
My Weird Life in the World of Metaphysics and High Sorcery

Fantasy -The World of High Warriors High Martial World Heart surging, infinite fantasies, swinging a thousand waves against the wind, a teenager's undefeated hot blood! In the age of the End of the Law, the Knight and the Trickster have revived, and the earth is already extinct. A watch passed down from his late parents allows Su Wu to travel to the past and future. Ancient traditions, taboos passed down by word of mouth, and skills that have fallen into the dust are revitalized. In the realm of Tantra, the mantras, offerings, and the shell of the ego are used to bind the Knight's tricky dharma; Within the Vesta Sect, the art of refining oil and weighing rice and deep-frying shenanigans ...... The fire is thus rekindled. The chaotic mystery of the present and the future is illuminated by the light of the fire ......

Sky_Amv · Fantasy
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Perfect Life Simulator

  Su Wu looked at the rain line outside the window and sighed silently, his mood was as somber as the sky outside.

  It was drizzling like today three years ago, and the news of his parents' death was delivered to his school on that day.

  Sitting at his desk, he picked up a watch.

  The watch is an old item, when I was a child, I saw my grandfather wearing this watch all the time, and later passed it to my father.

  Later, when his parents died, the watch came to Su Wu.

  He has always brought this watch with him, as a remembrance.

  The dial mirror was a bit yellow and fuzzy, but the metal bracelet still glowed brightly, and the needle under the mirror was not moving at the moment, stubbornly pointing to two fifteen o'clock.

  "How come it's not turning?"

  Su Wu frowned at the stagnant watch hand, after he rummaged through his parents' relics, this watch has been rotating, and this is the first time in three years that it has stopped rotating.

  Was it broken?

  Stifling his own thoughts, he twisted his finger on the handle on the right side of the dial and tried to turn it.

  However, the handle seemed to be welded to the dial, no matter how hard Su Wu's fingers worked, it didn't move at all.

  He was a bit anxious and increased his force.

  Coldly his finger wiped through the corners of the watch side, the original will not hurt the corners in his excessive force, directly in his finger abdomen cut out a small wound.

  Blood immediately seeped out, staining the dial glass red.

  Su Wu hastily drew paper to wipe the blood from the mirror - but without waiting for him to wipe it, the blood condensed into a droplet on the mirror, which swiftly seeped into the watch and landed on the watch needle.

  'Ta-da, ta-da, ta-da ...'

  The original stagnant and motionless watch needle turned again at that moment.

  It was as if it had gotten a boost from that drop of blood.

  The entire dial turned bright red, and then the bright red color dyed through the watch chain, firmly wrapping around Su Wu's wrist.

  He saw the second hand dyed in blood turn clockwise at a speed that was hard for the naked eye to reach, passing through one circle after another.

  The pointing of the minute and hour hands followed suit and changed rapidly.

  The watch hand was especially turning, and the apartment Su Wu was in was plunged into boundless darkness.

  A huge dial was suspended in the darkness, all the watch hands were pointing to the number '0', and a mechanical electronic female voice sounded in Su Wu's mind, "Welcome to the Perfect Life Simulator!"

  "You can consume Yuan Yu and choose to simulate your own life or the lives of others, thereby seeking solutions to many life problems!"

  "Currently only your future life can be simulated, will you start simulating?"

  That series of female voices impacted Su Wu's mind, and he saw that on the huge dial, the second hand was pointing to the number '1', and a display screen emerged next to the '1'.

  The Su Wu in the screen was sitting in front of his desk, and was looking at the empty palm of his hand frowning in contemplation.

  Was this the life he could currently choose to simulate?

  Where did the consumed Yuan Yu come from?

  How did the watch passed down from his grandfather turn into this so-called 'Perfect Life Simulator' now?

  Su Wu's mind was filled with chaotic thoughts.

  All of these chaotic thoughts were washed away when that electronic tone sounded, "You receive Yuan Yu and other rewards depending on your score at the end of each simulation."

  Su Wu listened to the electronic tone and suddenly thought of his parents' bizarre deaths, could it be related to this simulator?

  His heart skipped a beat and he finally made up his mind.

  --Maybe the answer to some of the riddles could be sought from this bizarrely appearing life simulator!

  "I'm going to start the simulation!" He sent a response in his mind.

  "Your Yuan Yu wallet balance of '5' has been detected, and the personal life simulation consumes one Yuan Yu."

  "Your first time using the Perfect Life Simulator, you can consume one Yuan Jade to obtain a random permanent talent, do you want to consume it?"

  Su Wu hadn't yet understood why he had Yuan Jade in his wallet, suddenly hearing the simulator's inquiry, he didn't hesitate and directly consumed one Yuan Jade to extract a permanent talent.

  No matter what game it was, in order to tempt players to spend, it would set the first recharge reward to be extremely overpriced.

  "Talent extraction in progress ..."

  "Extraction successful! You have obtained the permanent talent 'Calm (Green)'."

  "Calm (Green): you possess a cautious mind that stands out amongst the norm, the ability to carefully observe things around you in chaotic situations, and a certain amount of logical thinking."

  The moment this talent extraction was completed, Su Wu's mind suddenly cleared, and the many thoughts that were originally drifting in and out of his mind all calmed down, allowing him to scrutinize the current situation.

  The Calmness Talent is still only green in quality, does it mean that there are blue, purple, orange and other qualities on top of it?

  The talent extracted by the simulator not only worked in the simulation game, but also worked directly on his real self!

  "You can choose to consume a certain amount of Yuan Yu to bring items from reality into the simulation game, the options are as follows ..."

  There was only one pointer left on the huge dial, spinning rapidly at a moment's notice.

