
My Werewolf Prince

A story about teenage werewolves and the problems they face in building their pack. Kei Lyroso Laros, a sixteen year old teenager who has a Lycan monster inside his body that he can't control. When he turns seventeen, the Lycan monster will take over him and he will become a full-fledged monster. No more Kei, only Lycan. Only one can prevent it, his own mate. Tania Reynolds, a sweet sixteen year old girl who is not a werewolf. She is an ordinary teenager. But since Kei's arrival, her life has changed. She became Kei’s mate, which must be death by Kei's own hands. They are trying to find a way so that Kei is not overpowered by the Lycan monster that is in his body in addition to preventing himself from being killed by his own uncle who works with black witch. Kei tries to prevent himself from turning into a cold-blooded monster by trying to master the monster inside him. Unbeknownst to Kei, he must kill his own mate in order to control the monster. With the help of the strongest mage in the world, Kei will make sure that won’t happen. On the other hand, there is another teenager, Zach, who doesn't know he is a werewolf until his father comes and awakens his wolf soul. What surprised everyone was that Zach was a purebred alpha. A purebred alpha is descended from the ancestor of the first werewolves. Unlike other alphas whose alpha status was passed down by his father, Zach was alpha since he was born. Zach is trying hard to control his wolf powers on the other hand he also knows he has two mates. Even though werewolves are only destined to have one mate. What's the matter? Kei and Zack work together to defeat one alpha from Moon Bykort's pack, an alpha who is notorious even in his pack. They have an army called Orychant, an army of pure breeds.

tadariez28 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter twenty-five

"Wh-who are you?" asked Kei.

Kei took a few steps back. Kei knew they were neither werewolves nor ordinary humans.

"Don't you know me prince?" the man asked. Kei didn't answer. "Ahh so disappointing. Even though we've met before. Don't you remember prince? Or should I call alpha?"

Kei's eyes widened. He recognized the person. He was the one who attacked him and Bian in the forest that time. Yes, Kei is sure that he is the one. He remembered his grin.

"W-what do you want?" asked Kei again.

"Call me Horvick alpha. I just want something from you." Horvick said.

"Something from me? What is it? And why are you being so polite to me?"

"Something you shouldn't wear and about me being polite to you, shouldn't it be? Alpha of all alphas, king of the Lycanthropes. Of course I must be polite." said Horvick with a slight bow.

"I don't understand what you're saying." Kei said then walked away. But just one step, suddenly one of them blocked his way.

"Get out of the way." said Kei coldly. But the man didn't move at all.

"Sorry alpha, but you won't be able to leave until I get what I want." Horvick said.

Kei growled in annoyance. He was ready to turn himself into a wolf. But suddenly Kei felt suffocated. He was short of breath and his neck ached but there was not a single hand around his neck. Horvick strangled him without touching him.

"Take the necklace." he ordered to the one person who was blocking Kei's path earlier.

The person walked up to Kei and grabbed the necklace. But before he could reach it, the man was blown away. Horvick and one other person were shocked.

"Let him go."

"Magnofolds." Horvick muttered. But Horvick didn't let go of his stranglehold. Kei has started to limp.

"I said let go." said the man again. That person is Kate, who looks after Tania.

"It's very rude to meddle in someone's business, Magnofold." Horvick said.

"Deal with him means deal with meas well." said Kate. "Decretivity!!"

Kate attacks Horvick and Horvick quickly dodges, making him release his magic from Kei. Kate immediately ran to Kei. Kei is still coughing and trying to breathe normally.

"Come on, let's get up, let's get out of here." Kate helped Kei up.

"Not so fast." said Horvick and waved his hand. Kate was blown away. Kate tried to stand up straight away.

"Kei! Change yourself and go! I'll hold them back! Hurry up." said Kate, who was already standing. "Electrico!! Now Kei!!!"

Kei obeyed and turned himself into a wolf. Kei ran away from them.

"Bitch!." Horvick cursed. Horvick brutally attacks Kate. Kate was busy dodging the attack.

"You two know what you have to do." Horvick said to the two people with him. The two people nodded and immediately went after Kei.

"Now it's just the two of us Mognofold. It's a life-and-death battle. We'll see who dies tonight and it's... So much fun."


Kei ran aimlessly. He just kept running away from the magicians.

'Ian! Ian, can you hear me?' Kei tried Ian's mindlink.

