
My Wife Is Captain Marvel!

[Disclaimer.] this is not my story just an MTL and i upload it

1st_KING · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

The sword smashes the tank and divides it into two!


Rose was stunned, and still a little unresponsive: "Which military base?!"

"Headquarters, the Air Force headquarters in the suburbs of New York, the report just came!"


Ross's originally excited expression was suddenly distorted, and his military base was attacked?

Who did it? !

"who is it?"

Rose's face suddenly became a little gloomy, staring at his adjutant.

The adjutant was hesitant to speak, with some sweat on his face.

"What's wrong? Hesitating?"

A sharp light flashed in Rose's eyes, and the adjutant gritted his teeth and raised his head and said: "I don't know, the other party… the other party is a woman!"


Rose opened his mouth, with a hint of playfulness at the corners of his mouth: "The woman is directing?!"

"No, it's a man, a woman!"

"There is only one enemy!"

When Wilson said these words, he was also desperate!

Who could have imagined that a woman would dare to break into a military base and destroy it wantonly?

Before experiencing this incident, Wilson absolutely did not believe that such a thing happened.

But now, not only has it happened, but… isn't your own base an opponent? !

This kind of fucking thing, Wilson has encountered for the first time, really hell? !

But Rose is smiling!

A woman is attacking her military base?

Is this special lady kidding?

Rose looked at his adjutant like a fool: "Wilson, this cold humor, but it's not funny at all!"

"I don't want another time!"

Rose was holding back his anger, but he was already planning to change an adjutant.

Wilson was anxious: "Sir, really, we have injured hundreds of people, the other party… the other party has super Ability, we are not opponents!"

"She is not an ordinary person, much stronger than… than the previous captain of the United States!"

For fear that Rose would not believe it, Wilson took out a military phone call from his arms: "This is the real-time video just sent to me by Lieutenant Colonel Mike. Look at it, sir!"

With that, he opened a video with horror on his face and handed it to Rose.


As soon as I opened the video, I heard a violent roar.

The video looked very clear, and I saw a gorgeous figure flying fast through the crowd, and each life was quickly harvested by her, and there was no one general.

Those who were killed by her were all elites of the United States military, but… they couldn't even touch the shadow of the other side.

The violent roar came from the tank!

The base used the latest MIA1 main battle tanks, but the moment the giant artillery bombarded them, a beam of light flew out of the gunfire instantly. The armor-piercing projectiles fired from the tank's barrel did not cause any damage to the opponent at all. .

Then a sword glow, separated from the video, seemed to be slashed towards the M1A1 tank barrel with extreme sharpness.

Cang Dang!

The barrel made of alloy split into two instantly and fell to the ground.

In the next second, that figure had already rushed onto the turret.

The light flashed again.


The outer armor of the tank, which claims to be able to withstand the impact of 10 tons equivalent, was directly split into two halves by the light from top to bottom, and then abruptly split from the middle, exposing the cockpit, gun chamber… and a few dumbfounded. Artillery and tankers shivering there.

too frightening!

They had never encountered something like this that broke their hearts in their entire lives.

The world's strongest tank M1A1, which was just developed, was cut into two by a man and a woman!

From the outside, it splits directly!


This is a tank, not to mention a sword, or a main battle tank that can't be penetrated by guns.

But now, a woman was holding a long sword and split it directly.

The process, not even a second, the tank is just like paper.

Is this woman… still a human?

This is the thought of a few tankers before they die.


The M1A1 tank was directly destroyed.


Roar was horrified. When he saw the tank being split into two from the outside, his mind was suddenly bewildered.

With a shake of his hand, the phone fell directly to the ground!

But he didn't even think about picking it up, because… his mind was completely blank.

What did he just see? !

One person, in just a few seconds, killed the soldiers in their base and lost their armor and armor. That's not to say. The M1A1 main battle tank that was just secretly developed was dismantled by the opponent before it even attacked the enemy. NS.

Life and demolition, without a trace of technology, rely on a violent blow!

The one cut from top to bottom was like a slash from the gods. The armor that the tank used to prevent collisions and gunfire was torn apart.


Rose swallowed, his face pale.

"What… what to do, sir… sir?"

Wilson had no idea, so he had to ask his chief, because this matter was beyond his knowledge.

When he first saw this video, his expression was no better than Rose.


Rose cursed directly: "A woman can't handle it? Has the military raised a bunch of pigs over the years?"

"Get in the car and go back to the base!"

"Drive at full speed, I want to see, what kind of super ability does this woman have?"

Rose's face was gloomy. Although Wonder Woman just opened the tank with a sword, he was shocked and unimaginable, but in his opinion, no matter how strong the opponent is, she is also a woman.

He also saw the information of Captain America back then.

The opponent can also blast the tank with one punch, but no matter how strong the Ability is, it is outnumbered.

"Capture alive, you must capture this woman alive!"

"This may be a new breed just researched out by a certain force!"

Rose licked his lips, his eyes filled with excitement. In his opinion, the value of this woman is more important than the agents behind him.

If done well, this person will be a force on top.

Obviously he would not think about it, this woman… dared to come alone, obviously… she is dependent on it!

Rose's mind is full of the idea of ​​catching each other alive. *

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