
Meeting my wife

I was young and I add a vision about my future wife. the nest morning I wake up and a family moved in next to me and a little girl she look like my future wife so my mom bring me over the house to say hi and has we ring the door bell the mother opened the door and said "hi how are you".my mom said we were just here to say hi and has I glance around I saw the little girl ran around the back and I follower and has I follower into the woods she vanished and I go in the woods and I saw a abandoned playground fill with kids a d his I went in the playground the girl went up to me and said I how are you I said fine as we grow up we became best friend 20years past by and I was sitting at home siping coffee and a beautiful girl went into the house just to mine as I stared is look around and saw me and said hi the next morning She came over and said hi how I said fine so we started dating and she said you look like someone I know and I said you to she said when I was little I know a boy and we were friend I look at her in shock she said what wrong I said I was that boy she said no your lying where did we meet I said in the woods at abounded park In the woods

the end

thank you for your time