

" Teach me. Teach me." Kurumi is eager to know.

Yamano took his phone and showed Kurumi an anime scene.

" So, what are you showing me right now??" asked Kurumi.

" Now, I'm showing you a scene from an anime that Aniiki love to watch. You need to learn how to become a "tsundere" if you want Aniiki to fall in love with you. Also, you have to work hard to become one." Yamano explained.

Kurumi tilted her head that she didn't understand what Yamano said.

" A "tsundere"?? That's a new term for me. What is it??" Kurumi asked.

" Kurumi-neechan. I think that you should start watching anime to learn new terms but don't watch it too often because it.... addictive. So, tsundere is a type of personality or character development process that depicts a character with a personality who is initially cold, stern, stoic, harsh, temperamental, hotheaded before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time. Wow, the way I explained is the same as the Internet" Yamano explained to Kurumi.

" So, you said that I should treat him with a cold personality and then, slowly warming up to his heart??" Kurumi asked Yamano.

Kurumi didn't know what to do. There is someone that complicated like Akihito.

" Oh, Yamano-kun. I don't know what I must do. It's sounds....hard." Kurumi closed her eyes.

" Do you love him, Kurumi-neechan??" Yamano asked.

That sudden question surprised Kurumi. The seriousness from Yamano's tone able to make Kurumi thinks Yamano is now serious.

" I'm asking you. Do you love Aniiki or not??" Yamano asked.

" I..... He.....Yes. I love him with all of my heart." Kurumi replied.

Slowly, Yamano looked at Kurumi.

" Listen. Aniiki sacrificed his life for me. He can just leave me to die on that day. But, what did he do?? He saved me. He was there when I got nothing in this world. I was alone and he is the only one who dragged me back to the light. For his hard work, he deserves something and it was you. He was supposed to have his own life but instead, he taught me how to become a "person". Now, he is trying to catch up with the life that he left behind and choosing you as his love partner. I know how hard to get his attention, but I begged you. He deserves this. Don't you give up on loving him." Yamano begged.

Kurumi slowly holds Yamano's hand. Now, she knew, even though Akihito looks like a goofball, he is a kind of person that will do anything he can to make his family happy.

" Fine. I will do whatever I can to make him a happy man." Kurumi promised.

Meanwhile, Akihito gave Miko the tips of the type of woman that Yamano liked.

" So far, I think that you have three out of five things that Yamano like on a woman." Akihito said to Miko.

" Oooo. Nyan nyaa." Miko clapped her hand.

" Okay, Miko. I want you to write this down." Akihito said.

Miko is ready to write something down in her notebook.

" Okay. I will tell you three things that you already have that Yamano like. First, Yamano love woman with short hairstyle. Yamano said that short hairstyle makes the woman look cute. Good thing that your hairstyle is short, Miko." said Akihito.

" Nyaa nyan nyaan nya??" asked Miko.

" Wait, Miko. I don't understand what you are trying to say." Akihito replied.

Miko quickly wrote what she tried to say to Akihito and passed it to him.

( Hmm... What about long hairstyle?? )

Hmm...still tolerable but he prefers short hairstyle." Akihito said.

Miko wrote the tips in her notebook. Akihito continues to tell Miko.

" Next, he loves clingy women but not too clingy. I can see that you are a type of person who was always by Yamano's side. I suggest that you give him some space. When he feels tired or happy, just go snuggle with him. That will make me feel that he is not alone." Akihito said.

Miko quickly writes it down. Akihito smiled when he look at Miko.

" The third one is, he likes women who didn't care about her appearance." Akihito said

" Huh??" Miko felt weird.

" Oh, you don't understand that?? Let me correct that. Yamano loves women who sometimes, didn't care about their appearance. For example, he didn't like women who always sits in front of the mirror. Only wear make-ups if there's an only special occasion." Akihito told Miko.

" Nyaa..." Miko smiled.

Miko is not the type of person that didn't care much about her appearance. Maybe it's her tomboy look that makes Yamano fall in love with Miko.

" Nya nyaan nya nyaa??" Miko asked Akihito.

" Write it down, Miko. Write it down." Akihito asked Miko to write her question on the paper.

Miko wrote her question and gave it to Akihito

( What about the fourth??)

" Oh, um... Are you good at cooking, Miko??" asked Akihito.

Miko nodded. Akihito felt relieved that she nodded her head.

" Good, Miko. Actually, Yamano can cook too, you know?? You can learn new dishes from him too. Trust me, when you try his cooking, it's going to be one of the best things about Yamano." Akihito smiled.

" Nyaa..." Miko felt proud.

" So, the final one is Yamano didn't like women who wear revealing outfits. Yamano likes women who wear casual attire. He said that it's okay for women to wear pretty clothes but women don't need to wear them just to get people's attention. Things that make a woman beautiful is their heart, not their beauty." said Akihito.