'Kei! Where are you? Why did you leave the house? Are you crazy?!' replied Ian.

'This is not the time to scold me. Help me, I'm running away from witches.'

'What?! Where are you?'

Kei stopped running and looked around.

'I'm in the forest behind the school.'

'Go to the training ground, I'm there now.'

Kei broke his mindlink and immediately ran again. Suddenly something shone past him. Kei was shocked and stopped. He turned his head.

'Shit! That witch again! I have to hurry.'

Kei ran again without looking back. The magicians were still showering him with magic. Kei suddenly crashed and hit the tree beside him.

'Ugh... It hurts.'

Kei got up and growled loudly. The witch attacked Kei using their magic. Kei dodged. Kei jumped high and attacked one of the witch. The witch lay on the ground. Kei quickly bit the witch's shoulder.

"Aaarrrgggg....!!!!" the witch screamed in pain. But soon Kei's wolf body was blown away again. Kei swiftly balanced his body until he managed to balance himself. Kei looked at the witch sharply.

"Deparcantian!!" the magician cast a spell on Kei. The spell hit Kei but strangely the spell didn't blow Kei off like it should. The witch was surprised and again cast spells repeatedly. Nothing worked. Kei growled loudly and ran towards the witch and lunged at him. The witch's body fell to the ground. Not wasting any chance, Kei tore the witch's body to pieces until the witch didn't move anymore.

'Kei...' Kei turned his head and growled. 'Kei, it's me Ian.'

Ian had already turned into a wolf and approached Kei slowly.

'Kei.' call Ian again.

'Yes, Ian. I'm fine. The necklace that Bian gave worked well. I haven't changed.'

'I see it. Let us go home.'

They ran together still in their wolf forms.


There was the sound of something breaking. Kei and Ian stopped running.

'W-what's that?' asked Kei.

Ian didn't answer. He looked around for the source of the voice and then he realized. He lifted his head.

'Shit!!' Ian cursed. Kei was surprised.

'What is it? What sound is that?' asked Kei.

'We have to go Kei, now!'

'But what is it Ian?!'

'This city is protected by a protective spell from the white witch Kei, so the black witch and the Ordovic army cannot enter. But the spell was gone. They're coming Kei, we have to hurry.'

'Wait a minute, what do you mean a protective spell? Then how did the witches who attacked me get in?'

'It's been suspected that some witches came in, that's why Bian wasn't looking after you, she was looking for the witches, but they were so cunning. Come on, let's talk later. We have to go to Alpha Sebastian's house immediately.'

Ian started running. Kei followed Ian from behind. Ian stopped in his tracks suddenly.

"So you're here." said someone in front of them. The man was wearing black clothes. His hair was shoulder-length and looked tousled. Ian growled loudly, trying to threaten the person. The man just smiled sarcastically.

"Maybe I'm alone, but you know what? If the whites have the elected leader, then the blacks have me. There's no point in you growling at me." said the man.

Ian lowered his body slightly, preparing to attack. Ian jumped high, but before reaching the man, Ian fell. The man had already waved his hand.

"Închină-te mie"

The man stretched out his right hand. Ian was in pain. His bones felt crushed. His breath hitched. Ian groaned in pain. Kei growled. The man stretched out his left hand.

"Închină-te mie"

The man chanted the same spell. Kei's body immediately fell to the ground.

"Too bad. You should be useful. But I already have an agreement. Although I am not a good person, but I am a person who keeps my word." said the man. The man walked over to Kei who had turned himself into a human.

"I don't know what stupid Horvick did to take care of a teenager." he said after arriving in front of Kei. The man was holding the necklace that Kei was wearing.

"N-no, d-don't..." Kei asked.

"Stay away from him." said Ian who had stood up straight. The man turned his head and spread his arms then strangled Ian without touching him. With his magic, he made Ian's body float and approach the man. The man watched Ian's face as he got close.

"Beta." he mumbled then smirked. The man then threw Ian far and hit a tree and fell to the ground. His hand that was still holding Kei's necklace then pulled the necklace roughly until it was released from Kei's neck.

"You know prince, it's almost midnight. If you can make it through tomorrow, you will become a very powerful alpha, who is predicted to become the king of all alphas. My advice, don't get killed."

The man said with a sly smile. The man then left by teleporting.


