
My wife is dead and i cannot get over it

A shining light shimmers upon a beautiful woman. Who is wearing a velvet like dress. As there is an man wearing rags running into said beautiful woman. As he is running he is grabbing into the air. He is yelling whilst crying "please return please I beg you" over and over again. As the beautiful woman softly but sadly replies "accept it please I beg it of you". As the light starts to disperse and as he starts blacking out. He wakes up in a dark messy apartment. With a bottle of whisky on one hand and a handful of drugs on the other. Whilst quietly saying please return I beg you. As he gets up drom his seat. The door infront of him starts violently shaking. As he stands with fear as he is realizing what is coming... As the door broke down he can see the three gang members he loaned money from.

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