
My Wet Nurse

#Warning: Matured content# Alex lost his wife after childbirth. Now he's faced with the problem that his baby girl doesn't want to feed on dairy milk and goes out in search of a wet nurse. He finds it very difficult to find one because wet nurses aren't popular in this present century, so Suzy who is a single mum with a baby almost the same age as Alex baby, offers to be a wet nurse for his baby girl. He later finds out that the odd feelings he's been having for Suzy, the sudden urge to protect and provide for her was love all along and not only that, his first love who was a girl in a picture he picked years back happened to be the same woman who was a wet nurse to his baby and in as much as he was married before, he now knows that with Suzy, what he feels is the very different, real, genuine love he felt years back when he picked her picture but came on stronger this time as she's grown into something breathtaking and addictive to his wanting soul. Alex wants Suzy to not only be the wet nurse for his baby, but his wife and the mother of his future babies but somethings from his life before she came into It just keep on trying to be a hurdle. What do you think will become of Alex who is trapped in between making choices and Suzy who gets involved into the drama theat she didn't bargain for, all because she became a wet nurse for Alex's baby? PS: book cover is not mine

violetta_1 · Urban
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five


I was restless. I found it very difficult to concentrate since I came back from Alex's house. This woman was taking a part of me without her knowing. God!, She was all I could think of while I was at work. She was slowly occupying my brain and damn, this is not me. I wasn't mapped out for love. I was not that type of person. Now I felt weird. I have never felt this way about anybody in my entire life. I don't  know what keeps drawing me to her. Like an invisible magnet. Whenever I try to distract my self with things around me or with the pile of work waiting for me to attend to on my desk, I just find my self, my mind drifting away, shifting to her. She looked so beautiful and I will be damned if I say that I wasn't attracted to her. Her vibes, oh God, I could see it in her face that she wanted me too but she tried her best to hide it under her rugged-like appearance. She wore a tank top with ragged jeans and she was small and slim like the opposite of her friend Suzy who was a little taller than her and was a bit curvier than she was. Lia was different, she looked tiny and fragile but she had a very sharp tongue and just that turned me on the more. The two friends were beautiful but, I think I like Lia more. When I took her home, she was very lively, you could never get bored with her around. She was a total vibes and grooves. She couldn't even allow me to hug her. Maybe she loved the chase, I definitely wasn't letting her go. She did not even call or text, I had to text her in the evening and her replies were just there, I could have lost all hope with her replies but no, I'm on this one now. I wanted her so bad and I will definitely get what I want. I was worry sick about Alex. Lia called me when I had already gone to bed to tell me that Alex was sick. I tried to call him but it seems like he switched off his cell phone. I wanted to call Suzy to know how he was till I realized that I do not even have her cell phone number. I had to call Lia and tell her to send me Suzy's number, which she did after some minutes.

"Answer the dang phone!" I said, almost shouting. I have called for like three times and it kept going to her voicemail. I was scared, I hope nothing bad had happened to Alex. I stood up from my bed so that I can get dressed and go over to his house then I decided to call her again and she answered her phone, about time ma'am.

"Hey, Suzy it's me Kev, Lia told me Alex is sick how is he?" I asked impatiently. She breathed maybe a sigh of relief I don't know why though.

"He's becoming better, I'm trying to bring down his temperature and I've given him medicine for his headache, he will be fine. Don't be worried okay." She said. She did not sound disturbed neither was she panicking, so I took it that everything was going to be fine. She assured me of that, and I trust her to take care of Alex. She had this motherly instinct inside of her already. Even with the way she told me not to worry, I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me so.



"Jeez, oh my God, let me call him now, thank you." Kev said and hung up, after I told him that Alex was sick.

He was panicking, or anxious to hear from Alex. He seemed tough outside but I know he's soft inside. I knew guys like this. I felt different, the first time I laid my eyes on him. He's really hot  and the way he looked at me whenever our eye met was so sweet. I was scared to show him that I was attracted to him too. I'm trying my best to avoid another heart break. That's why I just want flings and nothing more but with Kevin, I wanted something stronger, something more stable and it scares me because he looks like the "we don't fall in love" crew. And it will hurt me so much to love him so much and he won't love me back.

That's why I'm keeping my distance and trying my best to just keep the relationship between us very casual. When he dropped me off, he wanted to hug me, I really wanted to hug him too, I was even tempted to kiss him but damn, I can't allow myself to go through what I went through with Elvis. I don't know why I agreed to exchange contacts with him, I just know I did that without thinking twice. Maybe a very little part of me hidden somewhere, behind something wants to hear his deep voice again. Throughout today at work I just kept thinking about him. And even when I tried to distract myself with work, I found my heart constantly wandering off to him. Thinking of his muscle tight body, his black hair that was cut to his shoulders, his lips, I imagined a lot of things that I would want that lips of his to do to my body. I was definitely losing it. Half of my brain was occupied with thoughts him. If Suzy gets to know this, she'll taunt me with it the way I taunt her with Mr. Sex god.