Meanwhile at Tania's house, Kate was lying limp on the ground. Her body was weak and sick. But she didn't show it to Horvick. Kate stood up straight.

"You won't be able to fight me that easily Magnofold." Horvick said. Horvick also looked weak. "Let's finish."

"Blessimort i... Aaaarrrgghhh!!!"

Horvick's body shook violently, as if he had been electrocuted. Bian bewitched Horvick then ran to Kate who was already sitting leaning against the tree.

"Kate are you okay?" asked Bean. Kate just nodded weakly.

"T-thaat b-bitch.." Horvick groaned.

"Jake, help me." said Bian, pointing at Horvcik. Jake who had turned into a wolf immediately attacked Horvick and tore his body to pieces until it didn't move anymore.

"Bian..." Kate called.

"Don't talk yet. I'll heal your wounds first." Bian said.

"Bian, Tania.. She.. She was kidnapped." said Kate. Bian closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I thought so." he muttered.


"No. Shut up. Let me heal you."

Bian uses her magic to heal Kate who is badly injured.

"I'm going to Tania's room first. I want to get something that belongs to Tania." Bian said after healing Kate.

"Wait." said Kate. "Here, this is Tania's hair tie. She was wearing this before she was kidnapped. I'm sorry, I should have known this was a trap." Kate said regretfully.

"It's okay Kate, we'll get Tania back." said Bian as she took the hair tie.

Bian closed her eyes and concentrated.

"Tania." she muttered.

It wasn't long before a light came into her. Bian caught her breath. Bian saw something in her mind. A room lit only by a small lamp. There was Tania there, tied to a chair.

Bian opened her eyes. Her breath catches.

"You know where?" she asked. Bian shook her head.

"I still don't know. I'm still too weak. I'll try again." Bian said.

"No, that's enough. We'll find another way." said Kate.

"We don't have any and please don't argue with me." said Bian.

Bian closed her eyes again and said Tania's name. The white light came again as well as her stifled breath. Bian looked back at Tania, this time she saw very clearly where Tania was. Bian opened her eyes.

"On Lykort." said Bian. "Pack Moon Lykort."

"That's a long way off. That means the mastermind behind the kidnapping is Ordovic." said Kate. Bian nodded. Bian turned her body away from Gina. She wiped his nose which was already bleeding.

"Jake, you and Mike go find Kei and help Ian look after him. Kate and I are going to Pack Moon Lykort. And if you meet Mr Augys Harris, ask him to follow me to Lykort and for Mr Damian Breggier to carry out Sebastian's alpha plan. Don't tell anyone about Tania except Damian and Augys."

Jake and Mike who were still in the form of wolves immediately left. Kate and Bian held hands and immediately teleported.


Sebastian's alpha house already looks crowded. Everyone gathered there including Kei's father and mother.

The entire border is heavily guarded by Moon Roykolt's pack troops, led by trained omegas. Several troops stood guard at the dwellings of ordinary humans.

Ian and Kei arrived at Sebastian's house. Kei's father immediately hugged Kei.

"Kei are you okay?" asked Kei's father. Kai nodded.

"Father, my necklace. My necklace is taken." said Kei.

"What?! By whom?" asked Kei's father.

"I don't know." replied Kei.

"The witch and he is very strong." added Ian.

"Come on, the most important thing is that you're okay." said Kei's father.

"That's right." added Sebastian.

"Alpha!" George ran to Sebastian. "Border attacked."

"Are they still able to handle it?" Sebastian asked.

"They are overwhelmed. And most importantly.... They are entering the realm of ordinary people. They can be injured." reported George.

"Send more troops and George, take Kian and go in the opposite direction make sure it's safe there then go help me. I'll go togethero ur troops to protect the common people." Sebastian said.

"And alpha, there are a lot of them. A mix of hybrids and a few packs that already know about Kei. Excuse me."

George left.

"I'll help you. It's time for me to join the fight." said Kei's father. Sebastian nodded. "Kei go to Sebastian's house and wait with your mother and sister inside."

"No dad, let me come along. i can help." asked Kei.

"No Kei, don't take the risk. Wait here."


"Don't argue with me, Kei." Kei's father said firmly. Kei sighed.


"And you Ian, stay here and take care of Kei. I leave Kei to you. Take care of him. I know you can." said Kei's father while patting Ian's shoulder. Ian nodded.

