
My Wild Little Kitten Is A Mafia Boss

[WARNING: There will be Mature Scenes in this book] Life was hard enough when she lost her mother. When her father got married, life was even harder. Sofia was bullied and often went to sleep with an empty stomach. When her father died, she was thrown away by her stepmother. No money. No friends. Nothing. All she had was her tenacity to live. She scavenged for food. She learned how to pickpocket and she learned not to trust anyone's word. Until she was kidnapped and brought to a place she had no idea of. If she wanted to get out, she needed to fight. She needed to kill. She needed to persevere and not make friends. "Emotions are your biggest hurdle. Learn to lock your feelings away." At the age of ten, she made her first kill. She learned all sorts of things in order to survive this cruel world. And when she reached the legal age, she became the heir to the mafia king. "Drunk driving isn't allowed. Give me your license!" Officer Hughes told Sofia who was still muddle-headed after hitting her car on a lamp post. "How about you give me your number?" Sofia retorted. Her red and smiling lips were hauntingly beautiful, seducing him to give in to her. "Ma'am, you don't need to seduce me. I won't fall for your tricks." Even with blood rolling on her face, Sofia wasn't the least bit bothered. It's nothing to her. "Let me send you to the hospital first." Officer Hughes offered as he tried opening the door of her car. "Just kiss my wound and it will be fine." 'The impact has damaged her brain cells. She's going crazy. I need to bring her to the hospital soon.' Unknowingly, he stepped into the trap that Sofia laid specially for him. Now that she caught her prey, she would never let him go again. Cover isn't mine. It's edited by a friend. From Mr. Love: Queen's Choice

_frieyaVida · Urban
Not enough ratings
201 Chs


The first day of class ended with no problem at all. Sofia was enjoying her life and she got to do something for Liam as well. Her happiness was over the roof and she was smiling as she walked out of the room.

"Sofi, are your parents picking you up?" one of her classmates asked. They all wanted to see who her parents are in order to figure out her identity.

"Nope. My father is very busy so my brother or my brothers will come and pick me up from school."

"You have brothers?" Her female classmates started to get intrigued. "They must be handsome, right?"

"Handsome?" Sofia chuckled and rolled her eyes. "They're not handsome. They looked ugly and very scary."

"How can that be?" Another female classmate laughed in disbelief and she was about to slapped Sofia's back as a joke when Sofia suddenly turned around and grabbed her hand. "Ahh! Ow! Ouchie! That hurts."

"Sorry. Sorry." Sofia bowed rubbed the girl's hand multiple times as she apologized. "I thought you were going to hit me and my instinct kick rather faster than my rationality."

"It's fine." Her classmate rubbed her own hand and looked at it. It turned red. "How can you be so strong when you're so small?"

"It's because I was trained since young to defend myself. I'm really sorry about that." Sofia apologized once again but instead of avoiding her, her classmates got even closer to her. They think she was cool to do such thing.

"Don't worry. We won't randomly touch you in the future but we can still be friends, right?"

"Sure." Sofia happily befriended her classmates. When she came out of the university, she spotted Niko and Viktor leaning on Yusef's car. They were chatting about something which made them laugh. It was obvious that they were talking about what she did this afternoon. "Hey! Did you just tattletale me?" She yelled towards Yusef who turned around and smiled at her. "You just did, didn't you?"

"I didn't tattletale. I was just sharing it with them." Yusef responded in a series of chuckle. "I recorded everything by the way."

"I hate you." Sofia kicked leg but Yusef stepped on the side to avoid it.

Nico, on the other hand, took her bag from her. "How was your school? Do you like it here?"

"Of course." Her answer came out almost instantly and they knew what's the reason for that. Why wouldn't she like it when William visit this place very often? "By the way, do you have the ointment for bruises?"

"Huh? How did you get hurt here?" Viktor stood up straight and turned her around again and again to see if she was hurt. "Did someone attack you? Who is it?"

"I'm not hurt but I hurt my classmate." Sofia pointed at her female classmate who was holding her red wrist. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to do it."

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief after knowing it wasn't her. "I think I have it." Nico mentioned and walked to the backseat to get his own bag and placed Sofia's bag inside.

Sofia called her classmate over and Nico gave the ointment to her. "These are my brothers and my best friends. This is Nico, the oldest among us. Yusef is the second and Viktor is the third. I'm the youngest of family." Sofia introduced without elaborating anything. She didn't even tell them that they're not blood related at all.

"You don't look the same." Cynthia, the one who hurt her wrist commented. "But not all siblings have the same face."

"You are absolutely, right." Sofia replied with a smug face. "I'm born from a peacock and they're born from gorillas."

"Hey! What did you say?" Yusef pinched her face and stretched it. "You don't back to the elders like that."

"Elders my face." Sofia blurted uncaring with the fact that Yusef was still holding a part of her flesh. "Let go of my face. I tried so hard to keep it pretty and you're stretching it."

"You seemed really close." Britney, another classmate of her who came with Cynthia, also added while observing them.

After having tended to her wrist, the two girls bid farewell from Sofia and her brothers. The four of them got inside the car as well and embarked on their journey back to the mansion.

"So, was Yusef telling the truth?" Viktor questioned while sitting on the backseat. They actually have a car of their own but they still liked to stay on the same car as them.

Sofia rolled her eyes while massaging her face with the small face roller. "I don't even know what he said."

"He said that you're so foolish that you even asked him to run over to you." Nico mentioned, his voice was dripping cold which really scared Sofia. Between Lucas and Nico, she's more afraid of Nico. It's not because of his strength but because he's really like a brother to her and she didn't want him to be disappointed of her. As for Lucas, he didn't act as father like what everyone thought him to be. He was more of a teacher to her, a master that she needed to follow. There was no special connection between them.

Sofia took a deep breath and sigh. "I asked him that because I knew he wouldn't really hit me." Sofia responded but her guilt was kicking her hard. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

"You better be. We're permitting you to fool around and do what you want but that doesn't mean you have to risk your life. If I hear this kind of thing happen next time, I won't help you with the businesses anymore."

Scared out of her wits, Sofia nodded her head again and again while promising never to do it.

Meanwhile, Liam also came home to his apartment and immediately changed his clothes. He's got another assignment to do now.