

-"Soo... Did we do anything??? I mean something like that?" Amyra asked swallowing. But Varun kept quiet with a mischievous smile on his lips.

In her mind, she felt a little confused. This man is very scheming so it's not a good idea to believe all of his words but his actions towards her in Dehradun was something out of limit and it's not impossible for him to do something like that. So whatever it may be she decided to ignore him and walk away from the place.

-"I don't trust you... go to hell.." She said pushing him aside and started walking on the beach.

It's just morning so if she keeps walking then she will definitely reach somewhere and find someone to help her out.

-"Don't go far. You know maybe you are drained out of all your energy after what we did yesterday night...And maybe your body is aching.." He cried loudly from behind, climbing the rest of the steps.

Amyra covered her ears to ignore the words he said but couldn't help herself but to hear that.

She found her body aching from the moment she woke up but she ignored it completely as she thought it to be due to her exhaustion. 'whatever!!' She thought in mind and continued walking.

Initially, she felt amazed as the view was wonderful with the strong wind blowing from the sea side, expanded sea beach which gradually lost into a deep forest, but after some time her whole body started aching much more than it was before and the fully grown sun started torturing her with its scorching heat. Sand also became hotter and to her surprise, she couldn't find anyone to help her, along with her increasing hunger she felt thirsty also and she felt her head aching. Her vision started to blur and she thought maybe she is going to die when she saw a forest house similar to the one she left behind. It wasn't similar but the same she realised when she saw Varun walking towards her from the forest house. With big steps. So it's a small barren island in the middle of the sea. Amyra's legs were trembling and she felt like falling but before that Varun caught her and took her in his shoulder. Amyra thought to oppose and opened her mouth but no words came out of her mouth.

Varun climbed the steps hurriedly and made her sit on a chair, he then put a glass filled with a liquid in front of her mouth and made her drink it. She emptied the whole glass in a moment and grasped for more air as she felt better.

-"I placed dress and water for you in the bathroom.. take a shower and have some food." He said ordering. It was those words which no one will dare to disobey but She is Amyra and it's not her character to obey him so she sat there still like a statue. Varun gave her a fierce look which all his employee do fear but it made no reaction on her. Finally, he grabbed her in his arms and took her to the bathroom and placed her in the bathtub.

"Come out after you finish bathing. I'll send you wherever you want to go after you get ready." He said and walked out closing the door from outside.

What does she think of herself... She is even more stubborn than I. He fumed in his mind.

After a while Amyra came out of the bathroom after taking the shower, wearing a new cloth that was a little tighter in her chest which made her feel more awkward. Varun was seating in the dining table with the food he made, He looked at Amyra and felt her awkwardness due to the dress.

They are bigger than I assumed!! he thought and shook his head to give away the thought off his mind. 'Pervert' he yelled at himself.

-"Seat here and have food. I'll look for another dress for you." He said looking away from her.

His words made her feel more awkward but she shook it off and sat to eat as she felt like starving.

After she finished eating Varun kept another shirt in the table.

-"This is the last dress I bought for you. I think it will fit you. I am waiting outside, come after you get changed." He said and walked out.

So he shopped for her, she smiled a little after a long time thinking this, and immediately some thoughts came on her mind and made her worried. Will, he drops me home and then I have to marry that bastard?. She got changed and walked down the stairs. She saw a flying chopper waiting outside the house. She entered it as Varun said and Varun followed her.

-"Where will you drop me?" She said worriedly.

-"Anywhere you want.," he said indifferently without giving her a glance.