
My Wife Is A Grim Reaper

After being brutally betrayed by his girlfriend. August found himself in the netherworld and in front of him stood the grim reaper.... herself? This grim reaper was nothing like he was told, with an astounding beauty rivaling Aphrodite's and a sassy attitude. He desperately craved for a few more years of life, but just when everything seemed lost, the king of the netherworld made him a proposal. He gets magical powers and a few more years to live and in return the grim reaper would get half of his soul. Could August survive in this strange new world while finding his real murderer? ----------- The cover is not mine, credits go to the original artist. Contact info- Discord- Celestial Creature#2358 Server- https://discord.gg/VXhcPVEjcD Insta- wabi.sabi_1083

Night_Creature · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Valkyrie, Hel and tree of life

"How did you…."

"How did I know? Well, let's say I was once at your place." Azrael put him off, getting up from her chair.

"Looks like time is running faster than we thought. Come with me and you will get your answers." She ordered walking towards the east passing through bookshelves to another of those giant doors with gold intricate design. She opened it and entered while he followed as told.

The room was filled with darkness, and once both entered the place the door was closed itself. August was puzzled but it doesn't surprise him after all the things.

He looked around to see if he could see anything in that pitch black but nothing until he turned him up. A glowing blue light, tiny as a dot, moved closer to his eyes.

Like a firefly just with blue radiance, it came closer to August but after a moment it flew towards Azrael and sat on her palm and soon a thousand others of them followed, almost covered in their blue light.