Kei's father and Sebastian go to the human settlement with an army of werewolves and several Knirers. Damian asked Knirer to help out.

"Come in Kei, I'll be on guard here." Ian said. Kei was silent. "Come on Kei." persuaded Ian.

"I feel useless." Kei complained.

"Don't say that, let's go in." Ian said. Kei nodded and entered the house.

Kei came to Damian who was standing with several Elders.

"Sir, is the portal ready?" Ian asked.

"Of course. I've gathered the strongest Elders to open the portal." Damian said.

"We will try to help because it concerns a lot of young people." said another Elder named Barnabas. Ian nodded.

"How much longer?" asked the old female Elder named Felicia.

"It's half past twelve. According to Kei's parents, Kei was born at three in the morning, which means three and a half hours." Damian said.

"Hopefully all is well." Augys said.

Sir..!! Sir..!!" Jake called who had arrived at Sebastian's residence. Everyone turned their heads.

"Jake? Is there a problem?" Ian asked when Jake got to his side. He still didn't answer and was still trying to catch his breath.

"Mr. Harris." called Jake once his breathing was steady. "Bian asked and followed him to the Moon Lykort pack."

"Pack Moon Lykort? What are you going there for?" Ian asked.

"Tania has been kidnapped. Bian and Kate are trying to save her." Jake said.

"Go Augys." Damian said. Augys nodded then immediately teleported.

"Are you all right?" Ian asked. Jake nodded.

"Where's the alpha?" Jake asked.

"They went to save humans. Go young man, help your alpha, do your duty as a gamma." Damian said. Jake nodded then went running and turned himself into a wolf again.

"Tania was kidnapped? Does that mean they know about Tania?" Ian asked.

"If Tania has to die for Kei, I don't think so. But if Tania can get in the way of all this, then they know. That's why they kidnapped her." Damian said. Damian saw the worry on Ian's face. Damian patted Ian's shoulder. "Don't worry."

"How can I not worry sir. Kei's necklace was taken, we were attacked by many parties which I believe was the work of that damn Ordovick who incited the alphas of the other pack. Then... The only last weapon was kidnapped while I couldn't do anything to help!! I'm really useless!!" cursed Ian. He was very annoyed with himself.

"Don't say things like that. You've done what you can, everyone else too. You are a strong and powerful beta Ian, you have to believe it. Now come in. Accompany Kei. Let us, the Elders and Knirers stand guard outside. " Damian said. Ian took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'll excuse myself." Ian said. Ian entered the house.

"Is he a beta?" asked Barnabas.

"Yes, beta from Kei." Damian said.

"I'm really confused by all of this. Kei is a descendant of Eros. Eros who changed the werewolf clan from what was originally only able to change during the full moon, now they can change at any time. But shouldn't Kei be the king of Lycanthrope? Why Ordovic?"

"Because jealousy and greed. He thought that by taking his brother's throne and killing his nephew he could change destiny. But instead he resurrected the creature." Damian said.

"I feel sorry for that girl, what's her name?" Felicia said.

"Tania, Tania Reynolds." Damian said.

"Yes, her. What a pity." Felicia said.

"Yes, it was fate." Damian said. The look on his face looked like he was thinking about something.

"Damian, are you hiding something from us?" Felicia guessed.

"Ahhh no, of course not Feli."

"Damian, I've known you for a very long time and I even know you better than yourself. I know the look on that face. Tell Damian, what's wrong? Is it about that kid? Kei?" said Felicia.

"No, no. It's about Bian. I'm worried about her." Damian said.

"What's wrong with her?" asked Barnabas.

"Entering the Temple of the Moon Goddess took her energy and magic and I knew she was up to something. I asked but she didn't say it." Damian explained.

"Is it because of Kei? I saw magic in his body" said Felicia.

"You saw it too?" asked Damian.

"Of course."

"Isn't that protection magic?" asked Barnabas.

"No, it's ancient magic. I just hope she doesn't do anything threatening herself." Damian said.

"Bian is a strong women Damian. I think she will be fine."

"Yes, I hope so."

"If Kei changes, there will be many who die tonight." murmured Felicia.

Everyone was silent, didn't speak anymore. They saw a flash like lightning in the sky, signaling a fierce battle was underway.



Knirer is an Elder/war army of mages, usually made up of well-trained young Elders.

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