  And all the numbers around the dial turned into an item.

  Option 0: Your body (consume 10 Yuan Yu at the moment to experience the simulation in person, any gain or loss effect your body receives in the simulation is irreversible, and if your body dies in the game, it dies in reality as well)

  Option 1: Half a pack of paper towels.

  Option 2: A watermelon knife.

  Option 3: A crafted Han sword from a sword factory.

  Option 4: Three folding stools.

  Option 5: A set of cups.


  Densely packed options lined up around the dial, all of which were items from the room Su Wu was in in the real world.

  His gaze lingered on option 0 for a long time.

  This game was gradually exceeding his expectations, giving him the intuition that the life he was about to simulate might also be extraordinary.

  Other than option 0, all the remaining items required only one Yuan Yu to bring into the game.

  Even so, Su Wu didn't choose any of them in the end.

  He didn't have a lot of Yuan Yu, so he had to use it on a knife edge. Wouldn't there be things like watermelon knives, paper towels, or whatever in the game?

  As for bringing his own body into the game, that was even more impossible.

  How could one block all his retreats when entering the game for the first time. What's more, he didn't have ten Yuan Yu either.

  Su Wu saw the pointers on the huge dial rotate in a circle in turn, all pointing to the number '1'.

  The dial dissolved into dots of streams of light and dissipated, and a beep sounded, "Your future life has been loaded successfully!"

  It was still too dark to see in front of his eyes, and the scene that Su Wu was in seemed to be unchanged compared to just a moment ago.

  However, he listened carefully and did not hear the sound of rain outside the window.

  He tried to stand up and felt around in this dark space, bumping into the table in front of him, and then moved his feet against the edge of the table and felt a switch on one of the walls.

  Pressing the switch, the dark space was instantly illuminated.

  Su Wu saw two begonia-colored desks that were put together and pressed against one wall, with a few books stacked in the corner of the right desk.

  A laptop was closed and placed on the table.

  A notepad was placed on top of it.

  He slightly sidestepped his head and saw a one-person-high begonia-colored bookcase behind him, which contained many books that Su Wu was very familiar with, except that these books had grown layers of mold.

  All four walls bore yellow lines as if they were soaked in rainwater, and clumps of lime green mold spread along those lines to the periphery.

  "This is my room."

  "After all, I didn't move to clean up the room, it's normal that it would last into the future unchanged."

  "But why is there so much mold growing in the room? Is there a lot of rain this time in the future?"

  Su Wu's gaze skimmed over the window, but it was completely covered by thick wooden boards that were impervious to light.

  "Why are the windows covered so tightly?" He was a little strange in his heart.

  Taking a step to the desk, he looked at the desk calendar on the desk.

  The date that had already passed was crossed out with a red pen on the desk calendar, and the date that had not been outlined was displayed as 'April 17, 2030 of the Solar Calendar'.

  This date was exactly one week past the real date of reality.

  But Su Wu couldn't be sure that the time shown on the desk calendar was the correct one - he sometimes remembered to cross out past dates only after several days.

  He picked up the notepad on his desk and flipped through the familiar words page by page.

  After his parents died, Su Wu began the habit of writing things down.

  Not every day, but two or three times a week.

  This habit, which was originally of little use, became a wonderful tool for him to understand what had happened in the past period of time.

  April 10, '30.

  During the morning meeting on Monday, our supervisor asked us to turn on our cell phones and diligently check work group messages even on weekends.

  Oh, he thought so beautifully. Lao Zi bias not open.'


  Tomorrow is going to be Friday, and it was decided to go to the countryside for an overnight fishing trip after work on Friday.

  Wang Zhiyou asked the supervisor to go to a certain clubhouse for the weekend to dash around, the whispers happened to be heard by me, should I report them?''



  The weather seems to be so humid lately, a lot of mold has grown on the walls, and many of the books on the shelves are damp, and it's reasonable to say that this isn't the south, so is the air that humid?

  Remember to turn the books out tomorrow and dry them in the sun.''

  ''April 16th, 30 years.

  I heard that there were several murders in the neighborhood, and the murderer hasn't been found yet.

  I haven't inquired carefully about the exact location, and don't really know.

  I forgot to tan the book, so I'll talk about it next week.

  The mold on the walls is getting worse.'

  'April 18th, 30 years.

  The couple who lived upstairs died.

  I didn't dare to go around, I heard it was a horrible death, I'm sure I'd have nightmares if I saw it, right?

  The tenants on several floors were getting ready to move, and a long line of moving vans began to form downstairs... Should I change my place of residence as well?

  Is there something wrong with the construction of this room? It's been sunny for the past few days, why is it still moldy everywhere?''


  Smelled a slight odor of dead rats, but didn't find where the rats were.''

  Su Wu flipped all the way to the last page.

  The text on the last page didn't record the date, and a line was hastily written with a red pen: so many people have died recently, is the murderer really a human being?

  What was the meaning of this?

  What else could it be if not a person?

  A chill welled up in the bottom of Su Wu's heart.

  He closed his notebook, and before that chill in his heart dissipated, his nostrils suddenly smelled a strong and extremely strong odor of dead rats.

  An even more chilly aura then violently surfaced from behind him, quickly affixing itself to his entire back!

  What's going on!

  He hurriedly turned his head, and out of the corner of his eye, he only had time to catch a glimpse of a black shadow under his feet that suddenly stood up, and then a burst of intense pain accompanied by the sound of flesh and bones being torn and broken rushed to the top of his head!

  Su Wu looked down--

  A bloody hole blossomed in his chest.

  A black, ten-fingered palm that wasn't stained with a single drop of blood was writhing in front of his chest.

  Su Wu's eyes went black.