
My wife is my everything

Huangdi Fei was a man who had everything, so why did he give it up for his wife?!

DaoistWUlCUN · Urban
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6 Chs

chapter 3 (Mo RuiEn's white lie)

Seeing Mo RuiEn´s tears fall to the wooden floor one after another in rapid succession, each dropping with an audible plop, HuangDi Fei did not know what to do as he had never seen her bawl her eyes out like she was doing now.

Being none the wiser he decided to use the tried and proven, most effective method to calm nearly anyone down!

He gently grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into his warm embrace.

¨Its ok now, don´t cry… I promise to not get mad no matter what has happened. So why not you tell me?¨ HuangDi Fei mustered up both his courage and most soothing voice to say that.

Upon hearing that Mo RuiEn looked up, causing HuangDi Fei to involuntarily swallow. Seeing that his adam´s apple bobbed up and down, Mo RuiEn felt that he was probably better off not knowing what really transpired. After all, knowing his personality he would burst out in a fit of rage and attempt to get revenge.

¨Its…1 of my clients rejected my project proposal, and requested to change the person handling the project. I just felt kind of emotional and upon seeing that my boss decided to be nice and let me go home early is all.¨ Mo RuiEn said that without batting an eyelid.

However, despite her oscar-worthy performance, HuangDi Fei did not believe her words. He knew his wife was not someone who would let failure affect her so greatly.

´If she won´t tell me it looks like I have to find it out myself, for now I should just enjoy my time with her´ HuangDi Fei mused, slightly sad that she did not trust him.

They spent the rest of the day lounging around in their homes in each others embrace.

However Mo RuiEn had a gloomy and lost expression the rest of the day, and albeit she tried her very best to not let her feelings show, HuangDi Fei quickly caught on.

He tried his utmost best to cheer her up, from cooking her favourite meal to watching her favourite drama with her, it was a futile effort with an abysmal effect in improving her mood.

Around 8pm, he could not stand seeing her so miserable and decided to find out just exactly happened. So he excused himself to the bathroom and whipped out his phone.



The sudden vibrations of his phone quickly jolted the sleeping Luo Chen awake, he looked towards his nightstand and glanced at the cutely designed teddy bear clock on it, courtesy of his girlfriend, and realised it was currently 8pm and that his alarm was set for 4am, meaning a call must have been why his phone was vibrating. So he sat up and answered the phone, without looking at the contact id as the call nearly automatically declined.

¨Yes this is Luo Chen, if its not important please hang up as I have to wake up early tomorrow.¨ Luo Chen said while rubbing his eyes, still slightly muddleheaded.

¨Its me. I need you on a plane to JiangChen city right now.¨ An incredibly authoritative and masculine voice resounded from Luo Chen´s speaker. In a flash he knew who had called him-His boss, and sworn brother, the man who once ruled the world. HuangDi Fei, or according to his new identity Chen Fei.

¨Brother, we haven´t seen each other since your wedding 2 years ago, why not you explain to me why I need to go right now. I have a meeting tomorrow with your family so it may be a tad hard to go.¨ Luo Chen said with his lips in an upwards curve(positive parabola) it had been so long sice he talked to his best friend so he was naturally excited.

¨My wife, she has been gloomy the whole day. I need you here to help me find out what happened to her, also you can skip the meeting tomorrow. Just use my name.¨

¨No need for me to go there personally, I can just call some guys and find out what happened. Also the geezers in your family are not very happy with you. They are still trying to rope you back.¨ Luo Chen was slightly sad when he said that, after all who could be happy when their sister in law was angry.

¨Alright, also keep me updated if they try anything again. Though after what happened last year I highly doubt they will. If you are free anytime soon lets hang out¨ HuangDi Fei said happily, he had a reliable friend who would stick with him through thick and thin after all.

With that Luo Chen hung up the call and started calling those he knew were situated in JiangChen city.  

HuangDi Fei could now rest assured that he would find out what happened to Mo RuiEn, since Luo Chen was the young master of the esteemed Luo Family, which was a family second only to the HuangDi family. He naturally had connections befitting of that title.

In less than 8minutes, HuangDi Fei received a call from Luo Chen. When he answered he heard a scared murmur.

¨Bro…promise me you won´t be angry okay?¨…

im sorry its late i got absorbed reading when i saw the returns i invested in my future wife. Also whoever added the book to their library or wtv its called tysm you are the goat

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