
My Wife Is Captain Marvel!

[Disclaimer.] this is not my story just an MTL and i upload it

1st_KING · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Robinvs Winter Soldier!

Winter Soldier!

His real name is Bucky Barnes, who was the closest comrade-in-arms of the captain of the United States in World War II. Later, in an action at the end of World War II, he fell into the sea with the captain and was frozen.

But unlike Captain America when he was rescued, the people of HYDRA found and thaw him, installed a robotic arm on his broken arm, and trained it to be an agent loyal to HYDRA only by brainwashing. Winter Soldier.

Since then, Bucky has completed various assassination missions around the world for the evil organization HYDRA as a Winter Soldier.

It's just that he is the first time he has performed tasks for HYDRA.

It can be seen that HYDRA's brainwashing is very successful.

It was so successful that he had washed his brains out of order, so he didn't need a gun and he had to play close combat.

"Since you are going to fight, then I will play with you!"

Robin Tim turned his head and looked at the guy who was a head shorter than him. After being injected with the third-generation super soldier serum, Tim hadn't played well with anyone.

He only knew how strong he was, and how strong he was, he always wanted to try it.

Looking around, he found that there were no enemies. Tim hooked the Winter Soldier in front of him: "Come on, fight me!"

Winter Soldier didn't have any nonsense, his eyes were red, and his kick was lifted toward Tim's chest.


There seemed to be an air current in the air, and the strength of Winter Soldier was not to be underestimated.

Originally thought that this guy in front of him was just a Tim with some skills, and suddenly put away his contempt.

This opponent… is very strong.


Tim slammed to one side, and instantly avoided Winter Soldier's kick.

And the kick containing Winter Soldier's strong power suddenly kicked on the wall behind Tim.


The solid concrete wall at the entrance of Wayne Manor instantly created a pothole!


The walls around the pothole are also cracked inch by inch.

"good chance!"

Seeing Winter Soldier's foot stuck in the wall, Tim's eyes lit up, and then he hit Winter Soldier's head with a punch.


Winter Soldier gave Tim a mocking look and watched his opponent punch him. This guy just raised his silver left arm and raised it slightly.


Tim only felt that his punch had hit a thick iron plate.

A violent counter-shock force made his pupils shrink slightly, this metal arm… so strong!


Winter Soldier pulled his foot from the wall, then squeezed his head, and gave Tim a cruel smile, but the next second, it moved.

boom! boom! boom!

The two quickly confronted each other, but Tim became more and more frightened as he fought.

The guy with his face covered in front of him is just like a fierce beast. He is a body strengthened by the serum of a super soldier. In terms of strength, he is actually only equal to him.

Slightly, a little bit of advantage, but this kind of gap is not obvious.

It was made up for by Winter Soldier's metal arm.

"This kid, has he also been injected with super soldier serum?!"

In fact, Tim was right. The Winter Soldier in front of him was indeed injected with Super Soldier serum by HYDRA, so his explosive power and physical strength were so strong.

"In that case, I won't fight against you!"

"You have a weapon anyway!"


A tactical dagger suddenly appeared in Tim's left hand.


Without hesitation, he directly reached out and wiped the dagger toward the Winter Soldier's neck, striving to kill with one blow.

Since you can't regret it, you can only win with weapons.


If it's an ordinary person, At the moment, facing Tim's sudden attack, I'm afraid he will dodge directly.

However, Winter Soldier is no ordinary person.

He directly stretched out his mechanical left hand and blocked it in front of him, his eyes flashed with thick disdain.


The dagger was cutting on the metal arm, making a crisp sound, and even the slightest spark of gas had been gassed, but the Winter Soldier was unscathed.

The stainless steel arm with Adamantium is as strong as Vibranium.

Therefore, ordinary daggers didn't cause a trace of harm to him at all.


It was another powerful confrontation. Tim took two steps back and Bucky took three steps back. Although Tim's strength was dominant, Winter Soldier's robotic arm made up for the gap.

Even Tim is not as good as that.

Both people became angry.

"Come again!"

Tim yelled and rushed towards Winter Soldier again. Although Winter Soldier's mind was not normal, he was not stupid to let Tim fight.

The two people twisted together again.


Tim's kick was firmly on the inside of Winter Soldier's thigh!

But it's still a bit biased, otherwise the effect will be even greater.

But Winter Soldier's physical fitness is different from ordinary people, even if Tim kicked it with all his strength, he just shook his body, but his mechanical arm slammed down on Tim's shoulder fiercely.


One kick for one punch, Winter Soldier still has the advantage.

Tim's expression changed a little, and the force on the mechanical arm almost pierced the strengthening shoulder.

Opponent, but still like a okay person.

Even, he had come back to his senses and hit his head again with a punch!


Tim naturally wouldn't sit still, his rich combat experience told him that he should never be entangled with him in close combat with a person whose power is far beyond him.

Otherwise, it will only be oneself who will suffer from strength.

Use your flexible advantages and speed to interfere with sneak attacks.

Therefore, Robin kicked Winter Soldier to no avail, he made a judgment in an instant, and took the opportunity to relay his body back!

And at that moment, Winter Soldier's metal arm… had already swung a punch!


Only a millisecond difference!

He almost punched Tim in the face!

But it was not enough. Li Wei kicked Winter Soldier again, and his body retreated directly with this force, leaving Winter Soldier's attack range.

And this kick finally succeeded.

A successful kick… The third leg between Winter Soldier's legs.


Winter Soldier's expression was a little unnaturally distorted. At best, he was just a brash man who relied on brute force, plus he was brainwashed at all, and he didn't know how to use his brain at all.

So, how could Tim's opponent be proficient in hundreds of fighting skills?

"There is a play!"

Tim couldn't help being overjoyed. Seeing that his fight was effective, he was about to rush to Bucky again, but Bucky suddenly rolled outside.


A fiery red long sword that fell from the sky pierced straight into the ground where Bucky had just been.

Wonder Woman, here comes the kill.


There was a huge amount of crack in the ground instantly.

If it weren't for Winter Soldier's quick dodge, this sword would be enough to split him into two.


Wonder Woman retracted the sword abruptly, and then fell to the ground lightly, staring directly at the Winter Soldier who had just stood up.

Two to one!

The situation suddenly became clear.

Not to mention that Bucky is not the opponent of Wonder Woman and Tim, or Diana alone, who can directly abuse Winter Soldier.


Winter Soldier roared unwillingly, but Tim shook his head slightly. Until now, he didn't know how powerful the young girl who was following his master was.

With one sword, the ground was directly split in half. How much strength did it take? !

"give it to me!"

The girl yelled to Tim behind her, and then she held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, ready to rush towards Bucky.

"Diana, step back!"

A lazy voice, but also at this moment, passed into everyone's ears from the outside of the fourth floor.



Tim and Diana couldn't help being overjoyed, and they both looked up at Li Wei who was standing on the fourth floor.

Li Wei, who was injected with 5 super soldier serums, finally woke up. *

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