
My Wife Is The Most Beautiful Princess In The Heaven Realm

Ming Ze had struggled from rock bottom to become the winner of the greatest competition in the Southern Region of the Heaven Realm, even being considered the most phenomenal genius due to his combat power that was too far above other geniuses. However, being without a background, he was hunted down by many enemies after that competition because he had killed many geniuses from major clans and sects. He was surrounded for a short period of time without any chance to fight back in front of the old cultivators whose cultivation was far above his. Surprisingly enough, the Sun Princess, who was the daughter of the Sun Great Emperor, the woman who was recognized as the owner of a quarter of the beauty of the Heaven Realm suddenly came and offered help on the condition that he must become her husband. *** https://discord.gg/9rzGtMQFy5

Dark_Crow1111 · Eastern
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70 Chs


After finishing that fight and returning, Evelyn suddenly pulled Ming Ze towards the imperial palace that had now been renamed the Thousand Shadows Empire.

They entered through the front door.

The inside of the palace was still completely immaculate, unaffected by the damage outside as it was protected by too many magnificent formations.

In its hall, the figure of the empress whose name was Qing Yanjing stood in front of the window, looking calm.

She was watching all the events from inside the palace because she had actually gone straight into it after the Sacred Wind Emperor had escaped.

The arrival of Ming Ze and Evelyn made her turn her gaze towards them.

As she looked at Evelyn who was already close to her, she asked, "is there anything else you need, Your Highness? My business with you should be over and you won't be able to restrain me anymore either."