
My Wolfy husband is too cute

"Hand" "sit" "stand" "roll over" Grace looks at the adorable wolf like dog and hugs it so tightly. "My handsome young Damon! You are so good and obedient, I can't believe someone left you in that condition."said Grace as she sigh Behind the bush "Hey Mark, isn't that wolf our lord?"asked a demon with black bird wings. She looked really beautiful "You are indeed accurate. That should be our lord, but why is he like that?"said Mark as he gasped in awe. Mark's blue eyes gazed at the scene and was shocked. Inside demon lord's mind "Pet me more Grace! I love your scent and everything about you!" ______ This book cover is not drawn by me, I edited a little bit. Credits to the original creater.

Lavender_Nolan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


In a blink of an eye, they had already reached the mansion.

Grace saw her grandparents waiting outside the mansion for her arrival. They looked very worried about her.

Her grandparents noticed that she had came and also saw that she had carried two young children and there were men being tied up.

Robert came forward and started to inform them about the incident that happened when Grace went to visit her siblings.

Her grandparents looked very worried and sad. They looked at the twins with pity and heartache.

"Grace don't worry! I will make sure these men rot in hell and I will find the person behind the twins misery."vowed her grandfather with determination.

Grace eyes were icy cold when she looked at the slave traders but her eyes were filled with warm when she looked at the twins.

"Grandfather, grandmother, I'm going to bring the twins to my room. Until they wake up, I want to stay by their sides."said Grace

Her grandparents allowed her to take the twins to her room.

Grace quickly carried the twins to her room.

She rest Allen and Jane on her bed. She looked after them and noticed that their conditions were getting better. She sigh in relief. Suddenly she heard"No! Allen no!"screamed Jane as she opens her eyes.

Jane saw a huge room. The entire room looked very magnificent and beautiful. She had never saw any room that was this luxurious and beautiful. She saw an otherworldly beauty look at her with loving and caring eyes.

"Older sister Grace? Older sister Grace?"asked Jane with tears in her eyes.

Jane immediately hugged Grace and cried out loudly.

"Older sister Grace! Grandfather, he...he...killed our grandmother and ran away. He also sold us to those bad people. Grandmother protected us from him but he killed her. He killed our grandmother!"said Jane as she kept on crying

Grace gently touched Jane's head and ask her to calm down. She comforted Jane.

Jane hugged Grace very tightly and started to say"Grandfather, he betrayed us! He is the reason why Allen almost died protecting me. Allen was trying to protect me and wouldn't allow him to touch me. So our grandfather decided to beat him up very badly. Allen was caught off guard and was injured heavily by his blow."

As Grace heard Jane's explanation, her eyes turned cold and icy, she was full of murderous intent towards her so called grandfather.

She had thought that he had only used the excuse of selling the twins to get rid of her, but who knew that he actually wanted to sell the twins and even went to a large extent to kill his own wife. She was utterly disgusted by his actions and personality.

Jane continued to cry and cry.

Grace comforted her.

Grace noticed that Allen was sweating and he looked very scared and nervous, she heard him scream"Grandfather, I will never help you find the treasure!"