
My Wife Is The Final Boss

There was a time when every living thing was decimated and the galaxy was forced to restart with a single thought from the evils. “Is the final boss my wife?” Xu Chang’an exclaimed as he looked at his wife who was making dinner and shook his head. “The system must have malfunctioned again.” Under the tree in his garden, Xu Chang’an wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist and said, “There is something I have to settle outside. I’ll be back soon.” “Okay. Stay safe.” After seeing the husband off, his wife raised her head to look at the leaves and said, “I think my husband is going to cheat on me soon. Should I… just restart this world?”

Seven Registers Of Cloud Stachel · Eastern
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40 Chs

Sleeping Wife

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The little girl looked at Xu Chang'an with surprise, then shock, and finally disdain and disgust.

It was the look of someone who had seen something extremely dirty, like a worm that would dirty one's feet if they were stepped on.

Gu Qiancheng was shocked.

Was this what it meant to be a man?

Xu Chang'an clearly had a wife that she found stunning at a glance, but he still came to look for women outside… and he even found such an average-looking one.

"What are you talking about?" Xu Chang'an sighed and said, "This lady and I…"

"Don't lie to me." Gu Qiancheng shook the bell at her waist. She pointed at the bartender's slightly confused face with one hand. "Look at the way she looks at you. She's clearly in love. You must have seduced her."

She was the little princess of the Acacia Faction, so she had this ability.

"I…" The bartender's face turned red. She didn't dare to look at Xu Chang'an and didn't know how to explain.

Xu Chang'an was more focused on the little girl.

"Who are you?"

Xu Chang'an was very surprised to hear the little girl call her wife "Sister Yun".

Why did this immortal cultivator child look like she was defending his wife? Didn't his wife say that she was on good terms with this young lady who had just moved in?

It would be strange if his wife, who was very cold to everyone, could have a good relationship with this hot-tempered child.

Xu Chang'an thought that it was not that he did not hate this girl. Firstly, her residence was arranged by Zhu Pingniang, so even if she was one of Zhu Pingniang's people, the girl was still considering the issue in Yun Qian's position.

However, there was indeed no need for Xu Chang'an to explain to a child.

He gave the bartender an apologetic look and told the little girl that she had misunderstood. Then, he turned around and left the wine shop.

He left quickly, not afraid that the bartender would be put in a difficult position.

The bartender was once a member of Zhu Pingniang's brothel. This young lady had specially come to buy wine… She must have been recommended by Zhu Pingniang, just like him.

"Why did you leave!" Gu Qiancheng looked at Xu Chang'an and was about to chase after him.

"Miss, you've really misunderstood," the bartender said in time.


"Young Master Xu's wine… He bought it for Miss Yun. Young Master is going home now," the bartender explained softly.

"You like him, don't you?" Gu Qiancheng glanced at the delicate-looking bartender.

"Yes." The bartender nodded and admitted, "We all like Young Master Xu, but he's not interested. I know it."

Since she was born a courtesan, she was considered of lowly status. She was already very happy that Xu Chang'an did not mind that her body was dirty and was willing to take her wine.

Gu Qiancheng looked at the bartender's clean eyes and was slightly stunned. She muttered, "I misunderstood?"


"Do you like Miss Yun a lot?" the bartender asked.

"Sister Yun is the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Of course I like her." Gu Qiancheng snorted. "Unfortunately, she married a useless man."

The first time she saw Sister Yun, she felt that she was the most suitable to be her mother.

Gu Qiancheng pouted. "He must have bought the wine to get Sister drunk and do those things to her."

"Young Master Xu and Miss Yun are husband and wife." The bartender looked helplessly at the cute teenage girl in front of her.

"How is he good? Isn't he just a manager of Chaoyun Sect's outer sect? His status is so low…" Gu Qiancheng said to the bartender, "It's my fault for being ignorant. In Chaoyun Sect, there are thousands of people with higher statuses than him."

"Miss, are you a cultivator?" The bartender looked at the little girl.

"Yes." Gu Qiancheng had no intention of hiding it.

The bartender had lived in Northern Mulberry City for so many years and was already used to cultivators. She shook her head. "It's not just status. Young Master is different from others to us."

"I don't think so. Although he looks passable, he's not that good-looking." Gu Qiancheng frowned. "There's also a stench on him. I don't know what dirt he's stained with."

"It's not that easy to get dirty. Even if you're stained, you can just wash it clean." The bartender smiled.

Gu Qiancheng did not understand.

The wine lady pursed her lips.

"If it was dirty, then wash it clean. There was nothing in the world that could not be washed clean." Xu Chang'an had once said this to her, who had an inferiority complex.

It was Xu Chang'an who gave her the courage to open a wine shop instead of becoming a concubine to a wealthy businessman.

"Miss, did you want the Moon Raising Wine?" The bartender already knew that the little girl was a cultivator, so she naturally wouldn't treat her as an ordinary child.

"Yes." Gu Qiancheng looked at the bartender and shook the bell on his waist. "My name is Gu Qiancheng. If you're free, why don't you drink with me?"

"But…" The bartender went to get the wine and started listening to Gu Qiancheng complain to her. She was very helpless.

This young lady from the immortal sect said that her new mount had been killed and went to look for her aunt to help vent her anger. In the end, not only did the other party ignore her, she even chased her out. That was why she came to buy some wine.

Although they were from an immortal sect, they were still children.

No wonder she was so angry at the start. It turned out that she had been bullied. She wondered who was so heartless.

… .

As the culprit who disturbed Gu Qiancheng's good mood, Xu Chang'an returned home happily and saw an unexpected scene.

The bamboo chair landed in the middle of the courtyard. Miss Yun from his house was lying on the chair. A book was opened and covered her face. Her curvy figure was stuck to the bamboo chair.


When he was not at home, Yun Qian just looked at the book he wrote and fell asleep alone in the courtyard.

Xu Chang'an felt guilty. He returned to his room and put down the wine. He took a blanket and covered Yun Qian with it. Then, he carefully took down the book on her face.

Yun Qian did not put on any makeup. Her lips were sparkling and soft, making him want to bite them.

However, Xu Chang'an looked at his wife's calm sleeping face and didn't do anything. He just brought over a small stool and quietly sat down on the side of the bamboo chair, looking at her seriously.

The mission issued by the system was to let him spend half a day safely and relax to his heart's content.

Xu Changan felt that at this moment, there was nothing that made him feel more at ease and relaxed than watching his wife sleep.

He would definitely complete this mission well.

The sun moved west.

Gu Qiancheng returned to the small courtyard after drinking at the bartender's place. She secretly jumped onto a tree and glanced at Xu Chang'an's courtyard.

The scene she imagined did not appear. Instead, he saw Xu Chang quietly waiting for Yun Qian.

With a soft snort, she returned to her room and began her daily cultivation.

After an unknown period of time, a rosy sunset appeared in the sky. After the first chill appeared in the air, Yun Qian slowly opened her eyes and looked at the young man beside her. There was no surprise in her eyes. She was very calm.

Yun Qian asked sleepily, "How long have you been back?"

"I just got back."

"I thought it would take three months?"

"I have something to tell Miss, but there's no hurry." Xu Chang'an stood up. "You must be hungry. I'll go cook."

"I'm tired. I want to go back to my room and lie down for a while," Yun Qian said.

Xu Chang'an understood. He circled Yun Qian's legs with one hand and supported her slender waist with the other. Then he gently carried her up from the bamboo chair.