Miko never felt so happy in her life. Yamano is the kind of person that Miko wanted in her life. A respectable person that is humble and kind towards others. Miko smiled because she knew that she has fallen in love with a correct person.

" So, Miko. Trust me. It is hard to find someone pure like Yamano. He has a heart of an angel. If I was you, I will never let him go." Akihito said about Yamano.

" Nyaan nyaan" Miko felt happy.

" I'll take that as a yes." Akihito said.

Both of them laughed. Akihito is indeed a great model for others. It's just that his personality makes him a carefree person. Now, they stopped laughing.

" But, Miko. Please, promise me that never make Yamano feel that he is alone in this world, okay??" asked Akihito.

Miko didn't understand what Akihito asked.

" Nyaa??" Miko tilted her head.

" Please, Miko. If you can follow me..." said Akihito.

Akihito took five dollars out of his wallet and paid the bartender. Now, Akihito and Miko strolled on the beach.

" Miko. I want you to listen to what I am about to say. It's about Yamano..." Akihito said.

" Darling??" Miko asked.

" Yes, it's about Yamano. You should know that Yamano deserves to be happy. Did you know that he still believed that his parents abandoned him?? Every time he thinks about it, it will break his heart. How can happen to someone pure and innocent like Yamano?? Something about him affects the other. If he is sad, you will be sad too. " Akihito told Miko.

" Darling..." Miko worried.

" You deserve to know the truth. To be honest, he had a rough teenage life. On that day, Yamano lost everything. His orphan siblings, his mother-figure, his only home and the worst one. He lost his first love right in front of his eyes." Akihito told Miko.

Miko just stared at the ground. She can only listen to the tragic life of the person she loves the most. The nekogirl cannot hold it anymore and begin to cry.

" Please, Miko. Sarah-neechan told me that Yamano almost hanged himself back in the Human World. Now, he's starting to recover. I want him to be happy and you are the only one that can make him feel...alive. He has a void inside his heart and only you can feel the void. Please teach him to love again. Teach him that love will always be with those who lost everything. I begged you, Miko.

Miko nodded. She tried to wipe the tears but cannot. Miko swears to love Yamano with all of her heart.

" Darling~~~" Miko cried and called Yamano.

" Yes, Miko??" asked Yamano.

Both Akihito and Miko are surprised to see Yamano and Kurumi strolling the beach too.

" Honey, what are you doing??" Kurumi asked.

" I'm just about to ask the same question to you. What are you doing here??" asked Akihito.

" I can explain it, Aniiki." Yamano tried to calm the situation.

" Let's be honest. Did you give Kurumi the necessary tips to tackle my heart??" Akihito asked.

" I... Umm... It's just...." Yamano stuttered.

Kurumi quickly stands in front of Yamano to defend him.

" Of course he helped me, Baka!!!" Kurumi said.

Akihito was shocked to hear that word coming out from Kurumi's mouth.

" Oh...umm..okay..." Akihito blushed.

" What about you, Aniiki?? What are you doing with Miko??" asked Yamano.

" She asked me the tips to become the kind of woman that you love. Miko, give Yamano your notebook." Akihito

Yamano read the notebook and saw what Miko wrote.

" Darling like Miko with short hairstyle?? Darling loves Miko being clingy?? Miko must not wear make-up except for actual occasion?? Miko needs to learn cooking from Darling and make sure not to wear inappropriate clothing. Darling hates it.??" Yamano read as he slowly looked at Miko.

Yamano slowly smiled and gave the book to Miko.

" Well, you did your homework, Miko. Hey, why are you crying, Miko??" asked Yamano.

Suddenly, Miko pounced Yamano and gave him a warm hug.

" DARLING!!!" Miko pounced Yamano.

" Miko??" Yamano stunned.

Both of them are on the sandy beach. Miko rubbed her head on Yamano's chest.

" Darling~~ Darling~~" Miko hugged Yamano.

Both Akihito and Kurumi laughed when they looked at Yamano and Miko.

Meanwhile, Akihito and Kurumi hold hands and sit beside Yamano and Akihito.

" Kurumi, did you do your homework??" asked Akihito.

" Of course I do, Honey. Yamano told me that you sacrificed your own life to take care of him. Now, I know how you really are." said Akihito.

" Who am I, Kurumi-chan??" asked Akihito.

Kurumi pouted her lips and said.

" You're just my idiotic future husband, Baka." Kurumi pouted her cheek.

Akihito blushed and said.

" Tsundere. My only weakness. You really did your homework, Kurumi-chan." Akihito praised.

" You don't have to say that." Kurumi smiled.

Now, the four of them are looking at a wide, open sea. But they didn't know that Sarah was hiding behind the coconut tree, taking pictures of them together as a family.

" They made it. Thank goodness." Sarah smiled.

As she puts the camera down, she also looks at the blue sea smiled.

" Oh, Darren. I hope that you can see this." Sarah said to herself.